A python library for published data from artificial grammar learning or statistical learning studies. Data can be efficiently accessed in a structured way, for example to use them for (meta-) analyses.
You can easily add data sets by entering them in a file in a user-friendly format (YAML). See example here.
Current version is: 0.1.0
This library is in aplha stage, is not ready and not fully tested. It should not be used for research yet. If you are nevertheless interested in using if for your research, consider collaborating with the main author of the library (see contact).
A first attempt to documentation can be found here:
agldata depends on Python 3.6 or higher, and one external library (pyaml).
To install the latest release:
$ pip install agldata
To use the latest version from GitHub, I recommend working in Anaconda, in which case you could first create a separate conda environment, called, e.g. "agl":
$ conda create -n agl python=3.8 jupyterlab git pyyaml=5.1
Then install agldata from GitHub:
$ pip install git+
To switch to this new environment in a terminal:
Linux and MacOS:
$ source activate agltest
$ conda activate agltest
If you want to remove the conda environment later:
$ conda env remove -n agl
To add data from studies, see see for instructions on how to prepare data files. To get them merged into the library or to fix bugs/add functionality, it is best to use a the Github pull request workflow. It is described here:
copyright: | Copyright 2019-2021, Gabriel Beckers, Utrecht University. |
license: | 3-Clause Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.txt for details. |
Data from original studies has been entered by: Gabriel Beckers, Simon Buil.
Gabriel Beckers, Utrecht University,