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Central Directory

Component Architecture

Central Directory Block Diagram

End User Lookup

End User lookup sequence diagram

Directory Endpoints

In this guide, we'll walk through the different central directory endpoints:

The different endpoints often deal with these data structures:

Information about various errors returned can be found here:


Register a DFSP

This endpoint allows a DFSP to be registered to use the central directory.

HTTP Request

POST http://central-directory/commands/register


Type Description
HTTP Basic The username and password are admin:admin


Field Type Description
Content-Type String Must be set to application/json

Request body

Field Type Description
name String The name of the created DFSP
shortName String The shortName of the created DFSP
providerUrl String The url reference for the DFSP

Response 201 Created

Field Type Description
Object DFSP The DFSP object as saved


POST http://central-directory/commands/register HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
  "name": "The first DFSP",
  "shortName": "dfsp1",
  "providerUrl": ""


Content-Type: application/json
  "name": "The first DFSP",
  "shortName": "dfsp1",
  "providerUrl": "",
  "key": "dfsp_key",
  "secret": "dfsp_secret"

Errors (4xx)

Field Description
AlreadyExistsError The DFSP already exists (determined by name)
  "id": "AlreadyExistsError",
  "message": "The DFSP already exists (determined by name)"

Get identifier types

This endpoint allows retrieval of the identifier types supported by the central directory.

HTTP Request

GET http://central-directory/identifier-types


Type Description
HTTP Basic The username and password are the key and secret of a registered DFSP, ex dfsp1:dfsp1

Response 200 OK

Field Type Description
Object Array List of supported Identifier Type objects


GET http://central-directory/identifier-types HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "identifierType": "eur",
    "description": "Central end user registry"

Register an identifier

This endpoint allows a DFSP to add an identifier associated with their account. When the identifier is retrieved from the Lookup resource by identifier endpoint, the url registered with the DFSP will be returned.

HTTP Request

POST http://central-directory/resources


Type Description
HTTP Basic The key and secret for the DFSP


Field Type Description
Content-Type String Must be set to application/json

Request body

Field Type Description
identifier String The identifier type and identifier to be created, separated by a colon
preferred String (optional) Sets the identifier as preferred, can either be true or false.

Preferred will default to true if it is the first DFSP added for this identifier, and will default to false if another DFSP already has been added.

If the current DFSP being updated is preferred and the preferred value is set to false, an error will be thrown.

Response 201 Created

Field Type Description
Object Resource The newly-created Resource object as saved


POST http://central-directory/resources HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
  "identifier": "eur:dfsp123",
  "preferred": "true"


Content-Type: application/json
  "name": "The First DFSP",
  "providerUrl": "http://dfsp/users/1",
  "shortName": "dsfp1",
  "preferred": "true",
  "registered": "true"

Errors (4xx)

Field Description
AlreadyExistsError The identifier has already been registered by this DFSP
  "id": "AlreadyExistsError",
  "message": "The identifier has already been registered by this DFSP"

Lookup resource by identifier

This endpoint allows retrieval of a URI that will return customer information by supplying an identifier and identifier type.

HTTP Request

GET http://central-directory/resources?identifier={identifierType:identifier}


Type Description
HTTP Basic The username and password are the key and secret of a registered DFSP, ex dfsp1:dfsp1

Query Params

Field Type Description
identifier String Valid identifier type and identifier separated with a colon

Response 200 OK

Field Type Description
Object Array An array of Resource objects retrieved

The returned array will contain one DFSP with preferred set to true. All others should be set to false.


GET http://central-directory/resources?identifier=eur:1234 HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "name": "The First DFSP",
    "providerUrl": "http://dfsp/users/1",
    "shortName": "dsfp1",
    "preferred": "true",
    "registered": "true"
    "name": "The Second DFSP",
    "providerUrl": "http://dfsp/users/2",
    "shortName": "dsfp2",
    "preferred": "false",
    "registered": "false"

Errors (4xx)

Field Description
NotFoundError The requested resource could not be found.
  "id": "NotFoundError",
  "message": "The requested resource could not be found."

Get directory metadata

Returns metadata associated with the directory

HTTP Request

GET http://central-directory

Response 200 OK

Field Type Description
Metadata Object The Metadata object for the directory


GET http://central-directory HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "directory": "http://central-directory",
  "urls": {
    "health": "http://central-directory/health",
    "identifier_types": "http://central-directory/identifier-types",
    "resources": "http://central-directory/resources",
    "register_identifier": "http://central-directory/resources"

Directory Health

Get the current status of the service

HTTP Request

GET http://central-directory/health

Response 200 OK
Field Type Description
status String The status of the ledger, OK if the service is working
GET http://central-directory/health HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": "OK"

Data Structures

Resource Object

A resource represents the information returned about an identifier and identifier type.

A resource object can have the following fields:

Name Type Description
name String Name of the DFSP
providerUrl URI A URI that can be called to get more information about the customer
shortName String Shortened name for the DFSP
preferred String Details if the DFSP is set as preferred, can either be true or false
registered String Returns true if DFSP is registered for the identifier, false if defaulted

DFSP Object

Represents a DFSP that has registered with the central directory.

Some fields are Read-only, meaning they are set by the API and cannot be modified by clients. A DFSP object can have the following fields:

Name Type Description
name String The name of the created DFSP
shortName String The shortName of the created DFSP
providerUrl String The URL for the DFSP
key String Key used to authenticate with protected endpoints. Becomes the username for Basic Auth. Currently the same value as the name field
secret String Secret used to authenticate with protected endpoints. Currently the same value as the name field

Identifier Type Object

Represents an identifier type that is supported by the central directory.

An identifier type object can have the following fields:

Name Type Description
identifierType String Unique name of the identifier type
description String Description of the identifier type

Metadata Object

The central directory will return a metadata object about itself allowing client's to configure themselves properly.

A metadata object can have the following fields:

Name Type Description
directory URI The directory that generated the metadata
urls Object Paths to other methods exposed by this directory. Each field name is short name for a method and the value is the path to that method.

Error information

This section identifies the potential errors returned and the structure of the response.

An error object can have the following fields:

Name Type Description
id String An identifier for the type of error
message String A message describing the error that occurred
validationErrors Array Optional An array of validation errors
validationErrors[].message String A message describing the validation error
validationErrors[].params Object An object containing the field that caused the validation error
validationErrors[].params.key String The name of the field that caused the validation error
validationErrors[].params.value String The value that caused the validation error
validationErrors[].params.child String The name of the child field
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
  "id": "InvalidQueryParameterError",
  "message": "Error validating one or more query parameters",
  "validationErrors": [
      "message": "'0' is not a registered identifierType",
      "params": {
        "key": "identifierType",
        "value": "0"