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266 lines (219 loc) · 9.8 KB

SystemVerilog Syntax Tool

verible-verilog-syntax checks SystemVerilog syntax, and provides some useful options for examining lexed/parsed representations. When troubleshooting Verible's SystemVerilog tools, start with this tool.

You can read about lexer and parser implementation details here.


usage: verible-verilog-syntax [options] <file(s)...>

  Flags from verilog/tools/syntax/
    --error_limit (Limit the number of syntax errors reported. (0: unlimited));
      default: 0;
    --export_json (Uses JSON for output. Intended to be used as an input for
      other tools.); default: false;
    --lang (Selects language variant to parse. Options:
      auto: SystemVerilog-2017, but may auto-detect alternate parsing modes
      sv: strict SystemVerilog-2017, with explicit alternate parsing modes
      lib: Verilog library map language (LRM Ch. 33)
      ); default: auto;
    --printrawtokens (Prints all lexed tokens, including filtered ones.);
      default: false;
    --printtokens (Prints all lexed and filtered tokens); default: false;
    --printtree (Whether or not to print the tree); default: false;
    --verifytree (Verifies that all tokens are parsed into tree, prints
      unmatched tokens); default: false;


The parser supports alternative parsing modes where a file is intended to be included in another context, such as module body items, and can be triggered with comments near the top-of-file like // verilog_syntax: parse-as-module-body.

Token Stream Example

The following code:

// This is module foo.
module foo(input a, b, output z);
endmodule : foo

produces the following tokens (shown using --printrawtokens):

All lexed tokens:
(#"// end of line comment" @0-22: "// This is module foo.")
(#"<<\\n>>" @22-23: "
(#"module" @23-29: "module")
(#"<<space>>" @29-30: " ")
(#SymbolIdentifier @30-33: "foo")
(#'(' @33-34: "(")
(#"input" @34-39: "input")
(#"<<space>>" @39-40: " ")
(#SymbolIdentifier @40-41: "a")
(#',' @41-42: ",")
(#"<<space>>" @42-43: " ")
(#SymbolIdentifier @43-44: "b")
(#',' @44-45: ",")
(#"<<space>>" @45-46: " ")
(#"output" @46-52: "output")
(#"<<space>>" @52-53: " ")
(#SymbolIdentifier @53-54: "z")
(#')' @54-55: ")")
(#';' @55-56: ";")
(#"<<\\n>>" @56-57: "
(#"endmodule" @57-66: "endmodule")
(#"<<space>>" @66-67: " ")
(#':' @67-68: ":")
(#"<<space>>" @68-69: " ")
(#SymbolIdentifier @69-72: "foo")
(#"<<\\n>>" @72-73: "
(#"<<\\n>>" @73-74: "
(#$end @74-74: "")

The token names (after #) correspond to description strings in the yacc grammar file; keywords are shown the same as the text they match. Byte offsets are shown as the range that follows '@'. The raw, unfiltered token stream is lossless with respect to the original input text.

With --printtokens, you should see whitespace tokens filtered out.

Concrete Syntax Tree Example

The following code (same as above):

// This is module foo.
module foo(input a, b, output z);
endmodule : foo

produces this concrete syntax tree (CST), rendered by verible-verilog-syntax --printtree:

Parse Tree:
Node @0 (tag: kDescriptionList) {
  Node @0 (tag: kModuleDeclaration) {
    Node @0 (tag: kModuleHeader) {
      Leaf @0 (#"module" @23-29: "module")
      Leaf @2 (#SymbolIdentifier @30-33: "foo")
      Node @5 (tag: kParenGroup) {
        Leaf @0 (#'(' @33-34: "(")
        Node @1 (tag: kPortDeclarationList) {
          Node @0 (tag: kPortDeclaration) {
            Leaf @0 (#"input" @34-39: "input")
            Node @2 (tag: kDataType) {
            Node @3 (tag: kUnqualifiedId) {
              Leaf @0 (#SymbolIdentifier @40-41: "a")
            Node @4 (tag: kUnpackedDimensions) {
          Leaf @1 (#',' @41-42: ",")
          Node @2 (tag: kPort) {
            Node @0 (tag: kPortReference) {
              Node @0 (tag: kUnqualifiedId) {
                Leaf @0 (#SymbolIdentifier @43-44: "b")
          Leaf @1 (#',' @41-42: ",")
          Node @2 (tag: kPort) {
            Node @0 (tag: kPortReference) {
              Node @0 (tag: kUnqualifiedId) {
                Leaf @0 (#SymbolIdentifier @43-44: "b")
          Leaf @3 (#',' @44-45: ",")
          Node @4 (tag: kPortDeclaration) {
            Leaf @0 (#"output" @46-52: "output")
            Node @2 (tag: kDataType) {
            Node @3 (tag: kUnqualifiedId) {
              Leaf @0 (#SymbolIdentifier @53-54: "z")
            Node @4 (tag: kUnpackedDimensions) {
        Leaf @2 (#')' @54-55: ")")
      Leaf @7 (#';' @55-56: ";")
    Node @1 (tag: kModuleItemList) {
    Leaf @2 (#"endmodule" @57-66: "endmodule")
    Node @3 (tag: kLabel) {
      Leaf @0 (#':' @67-68: ":")
      Leaf @1 (#SymbolIdentifier @69-72: "foo")

The N in Node @N or Leaf @N refers to the child rank of that node/leaf with respect to its immediate parent node, starting at 0. nullptr nodes are skipped and will look like gaps in the rank sequence.

Nodes of the CST may link to other nodes or leaves (which contain tokens). The nodes are tagged with language-specific enumerations. Each leaf encapsulates a token and is shown with its corresponding byte-offsets in the original text (as @left-right). Null nodes are not shown.

When --export_json flag is set, concrete syntax tree is printed as JSON object. See Parser tree object below for details.

The exact structure of the SystemVerilog CST is fragile, and should not be considered stable; at any time, node enumerations can be created or removed, and subtree structures can be re-shaped. In the above example, kModuleHeader is an implementation detail of a module definition's composition, and doesn't map directly to a named grammar construct in the SV-LRM. The verilog/CST library provides functions that abstract away internal structure.

JSON output description

JSON root is an object which maps each input file name to an object containing parsing result for that file.

Parsing result object

Key Type Description
tokens array List of Token objects, with whitespace tokens filtered out. Present only when --printtokens flag is specified.
rawtokens array List of Token objects. Present only when --printrawtokens flag is specified.
tree object Parser tree. Present only when --printtree flag is specified and parsing errors didn't prevent tree creation.
errors array List of Error objects. Present only when there were any errors.

Parser tree

The tree consist of Node and Token objects. The tree root is a Node object.

Node object

Key Type Description
tag string Node tag. See NodeEnum in verilog_nonterminals.h for available values.
children array List of children (Node and Token, or null).

Token object

Key Type Description
start, end int Byte offset of token's first character and a character just past the symbol in source text.
tag string Token tag. See Possible token tag values below for details.
text (optional) string Token text. Not present in operator and keyword token objects.

To get token text, either use text value (if present), or read source file from byte start (included) to byte end (excluded). Example in Python:

start = token["start"]
end = token["end"]

# Read source file contents as bytes
with open(source_file_path, "rb") as f:
    source =

# Get token text from source file contents
text = source[start:end].decode("utf-8")
Possible token tag values

Token tag enumerations come from the parser generator, with a few overrides specified in There are 3 types of values:

  • Named tokens (e.g. SymbolIdentifier, TK_DecNumber), which come from %token TOKEN_TAG lines.
  • String literals (e.g. module, ==), which come from %token SOME_ID "token_tag" lines.
  • Single characters (e.g. ;, =). They can be found using '.' regular expression.

Error object

Key Type Description
line, column int Line and column in source text. 0-based.
text string Character sequence which caused the error.
phase string Phase during which the error occured. One of: lex, parse, preprocess, unknown.
message string (optional) Error explanation.

Python examples and helper code

export_json_examples directory contains Python wrappers for verible-verilog-syntax --export_json ( file) and some examples.