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Timur Gafarov edited this page Jan 16, 2014 · 18 revisions

class SuperImage

Defines generalized interface of an image that abstracts from specific pixel format. It is recommended to use SuperImage when implementing new filters.


  • uint width - width of an image in pixels
  • uint height - height of an image in pixels
  • uint channels - number of channels per pixel
  • uint bitDepth - bits per channel
  • uint pixelSize - size of a pixel in bytes
  • PixelFormat pixelFormat - pixel format
  • ubyte[] data - raw pixel data
  • auto row - a range that represents 0..width (a row)
  • auto col - a range that represents 0..height (a column)
  • float progress - a value ranging from 0 to 1 that represents processing persentage


  • SuperImage dup() - create a copy of the image
  • SuperImage createSameFormat(uint w, uint h) - create an image of the same format and with specified width and height
  • void updateProgress() - make one processing step (increase progress)
  • void resetProgress() - reset progress to 0


  • Color4f opIndex(int x, int y) - read a pixel with square bracket syntax (e.g. color = img[x, y])
  • Color4f opIndexAssign(Color4f c, int x, int y) - write a pixel with square bracket syntax (e.g. img[x, y] = color)
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