Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | string | Name of task | |
duration | int | Duration of task in milliseconds [1 minute = 60000 ms] | [optional] |
taskTypeId | string | Id for type of task e.g Call / Email / Meeting etc. | |
date | [\DateTime] | Task due date and time | |
notes | string | Notes added to a task | [optional] |
done | bool | Task marked as done | [optional] |
assignToId | string | User id to whom task is assigned | [optional] |
contactsIds | int[] | Contact ids for contacts linked to this task | [optional] |
dealsIds | string[] | Deal ids for deals a task is linked to | [optional] |
companiesIds | string[] | Companies ids for companies a task is linked to | [optional] |
reminder | \Brevo\Client\Model\TaskReminder | [optional] |