New features, fixed bugs, known defects and other noteworthy changes to each release of the Catena-X Portal helm chart.
- changed to new container images
- portal-assets: v1.7.0
- portal-frontend: v1.7.0
- portal-frontend-registration: v1.5.4
- portal-backend: v1.7.0
- changed PostgreSQL version of the subchart by Bitnami from 14.5.0 to 15.4.0 (subchart version updated from 11.9.13 to 12.12.x)
- set resource requests (based on recommendations from Goldilocks configured on consortia int env)
- removed deprecated ingress annotation '' and changed to ingress.ClassName
- portal-backend:
- enabled and extended config in particular for network2network (N2N) and onboarding service provider (OSP)
- updated bpdm api path
- enabled config of DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT
- set database healthchecks in default values file
- enabled and/or extended config in particular for activeDocumentTypeIds in the app marketplace and for network2network (N2N)
- aligned uploadActiveAppDocumentTypeIds config
- added delete and upload documentTypeIds config to appmarketplace
- adjusted parameter for mail templates
- adjusted the application activation login link relevant for mailing
- fixed escaping of secret values: quotes added
- updated k8s version and version to upgrade from for helm test workflow
- updated
- disabled upgrade step in helm test: due to major postgres upgrade the step inevitability fails
- improved helm-test: added debug option at helm install and step to check nodes
- Trivy scan: changed to no failure on high findings, as it should only fail if there is an error/misconfiguration
- added pull request linting
changed to new container images
- portal-assets: v1.6.0
- portal-frontend: v1.6.0
- portal-frontend-registration: v1.5.0
- portal-backend: v1.6.0
- enabled and/or extended config in particular for process identity, seeding data path and logging
- removed config for daps
- fixed helm test workflow:
- changed ct install to helm install due too long console logs with Serilog
- changed to new container images for portal-backend: v1.5.1
- changed to new container images
- portal-frontend: v1.5.0
- portal-frontend-registration: v1.4.0
- portal-assets: v1.5.0
- portal-backend: v1.5.0
- enabled config for portal-backend (auto-setup)
- enabled secret for interfaces to support new keys at upgrade
improved helm test workflow:
- enabled testing of helm upgrade from different portal chart versions via workflow dispatch
- enabled testing with different Kubernetes versions via workflow dispatch
updated code of conduct in leading and source repositories
- increased max_connections for consortia environments to 200 to avoid running out of slots, which was observed at upgrade
- added general recommendation to increase max_connections from default value (100 slots) in default values file
- changed to new container images
- portal-frontend: v1.4.0
- portal-frontend-registration: v1.3.1
- portal-assets: v1.4.0
- portal-backend: v1.4.0
- changed container registry to docker hub
- renamed checklist worker to processes worker
- enabled additional config for portal-backend
- removed provisioning-service from portal-backend
- added the option to enable healthchecks for portal-backend services
- enabled auto-deployment to consortia dev k8s cluster from eclipse-tractusx GH org
- remove obsolete image update workflows
- changed to v1.3.0 images
- enabled additional config for portal-backend
- enabled usage of existing secret values if secret exists: stops regeneration of random secret values at 'helm upgrade'
- stopped creation of the corresponding secret if database dependency is disabled
- upgraded workflow actions
- changed to versioned image tag for portal-migrations job in portal-backend
- changed to v1.2.0 images
- enabled additional config for portal-backend
- removed PORTAL_FRONTEND_URL environment variable for portal-frontend
- trg: added repo metafile
- changed to v1.1.0 images
- enabled additional config for portal-backend
- enabled apps and jobs to use config from the environment variables.
- enabled initdb configmap with custom db user creation, removed initdb container.
- set replica count from 1 to 3.
- moved pgAdmin4 in a separate helm chart.
- added checklist-worker job to chart.
- enabled option for external database.
- added rollingupdate strategy for apps.
- added option for resource management for apps.
- added livenessProbe and readinessProbe for frontend apps.
- added assign-pod-node: affinity-and-anti-affinity for apps.
- added for nodeSelector and toleration management for apps.
- added chart test workflow for lint and install.
- added documentation for installation and changelog.
- added product helm chart for portal, combining frontend and backend chart.
- moved repository to eclipse-tractusx.