This repo uses PoolNet (cvpr19) as the baseline method for Salient Object Detection .
Res2Net is a powerful backbone architecture that can be easily implemented into state-of-the-art models by replacing the bottleneck with Res2Net module. More detail can be found on "Res2Net: A New Multi-scale Backbone Architecture"
Results on salient object detection datasets without joint training with edge. Models are trained using DUTS-TR.
Backbone | ECSSD | PASCAL-S | DUT-O | HKU-IS | SOD | DUTS-TE |
- | MaxF & MAE | MaxF & MAE | MaxF & MAE | MaxF & MAE | MaxF & MAE | MaxF & MAE |
vgg | 0.936 & 0.047 | 0.857 & 0.078 | 0.817 & 0.058 | 0.928 & 0.035 | 0.859 & 0.115 | 0.876 & 0.043 |
resnet50 | 0.940 & 0.042 | 0.863 & 0.075 | 0.830 & 0.055 | 0.934 & 0.032 | 0.867 & 0.100 | 0.886 & 0.040 |
res2net50 | 0.947 & 0.036 | 0.871 & 0.070 | 0.837 & 0.052 | 0.936 & 0.031 | 0.885 & 0.096 | 0.892 & 0.037 |
You may refer to this repo for results evaluation: SalMetric.
We will merge this repo into the official repo of PoolNet soon. We only modify the normalization of inputs of the PoolNet as follows:
normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
cd Res2Net_PoolNet/
Download the following datasets and unzip them into data
- MSRA-B and HKU-IS dataset. The .lst file for training is
. - DUTS dataset. The .lst file for training is
. - BSDS-PASCAL dataset. The .lst file for training is
. - Datasets for testing.
Download the pretrained models of Res2Net50 from Res2Net .
Set the path to pretrain model of Res2Net in
(line 55)
res2net_path = '/home/shgao/.torch/models/res2net50_26w_4s-06e79181.pth'
Set the
correctly. -
We demo using Res2Net-50 as network backbone and train with a initial lr of 5e-5 for 24 epoches, which is divided by 10 after 15 epochs.
- We demo joint training with edge using Res2Net-50 as network backbone and train with a initial lr of 5e-5 for 11 epoches, which is divided by 10 after 8 epochs. Each epoch runs for 30000 iters.
- After training the result model will be stored under
For single dataset testing: *
changes accordingly and --sal_mode
indicates different datasets (details can be found in
python --mode='test' --model='results/run-*/models/final.pth' --test_fold='results/run-*-sal-e' --sal_mode='e' --arch res2net
For all datasets testing used in our paper: 0
indicates the gpu ID to use
./ 0 results/run-*
For joint training, to get salient object detection results use
./ 0 results/run-*
to get edge detection results use
./ 0 results/run-*
All results saliency maps will be stored under results/run-*-sal-*
folders in .png formats.
The pretrained models for SOD using Res2Net is now available on ONEDRIVE.
- only support
- Except for the backbone we do not use BN layer.
Other applications such as Classification, Instance segmentation, Object detection, Segmantic segmentation, pose estimation, Class activation map can be found on and .
If you find this work or code is helpful in your research, please cite:
title={Res2Net: A New Multi-scale Backbone Architecture},
author={Gao, Shang-Hua and Cheng, Ming-Ming and Zhao, Kai and Zhang, Xin-Yu and Yang, Ming-Hsuan and Torr, Philip},
journal={IEEE TPAMI},
title={A Simple Pooling-Based Design for Real-Time Salient Object Detection},
author={Jiang-Jiang Liu and Qibin Hou and Ming-Ming Cheng and Jiashi Feng and Jianmin Jiang},
booktitle={IEEE CVPR},
The code for salient object detection is partly borrowed from A Simple Pooling-Based Design for Real-Time Salient Object Detection.