VS Code Markane extension can be installed from VS Code Marketplace or from Open VSX if you use VS Codium.
Other extensions recommended to use with Markane:
- Document Preview for previewing Pandoc Markdown with citations etc.
- Pandoc Markdown Syntax for better Pandoc Markdown syntax highlighting.
- Markdown All in One for checklists, some additional types of completion and more.
- Markdown Link Updater for updating link paths on file renames.
- Markdown Paste for pasting images from clipboard.
Personally, I've disabled all the built-in Markdown support in VS Code (vscode.markdown
and vscode.markdown-language-features
) as the above extensions replicate all the features from them that I need, but that is not necessary to use Markane. If you want to disable built-in extensions, you can find them by entering @builtin markdown
in the extensions search.
require('packer').startup(function (use)
use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'
use {'neoclide/coc.nvim', branch = 'release'}
After you've installed coc.nvim, run :CocConfig
command to open coc-settings.json
file, and then add the following configuration:
"languageserver": {
"markane": {
"command": "markane",
"args": ["lsp"],
"rootPatterns": ["markane.yaml"],
"filetypes": ["markdown"]
If you've never used coc.nvim before, it's also recommended that you look into it's example Lua configuration as it provides reasonable default keybindings for common LSP features.
Other plugins recommended to use with Markane:
- vim-pandoc-syntax for better Pandoc Markdown syntax highlighting