A Javascript lib with common functionalities to use across different projects.
npm i --save @geostarters/common
Usage example with Svelte
import {GeoCommons} from "@geostarters/common/dist/commonjs";
const geoCommons = new GeoCommons();
Usage with ES6 modules:
import * as ICGCCommon from " @geostarters/common";
Usage with Commonjs:
const Utils = require("@geostarters/common");
Besides it, it is generated a single file package and its .map, using browserify:
- Uses documentation.js to generate a JSON file to be consumed by another package (see the documenting the code section) (TODO: Ingest it with @mapbox/batfish?)
- Uses eslint to perform static analysis in code
- Uses flow to check types (see the using types section)
- Uses jest for testing (see the writting tests section)
The documentation follows the JSDoc syntax.
To get started you can read the documentation.js start guide here or take a look at the provided example file here
Using flow provides a way to check for common syntax errors while calling functions. Flow provides a simple example of which kind of problems it can solve in their Type Annotations guide. There's also a list of annotations it supports there.
- The project uses JEST.
- test folder included
- build-dev: Creates a single file package with all the assertions intact to be ussed in browsers.
- watch-dev: Watches the source
- build-min: Creates a minified package with its map file and without assertions to be ussed in browsers
- build-unflow: Builds ready-to-use modules in dist by removing flow types
- build-react: Builds ready-to-use es modules in dist/es by removing flow types
- build-modules: Builds ready-to-use commonjs modules in dist/commonjs
- build-docs: Generates the documentation file
- lint: Checks the code linting
- lint-docs: Lints the documentation files
- test: Runs the static type checker and runs the tests
- test:unit: Runs the unit tests
- test-flow: Runs the static type checks
- test-cov: Runs the testing coverage
dist: Contains the built files generated by the scripts (dev package, minified package and map, commonjs folder and es folder)
src: Contains an index file that requires all the modules that should be exported and all the source files that compound the package.
test: Contains the unit and integration tests
Copyright (c) 2019 - Geostarters (MIT License) See LICENSE file for more info.