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Metaclasses in Dart

Contact information

  1. Gilad Bracha.

  2. [email protected].



Currently all classes in Dart have the same (meta)class: Type. Type has very limited capabilities. It was designed to serve as a key for the mirror system and very little else. As anticipated in the original design document, requests keep coming in for more features. I think it is time we started to address these.

I propose that the type object for a class C have implicitly defined instance methods corresponding to the static methods (including getters and setters) and constructors of C. For each static method sm, an instance method of the same name, with the same signature, is defined, which simply forwards the call to the static method sm. For each named constructor k, an instance method of the same name, with the same signature, is defined. This method returns the result of calling the constructor via new.

Since the named constructors, static methods and instance methods cannot conflict, there is no risk of these synthetic methods conflicting with the existing instance methods of Type, which are all inherited from Object, or with each other. The anonymous constructor should be represented by a method called new; since new is a reserved word, no conflicts arise here either.

The above implies that every Type object is an instance of its own metaclass and that metaclasses do not mirror the inheritance hierarchy. Each metaclass is a direct subclass of Type.

Since each instantiation of a generic has its own Type object, each one also has its own metaclass.

Every class C induces two types. The instance type, referred to by the name C, is the type that already exists in Dart. This proposal introduces the notion of a class type. The class type is written C.class (again, since class is a reserved word, there is no conflict with existing members). The members of C.class have the the above defined methods of the metaclass of C. C.class is an interface type as usual in Dart, and can be implemented but not extended.

Note: one can now do constructor tear-offs using the normal tear-off mechanism. There is the overhead of indirection, which presumably will be inlined away if it matters. Likewise, if we have type variables, one can write instead of the illegal new T().


People need to abstract over the operation of creating an instance of a class. In principle, this is quite straightforward, as all one needs to do is to define a closure for this purpose and pass it around. And yet users find this to be annoying or challenging.

See for example

We have also heard similar requests from internal customers at Google.

The restrictions on the the use of Type values confuse people. It is very intuitive to be able to pass classes as parameters and use them as classes. A related point is the chronic desire to write new T() where T is a type parameter to a generic. See

The current state of affairs leads to an ugly wart, where parentheses can change the meaning of an expression. Compare:

C.staticMethod() as opposed to (C).staticMethod(). The former is a static method call, while the latter is an instance method call an instance of Type. Consequently, it fails. This sort of situation is confusing to users; understanding the difference is subtle.


  • Simple

  • Eliminates some scenarios where users might otherwise need to use reflection.

  • Provides a more elegant solution than constructor tear-offs.

  • No syntax changes are needed.

  • Addresses perceived needs, as evidenced by submitted bugs.


  • This does double the number of class objects in runtime as each declared class introduces its own metaclass. Perhaps these can be generated lazily.

  • People may choose to use instead of new C(), even when the latter is legal. In other words, there would be two ways of doing the same thing, which is regrettable. Also, some may object on grounds of style. This could be mitigated by defining new e(args) as I would prefer not to go that route, but it may have some merit in that the obvious, naive thing just works.

  • Does not allow the use const constructors to create constant objects.

  • Does not give an easy way to refer to parameterized types as expressions, e.g., Type t = List<T>;. That is a separate issue.

  • May have negative impact on tree-shaking, leading to increased size of applications deployed via Javascript. Initial studies indicate this effect is minor.


See the bugs.

class A {

class B<T> {
  T GetBySmth() {
    return; // could even be new T() if we went that far

void main() {
  var b = new B<A>();
  var x = b.GetBySmth();
  assert(x is B);

Now, in the case where we want to be type safe we could write

class B<T extends A class extends A.class> {
  T GetBySmth() {
    return; // could even be new T() if we went that far

However, this is still less useful than it might seem, since even if C is a subtype of A, C.class is not a subtype of A.class. It should not be, since neither statics nor constructors are inherited. So to be more generally useful, one would need to define the desired interface that we need to use, say

abstract class HasNullaryAnonymousConstructor {
  static HasNullaryAnonymousConstructor();

and then we'd need to somehow state that A.class implements HasAnonymousConstructor. Our options are to add some sort of implements clause for the class, such as

class A class implements HasAnonymousConstructor {

or we could go with a structural approach instead. We could use this in

class B<T extends A class extends HasNullaryAnonymousConstructor> {
  T GetBySmth() {
    return; // could even be new T() if we went that far


The basic proposal is described above.


Language specification changes

Commentary on the specification is given in italics. Rationale is in bold. Deleted sections are struck out.

The specification already states that Type objects have members corresponding to the static members of a type. However, access to them is disallowed. The necessary spec changes are mainly about removing these restrictions, and introducing the concept of a metaclass type. In addition, the spec neglected to incorporate members that correspond to constructors, so the following text must be added to section 10.6, Constructors:

The declaration of a constructor named m in class C has the effect of adding an instance method with the same name and signature to the Type object for class C that, when run, returns the result of evaluating new C.m with the same arguments the instance method was called with.

Because each generic instantiation has its own metaclass, type arguments are already included in C.

The declaration of an anonymous constructorin class C has the effect of adding an instance method with the same name and signature to the Type object for class C that, when run, returns the result of evaluating new C with the same arguments the instance method was called with.

I propose to add a dedicated subsection, 10.11, to the section on classes.

10.11 Metaclasses

At runtime, every class is associated with its own metaclass.

** Each class C has a metaclass, because the Type object representing C has specific behavior corresponding to its constructors and static getters (10.2), setters (10.3), and methods (10.7).**

Here we speak of classes as runtime objects, distinct from class declarations. The distinction matters with respect to generics, where a single declaration introduces an entire family of runtime classes. It is helpful to recall that every object has a particular class at runtime; this class might in fact be an instantiation of a generic class declaration, e.g., List<int>; in any event, each such class has its own unique metaclass.

Let C be a class:

The metaclass of C has a single instance, the unique instance of Type associated with C. The type of C may be referred to as C.class, where C is a type literal.

All metaclasses are direct subclasses of class Type.

In particular, the metaclass of class Type, Type.class, is a direct subclass of Type.

It is a compile time error to extend a metaclass. All metaclasses are instances of class Metaclass.

Metaclass itself is a class, and as such it is an instance of Metaclass.class which is in turn an instance of Metaclass.

This circularity resolves what would otherwise be an infinite regress.

#####10.11.1 Metaclass Superinterfaces


14 Generics

A class declaration (10) or type alias (19.3.1) G may be generic, that is, G may have formal type parameters declared. A generic declaration induces a family of declarations, one for each set of actual type parameters provided in the program.

metadata identifier (extends type)? (class extends type)?

‘<’ typeParameter (‘,’ typeParameter)* ‘>’ ;

A type parameter T may be suffixed with an extends clause that specifies the upper bound for T. If no extends clause is present, the upper bound is Object.

A type parameter T may be suffixed with an extends class clause that specifies the upper bound for T.class. If no extends class clause is present, the upper bound is Type.

It is a static type warning if a type parameter is a supertype of its upper bound. It is a static type warning if a type parameter's class is a supertype of its upper bound. The bounds of type variables are a form of type annotation and have no effect on execution in production mode.

Rest of section 14 is unchanged.

In addition, the restrictions disallowing access to metaclass members must be removed from sections 16.17.1, 16.18, 16.19

16.17.1 Ordinary Invocation

An ordinary method invocation i has the form o.m(a1,...,an,xn+1 : an+1,...,xn+k : an+k.

Evaluation of an ordinary method invocation i of the form o.m(a1,...,an,xn+1 : an+1,...,xn+k : an+k) proceeds as follows:

First, the expression o is evaluated to a value vo. Next, the argument list (a1, . . . , an, xn+1 : an+1, . . . , xn+k : an+k) is evaluated yielding actual argument objects o1,...,on+k. Let f be the result of looking up (16.15.1) method m in vo with respect to the current library L.

Let p1 . . . ph be the required parameters of f, let p1 . . . pm be the positional parameters of f and let ph+1, . . . , ph+l be the optional parameters declared by f.

We have an argument list consisting of n positional arguments and k named arguments. We have a function with h required parameters and l optional parameters. The number of positional arguments must be at least as large as the number of required parameters, and no larger than the number of positional parameters. All named arguments must have a corresponding named parameter.

If n < h, or n > m, the method lookup has failed. Furthermore, each xi, n + 1 ≤ i ≤ n + k, must have a corresponding named parameter in the set {pm+1,...,ph+l} or the method lookup also fails.~~ If vo is an instance of Type but o is not a constant type literal, then if m is a method that forwards (9.1) to a static method, method lookup fails.~~ Otherwise method lookup has succeeded.

If the method lookup succeeded, the body of f is executed with respect to the bindings that resulted from the evaluation of the argument list, and with this bound to vo. The value of i is the value returned after f is executed.

If the method lookup has failed, then let g be the result of looking up getter (16.15.2) m in vo with respect to L.~~ If vo is an instance of Type but o is not a constant type literal, then if g is a getter that forwards to a static getter, getter lookup fails.~~ If the getter lookup succeeded, let vg be the value of the getter invocation o.m. Then the value of i is the result of invoking the static method Function.apply() with arguments v.g, [o1, . . . , on], {xn+1 : on+1, . . . , xn+k : on+k}.

If getter lookup has also failed, then a new instance im of the predefined class Invocation is created, such that :

  • im.isMethod evaluates to true.

  • im.memberName evaluates to ’m’.

  • im.positionalArguments evaluates to an immutable list with the same values as [o1,...,on].

  • im.namedArguments evaluates to an immutable map with the same keys and values as {xn+1 : on+1, . . . , xn+k : on+k}.

Then the method noSuchMethod() is looked up in vo and invoked with argument im, and the result of this invocation is the result of evaluating i. However, if the implementation found cannot be invoked with a single positional argument, the implementation of noSuchMethod() in class Object is invoked on vo with argument im′, where im′ is an instance of Invocation such that :

  • im.isMethod evaluates to true.

  • im.memberName evaluates to noSuchMethod.

  • im.positionalArguments evaluates to an immutable list whose sole element is im.

  • im.namedArguments evaluates to to the value of const {}.

and the result of the latter invocation is the result of evaluating i.

It is possible to bring about such a situation by overriding noSuchMethod() with the wrong number of arguments:

class Perverse { noSuchMethod(x,y) => x + y; }
new Perverse.unknownMethod();

Notice that the wording carefully avoids re-evaluating the receiver o and the arguments ai.

Let T be the static type of o. It is a static type warning if T does not have an accessible (6.2) instance member named m unless either: T or a superinterface of T is annotated with an annotation denoting a constant identical to the constant @proxy defined in dart:core. Or T is Type, e is a constant type literal and the class corresponding to e has a static getter named m.

If T.m exists, it is a static type warning if the type F of T.m may not be assigned to a function type. If T.m does not exist, or if F is not a function type, the static type of i is dynamic; otherwise the static type of i is the declared return type of F. It is a compile-time error to invoke any of the methods of class Object on a prefix object (18.1) or on a constant type literal that is immediately followed by the token ‘.’.

16.18 Property Extraction

Property extraction allows for a member of an object to be concisely extracted from the object. A property extraction can be either:

  1. A closurization (16.18.1) which allows a method to be treated as if it were a getter for a function valued object. Or
  2. A getter invocation which returns the result of invoking of a getter method.

Evaluation of a property extraction i of the form e.m proceeds as follows:

First, the expression e is evaluated to an object o. Let f be the result of looking up (16.15.1) method (10.1) m in o with respect to the current library L. If o is an instance of Type but e is not a constant type literal, then if m is a method that forwards (9.1) to a static method, method lookup fails. If method lookup succeeds and f is a concrete method then i evaluates to the closurization of o.m.

Otherwise, i is a getter invocation, and the getter function (10.2) m is looked up (16.15.2) in o with respect to L. If o is an instance of Type but e is not a constant type literal, then if m is a getter that forwards to a static getter, getter lookup fails. Otherwise, the body of m is executed with this bound to o. The value of i is the result returned by the call to the getter function.

If the getter lookup has failed, then a new instance im of the predefined class Invocation is created, such that :

  • im.isGetter evaluates to true.

  • im.memberName evaluates to ’m’.

  • im.positionalArguments evaluates to const [].

  • im.namedArguments evaluates to const {}.

Then the method noSuchMethod() is looked up in o and invoked with argument im, and the result of this invocation is the result of evaluating i. However, if the implementation found cannot be invoked with a single positional argument, the implementation of noSuchMethod() in class Object is invoked on o with argument im′, where im′ is an instance of Invocation such that :

  • im.isMethod evaluates to true.

  • im.memberName evaluates to noSuchMethod.

  • im.positionalArguments evaluates to an immutable list whose sole element is im.

  • im.namedArguments evaluates to to the value of const {}.

and the result of the latter invocation is the result of evaluating i.

It is a compile-time error if m is a member of class Object and e is either a prefix object (18.1)or a constant type literal.

This precludes int.toString but not (int).toString because in the latter case, e is a parenthesized expression.

Let T be the static type of e. It is a static type warning if T does not have a method or getter named m unless either: T or a superinterface of T is annotated with an annotation denoting a constant identical to the constant @proxy defined in dart:core.Or * T is Type, e is a constant type literal and the class corresponding to e has a static method or getter named m.

If i is a getter invocation, the static type of i is:

  • The declared return type of T.m, if T.m exists.

* The declared return type of m, if T is Type, e is a constant type literal and the class corresponding to e has a static method or getter named m.

  • The type dynamic otherwise.

If i is a closurization, its static type is as described in section 16.18.1.

**Rest of Section Unchanged **

16.19 Assignment

The section that changes is:

Evaluation of an assignment of the form e1.v = e2 proceeds as follows:

The expression e1 is evaluated to an object o1. Then, the expression e2 is evaluated to an object o2. Then, the setter v = is looked up (16.15.2) in o1 with respect to the current library.If o1 is an instance of Type but e1 is not a constant type literal, then if v = is a setter that forwards (9.1) to a static setter, setter lookup fails. Otherwise, tThe body of v = is executed with its formal parameter bound to o2 and this bound to o1.

If the setter lookup has failed, then a new instance im of the predefined class Invocation is created, such that :

  • im.isMethod evaluates to true.

  • im.memberName evaluates to v=.

  • im.positionalArguments evaluates to an immutable list with the same values as [o2].

  • im.namedArguments evaluates to to the value of const {}.

Then the method noSuchMethod() is looked up in o1 and invoked with argument im. However, if the implementation found cannot be invoked with a single positional argument, the implementation of noSuchMethod() in class Object is invoked on o1 with argument im′, where im′ is an instance of Invocation such that :

  • im.isMethod evaluates to true.

  • im.memberName evaluates to noSuchMethod.

  • im.positionalArguments evaluates to an immutable list whose sole element is im.

  • im.namedArguments evaluates to to the value of const {}.

The value of the assignment expression is o2 irrespective of whether setter lookup has failed or succeeded.

In checked mode, it is a dynamic type error if o2 is not null and the interface of the class of o2 is not a subtype of the actual type of e1.v.

Let T be the static type of e1. It is a static type warning if T does not have an accessible instance setter named v = unless either: T or a superinterface of T is annotated with an annotation denoting a constant identical to the constant @proxy defined in dart:core.Or * T is Type, e1 is a constant type literal and the class corresponding to e1 has a static setter named v =.

It is a static type warning if the static type of e2 may not be assigned to the static type of the formal parameter of the setter v =. The static type of the expression e1.v = e2 is the static type of e2.

Evaluation of an assignment of the form e1[e2] = e3 is equivalent to the evaluation of the expression (a, i, e){a.[]=(i, e); return e; } (e1 , e2 , e3 ). The static type of the expression e1[e2] = e3 is the static type of e3.

It is a static warning if an assignment of the form v = e occurs inside a top level or static function (be it function, method, getter, or setter) or variable initializer and there is neither a local variable declaration with name v nor setter declaration with name v = in the lexical scope enclosing the assignment.

It is a compile-time error to invoke any of the setters of class Object on a prefix object (18.1)or on a constant type literal that is immediately followed by the token ‘.’.

In addition, we must update section 16.32 which specifies the static type of an identifier so that type literals are assigned the type of their metaclass.

16.32 Identifier Reference

One word change here:

  • If d is a class, type alias or type parameter T the static type of e is Type T.class.

A working implementation




Patents rights

TC52, the Ecma technical committee working on evolving the open Dart standard, operates under a royalty-free patent policy, RFPP (PDF). This means if the proposal graduates to being sent to TC52, you will have to sign the Ecma TC52 external contributer form and submit it to Ecma.