A Kotlin app for structuring, analysing and visualizing the evolution history of a PostgreSQL database schema. Started as part of the PAV ITOpenSpace and is a work in progress.
The app can parse historical database schemas and identify the history of changes (schema modification operations) from a source schema version to another offering an interactive dashboard for visualization and further analysis.
Schema evolution and schema versioning techniques, deal with the need to retain current data and software system functionality in the face of changing database structure. The problem is not limited to the modification of the schema. It can affect the data stored under the given schema, and the queries posed on that schema (Wikipedia).
A directory named schema-evolution-history/schemas
is required for storing the historical schemas of the database.
The schema SQL files' names should be formatted as following:
template: <project-db-schema>_<date>_<author-name>_<commit-hash>.sql
example: project-db-schema_2020-04-15_gathineou_27ded297d461f5.sql
Spin up the required container: docker-compose up -d
You can build the app with Gradle: ./gradlew build
Once the application starts, a dashboard is exposed at: localhost:8080/dashboard
- Extract schema versions based on relevant commits
git log --date-order --date=short --format="%H,%aN,%cd" -- project_sql_migrations_directory/ > schema-changes-commits
pg_dump --schema-only > schemas/project-db-schema_"$date"_"$name"_"$commit".sql
- Parse each schema version and identify the modification operations (SMOS)
- On demand arbitrary schema comparison -> Identify SMOS as the changes introduced from the source to the destination schema.
- Retrieve history of a specific element (table or field)
Currently, we can identify the following schema modification operations:
- Kotlin
- JsqlParser: SQL statement parser. Translates SQLs in a traversable hierarchy of Java classes. (supporting PostgreSQL, Oracle, SqlServer, MySQL)
- Logic: Build history structure. Identify SMOS and build comparison logic
- Interactive dashboard
- Understanding the evolution history of a complex software system can significantly aid and inform current and future development initiatives of that system.
- Schema version control and changes introduced from a version to another in a more structure way as SMOS. Aim to improve the schema overview for easing development.
- Interactive history explorer and visualization of the schema components and history comparison among two arbitrary schemas.
- Understanding database schema evolution: A case study https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167642313003092
- VESEL: VisuaL Exploration of Schema Evolution UsingProvenance Queries http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2322/BigVis_9.pdf
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schema_evolution
- Schema Evolution in Wikipedia - Toward a Web Information System Benchmark. Schema Modification Operators https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220710372_Schema_Evolution_in_Wikipedia_-_Toward_a_Web_Information_System_Benchmark
- Automating the database schema evolution process https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257457826_Automating_the_database_schema_evolution_process