NOTE: THIS HAS BEEN DEPRECATED. Use this instead. Integrates Facebooks create react app with Django :)
I set this up because it was SUCH a pain in the a** to set up a web application with all of the latest technologies. I created this as a boilerplate after much research and reading of blogs. For a detailed step by step for creating this project look here. Or you can just clone this repo and follow the local deployment instructions.
This is an example of a project that uses the following technologies:
- Docker with Docker Compose
- Django REST APIs
- ReactJS with Redux
- Webpack module bundler and Hot Reloading (Uses React Hot Reloader 3!)
- Karma with Mocha for JavaScript unit tests
git clone
In my opinion, this is the easiest way to get up and running.
make docker-build-dev
make docker-up-dev
Visit http://localhost:8000. You should see Hello World!. You should now see the application running locally! Also this project is set up to use hot reloading, so you can see your changes to React components live ;)
If you want to a non dockerized development environment
1. Set up a virtual environment - Quick Guide to Virtual Environments
pyenv virtualenv [name_of_venv]
npm install
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
Quick Guide for installing PostgreSQL on MacOSX
Open a terminal window and run:
npm run watch
Before you run python run:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=django_config.settings.local
Or alternatively, you can just add --settings=django_config.settings.local
to any python
command you run.
Open another terminal window and run:
python migrate
python runserver
Visit http://localhost:8000. You should see Hello World!. You should now see the application running locally! Also this project is set up to use hot reloading, so you can see your changes to React components live ;)
- Docker 1.12.1
- Docker compose 1.8.0
- Django 1.10.2
- Django REST Framework 3.4.7
- ReactJS 15.3.2
- Redux 3.6.0
- PostgreSQL 9.6.0
- NodeJS 6.7.0
- NPM 3.10.7
- Webpack 1.13.2
- Gist on setting up Django + ReactJS project
- Learn Redux from the Creator!
- More from Dan
- Dockerizing Django projects
- Owais Lane Blog Post on Django + ReactJS with Webpack
- Extension of Owais Lane's blog post
- YouTube Playlist on Django Rest Framework
- YouTube Playlist on ReactJS/Redux
- fullstackpython
- Write your first Django App
- Quick Django tutorial
- Django REST framework
- Using React with Django, with a little help from Webpack
- Hot Module Replacement with Webpack
- Example of React Hot Reloader 3