The upstream for this repository is the, which is the fork of the repository.
This document is the shortened version of the Intranet page about using the Git Subtree for tracking changes.
First, fork of the Weave Gitops repository must be synchronnized with the upstream. Below is the script snippet for doing this.
# Clone the repository if you haven't done it already.
git clone
cd weave-gitops-upstream
# Fetch the changes from the upstream repository, being the `weaveworks/weave-gitops`,
# and merge it into the `upstream-main` branch that tracks changes from the upstream.
git checkout upstream-main
git fetch --tags upstream
git merge upstream/main
# Find the latest non-rc tag in the upstream.
export upstream_latest_tag=$(git tag --sort=-refname | sort -V | grep -E "v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$" | tail -n 1)
# Push the changes and the latest tag.
git push origin upstream-main
git push origin ${upstream_latest_tag}
git checkout main
git merge upstream-main
git push origin main
git push origin ${upstream_latest_tag}
After applying the above steps, all the latest changes should be pulled.
Once the weave-gitops-upstream
has the latest changes, this repository can be updated with them. Below is the script snippet
for doing this.
# Clone the repository if you haven't done it already.
git clone
cd gitops-server-app
# For freshly cloned repository, or if you haven't configured upstream remote yet,
# add remote pointing to the `weave-gitops-upstream` and fetch changes from it.
git remote add -f --no-tags upstream-copy
git fetch upstream-copy refs/tags/${upstream_latest_tag}:refs/tags/upstream-${upstream_latest_tag}
git checkout upstream-${upstream_latest_tag}
# The `weave-gitops-upstream` keeps Helm Chart in the sub-dir, so we need to split it and its
# commits to the separate branch before we can use it for upgrading.
git subtree split -P charts/gitops-server -b temp-split-branch
# Prepare the upgrade branch.
git checkout main
git checkout -b upgrade-to-${upstream_latest_tag}
# Merge the previously splitted out branch with the Helm Chart.
git subtree merge --squash -P helm/gitops-server temp-split-branch
git notes add -m "upstreamSync:${upstream_latest_tag}"
# Generate `values.schema.json`. Bear in mind, the `schema-gen` plugin is deprecated,
# so use it with care. Also, when using this plugin you may notice sometimes the information
# is incomplete, which is not wrong, but may influence schema validation later on. An example
# of this is the `.ingress.hosts: []`. When empty by default, the schema will only tell us its an array:
# "hosts": {
# "type": "array"
# }
# Which is incomplete in a sense that Helm Chart actually expects certain fields to be present when array
# is field in. To mitigate this, fill in the array with some synthetic values, and then generate the schema.
helm schema-gen helm/gitops-server/values.yaml > helm/gitops-server/values.schema.json
# Push the changes to the upgrade branch.
git push origin upgrade-to-${upstream_latest_tag}
# Delete the temporary branches and tags.
git tag -d upstream-${upstream_latest_tag}
git branch -D temp-split-branch