The package pyGeoTile consist of two main classes, namely Point and Tile. As already mentioned they allow you to convert various geo projections. The full API documentation could be found under
Example of the class Point.
from pygeotile.point import Point
meter_x, meter_y, zoom = -9757148.442088600, 5138517.444985110, 19 # meters in Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913
point = Point.from_meters(meter_x=meter_x, meter_y=meter_y)
print('Pixels: ', point.pixels(zoom=zoom)) # Pixels: (34430592, 49899136)
print('Lat/Lon: ', point.latitude_longitude) # Lat/Lon: (41.84987190947754, -87.64995574951166)
Example of the class Tile.
from pygeotile.tile import Tile
tms_x, tms_y, zoom = 134494, 329369, 19
tile = Tile.from_tms(tms_x=tms_x, tms_y=tms_y, zoom=19) # Tile Map Service (TMS) X Y and zoom
print('QuadTree: ', tile.quad_tree) # QuadTree: 0302222310303211330
- This repository is inspired from:
- Tiles à la Google Maps,
- Bing Maps Tile System,
- Showing pixel and tile coordinates:
- Mercantile: