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GraphQL Pagination

ghiscoding edited this page Dec 12, 2022 · 5 revisions

The implementation of a GraphQL Service requires a certain structure to follow for Slickgrid-Universal to work correctly (it will fail if your GraphQL Schema is any different than what is shown below).

NOTE Since this is still in beta testing, only the option (without cursor) is currently supported.


For the implementation in your code, refer to the GraphQL Service section.

Without Cursor (recommended)

Pagination without cursor, this is the simplest implementation and is what we use on our side. The query can have any of the 3 arguments:

  • first: integer representing how many rows of data to get from the start of dataset
  • last: integer representing how many rows of data to get from the end of dataset
  • offset: integer representing how many to skip

For example

  users (first:20, offset: 10) {
    nodes {

With Cursor (not fully supported yet)

Pagination with cursor, the query can have any of the 4 arguments:

  • first: integer representing how many rows of data to get from the start of dataset
  • after: pull data starting at cursor "x", where "x" is the last item cursor
  • last: integer representing how many rows of data to get from the end of dataset
  • before: pull data before a cursor "x", where "x" is the last item cursor

For example

  users (first:20, after:"YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjM=") {
    pageInfo {
    edges {
      node {
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