We have a dedicated forum for issues on the Aether Official Server here. Please do not create issues here for them.
Verify that nobody else has already posted the same issue. You can use GitHub's search bar to find similar issues using keywords.
Give your issue a concise title. The title shouldn't contain the whole issue, but rather a very brief description of the issue, such as "the Altar crashes the game when enchanting berries".
Now describe your issue in detail. Please provide specific instructions (videos and screenshots are allowed, as long as they are clear) on how to reproduce your issue.
If your issue is a crash, you must upload your
, along with any other relevant crash or log files to Github Gist (or any other text-uploading service, such as Pastebin) and attach the URL to your issue. -
Add anything else you find relevant or useful for developers/maintainers to know.
Be brave and hit that Submit button!