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3/CMB1 - Flux Comms Message Broker Protocol

This specification describes the format of communications message broker messages, Version 1, also referred to as CMB1.

CMB1 is encapsulated in the ZeroMQ Message Transfer Protocol (ZMTP).

  • Name:
  • Editor: Jim Garlick <[email protected]>
  • State: draft


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


The CMB1 protocol provides a way for Flux utilities and services to communicate with one another within the context of a job. CMB1 has the following specific goals:

  • Endpoint-count scalability (e.g. to 100K nodes) through multi-hop overlay networks.
  • Overlay networks sharable by multiple Flux services and utilities.
  • Provide request-response (RPC) communication idiom.
  • Provide publish-subscribe communication idiom.
  • Handle common failure cases such as hard-hung brokers or crashed nodes, but OK to propagate errors to services when necessary to keep running.
  • Peer network transit latency of O(10-3sec) for small messages
  • Protect messages with strong crypto: privacy, integrity.
  • Fast codec, minimizing heap memory allocations


flux-broker is a message broker daemon for the Flux resource manager framework. A comms session is a set of interconnected flux-broker tasks that together provide a shared communications substrate for distributed resource manager services within a job. Services and utilities communicate by passing messages through the session brokers. There are four types of messages: events, requests, responses, and keepalives, which share a common structure described herein.

Event messages are published such that they are available to subscribers throughout the comms session. Events are published with a topic string attached. Subscribers register a list of topic string prefixes to filter the set of messages they receive.

Requests are messages addressed to a resource manager or broker service. A topic string identifies the service and method. A nodeid optionally identifies a particular flux-broker rank. Requests follow the ZeroMQ DEALER-ROUTER message flow, which builds a source-address route at each hop.

Responses are optional replies to requests. They follow the ZeroMQ ROUTER-DEALER message flow, which unwinds the source address route accumulated by the request, and uses them to select among peers at each hop.

Keepalives are control messages used by one peer to indicate to another peer that it is still alive when it is not otherwise communicating.


Rank Assignment

A node is defined as a flux-broker task. Each node in a comms session of size N SHALL be assigned a rank in the range of 0 to N - 1. Ranks SHALL be represented by a 32 bit unsigned integer, with the highest value of (2:sup:32 - 3).

The rank FLUX_NODEID_ANY (2:sup:32 - 1) SHALL be reserved to indicate any rank in addressing.

The rank FLUX_NODEID_UPSTREAM (2:sup:32 - 2) SHALL be reserved to indicate any rank that is upstream of the sender in request addressing. This value is reserved for the convenience of API implementations and SHALL NOT appear in the nodeid slot of an encoded CMB1 message.

A node’s rank SHALL be assigned at broker startup and SHALL NOT change for the node’s lifetime.

The size of the comms session SHALL be determined at startup and SHALL not change for the life of the comms session. [Dynamic resize will be covered in a future version of this specification.]

Overlay Networks

The nodes of a comms session SHALL at minimum be interconnected in tree based overlay network with rank 0 at the root of the tree.

The nodes of a comms session MAY be interconnected in additional overlay networks to improve efficiency or fault tolerance.

Service Addressing

A Flux service SHALL be identified in a request by a topic string, a set of words delimited by periods, in which the first word identifies the service, and remaining words represent methods within that service. For example, "kvs.get" refers to the get method of the kvs service.

Default Request Routing

Request messages MAY be addressed to any rank (FLUX_NODEID_ANY). Such messages SHALL be routed to the local broker, then to the first match in the following sequence:

  1. If topic string begins with a word matching a local comms module and the sender is not the same comms module attached to the same rank broker, the message SHALL be routed to the comms module.
  2. If the broker is not the root node of the tree based overlay network, the message SHALL be routed to a parent node in the tree based overlay network, which SHALL re-apply this routing algorithm.

If the message is received by a comms module, but the remaining words of the topic string do not match a method it implements, the comms module SHALL respond with error number 38, "Function not implemented", unless suppressed as described below.

If the message reaches the root node, but none of the above conditions are met, the root broker SHALL respond with error number 38, "Function not implemented", unless suppressed as described below.

A service may send a request upstream on the tree based overlay network by placing the sending nodeid in the message and setting the FLUX_MSGFLAG_UPSTREAM (16) flag. Such a message SHALL handled by the broker as if it were addressed to FLUX_NODEID_ANY, except that the message SHALL NOT be delivered on the sending node.

Rank Request Routing

Request messages MAY be addressed to a specific rank. Such messages SHALL be routed to the target broker rank, then as follows:

  1. If topic string begins with a word matching a local comms module, the message SHALL be routed to the comms module.

If the message is received by a comms module, but the remaining words of the topic string do not match a method it implements, the comms module SHALL respond with error number 38, "Function not implemented", unless suppressed as described below.

If the message reaches the target node, but none of the above conditions are met, the broker SHALL respond with error number 38, "Function not implemented", unless suppressed as described below.

If the message cannot be routed to the target node, the broker making this determination SHALL respond with error number 113, "No route to host", unless suppressed as described below.

Suppression of Responses

If a request message includes the FLUX_MSGFLAG_NORESPONSE (4) flag, the broker or other responding entity SHALL NOT send a response message.

Event Routing

Event messages SHALL only be published by the rank 0 broker. Other ranks MAY cause an event to be sent by first forwarding it to rank 0.

Payload Conventions

Request, response, and event messages MAY contain a payload. Payloads MAY consist of any byte sequence. To maximize interoperability, norms are established for common payload types:

  1. String payloads SHALL include a terminating NULL character.
  2. Structured objects are RECOMMENDED to be represented as JSON [1].
  3. JSON payloads SHALL conform to Internet RFC 7159.
  4. JSON payloads SHALL be objects, not arrays or bare values.
  5. JSON payloads SHALL include a terminating NULL character.

General Message Format

CMB1 messages are multi-part ZeroMQ messages.

CMB1 messages MUST include a PROTO message part, positioned last for fast access. The PROTO part includes flags that indicate the presence of additional message parts.

CMB1 messages MAY include a stack of message identity parts comprising a source address route, positioned first for compatibility with ZeroMQ DEALER-ROUTER sockets. If message identity parts are present, a zero-size route delimiter frame MUST be present and positioned next.

CMB1 messages MAY include a topic string part, positioned after route delimiter, if any. When the topic string part is first, it is compatible with ZeroMQ PUB-SUB sockets.

Finally, CMB1 messages MAY include a payload part, positioned before the PROTO part. Payloads MAY consist of any byte sequence.

CMB1 messages are specified in terms of ZeroMQ messages by the following ABNF grammar [2]

CMB1            = C:request *S:response
                / S:event
                / C:keepalive

; Multi-part ZeroMQ messages
C:request       = [routing] topic [payload] PROTO
S:response      = [routing] topic [payload] PROTO
S:event         = [routing] topic [payload] PROTO
C:keepalive     = PROTO

; Route frame stack, ZeroMQ DEALER-ROUTER format
routing         = *identity delimiter
identity        = 1*OCTET       ; socket identity ZeroMQ frame
delimiter       = 0OCTET        ; empty delimiter ZeroMQ frame

; Topic string frame, ZeroMQ PUB-SUB format
topic           = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / ".")

; Payload frame
payload         = *OCTET        ; payload ZeroMQ frame

; Protocol frame
PROTO           = request / response / event / keepalive

request         = magic version %x01 flags userid rolemask nodeid   matchtag
response        = magic version %x02 flags userid rolemask errnum   matchtag
event           = magic version %x04 flags userid rolemask sequence unused
keepalive       = magic version %x08 flags userid rolemask errnum   status

; Constants
magic           = %x8E          ; magic cookie
version         = %x01          ; version for CMB1

; Flags: a bitmask of flag- values below
flags           = OCTET
flag-topic      = %x01          ; message has topic string frame
flag-payload    = %x02          ; message has payload frame
flag-noresponse = %x04          ; request message should receive no response
flag-route      = %x08          ; message has route delimiter frame
flag-upstream   = %x10          ; request should be routed upstream
                                ;   of nodeid sender
flag-private    = %x20          ; event message is requested to be
                                ;   private to sender, instance owner
flag-streaming  = %x40          ; request/response is part of streaming RPC

; Userid assigned by connector at message ingress
userid          = 4OCTET / userid-unknown
userid-unknown  = 0xFF.FF.FF.FF

; Role bitmask assigned by connector at message ingress
rolemask        = 4OCTET

; Matchtag to correlate request/response
matchtag        = 4OCTET / matchtag-none
matchtag-none   = %x00.00.00.00

; Target node ID in network byte order
nodeid          = 4OCTET / nodeid-any
nodeid-any      = %xFF.FF.FF.FF

; UNIX errno in network byte order
errnum          = 4OCTET

; Monotonic sequence number in network byte order
sequence        = 4OCTET

; unused 4-byte field
unused          = %x00.00.00.00
[1]RFC 7159: The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, T. Bray, Google, Inc, March 2014.
[2]For convenience: the C:request, S:response, S:event, and C:keepalive ABNF non-terminals refer to ZeroMQ messages, sent by client or server, and built from ordered ZeroMQ message parts (frames). Other non-terminals are built from concatenated ABNF terminals per usual. Thus it is meaningful for delimiter, a message frame, to have zero length, since a zero-length message frame is valid ZMTP.