This postgis docker container is based on the official postgres docker image version 9.5 thus using debian:jessie as underlying OS. It creates a database 'gis' owned by user 'postgres' and installs the extension postgis. Further on osmosis and osm2pgsql are installed to be able to merge multiple OSM-files and import the result with osm2pgsql to the database 'gis'.
build container:
docker build -t geofabrik/postgis .
run geofabrik/postgis container and remove it immediately after it is beeing closed
docker run --rm --name postgis -v /path/to/desired/import/data:/data/import geofabrik/postgis
run geofabrik/postgis container
docker run --name postgis -v /path/to/desired/import/data:/data/import geofabrik/postgis
- add "-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=super_secret_password" to set a password
- docker stop postgis
- docker start postgis
docker rm postgis
e. g.: docker run --rm --name postgis -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass -v $HOME/Desktop/import:/data/import geofabrik/postgis
Usage: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
-e, --env=[] Set environment variables
-d, --detach Run container in background and print container ID
--rm Automatically remove the container when it exits
-v, --volume=[] Bind mount a volume
The creation of this Open Source Docker container was sponsored by Siemens AG (Building Technologies Division).