To enable quick test and validation of Apigee Hybrid on a Mac with 16 GB Memory.
brew install yq
brew install jq
brew install wget
brew install ca-certificates
brew install gnupg2
brew install helm
brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
terraform -help
brew install kubectl
kubectl version --client
curl -s | bash
Follow the instructions here to install Docker on Mac
Follow the instructions here to install gcloud cli on Mac
export INSTALL_DIR=<Install Dir where this source will be downloaded>
git clone
cd single-node-apigee-hybrid-install
export WORK_DIR=$(pwd)
export USER_ID=<gcp-login-email>
export PROJECT_ID=<gcp-project-id>
export BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID=<gcp-billing-id>
export ORG_ID=<gcp-project-org-id, if organization id is not available you can provide 'organizations/0'>
export ANALYTICS_REGION=<gcp-analytics-region, you can use 'us-east1' as default>
echo "all properties set..."
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth login $USER_ID --force
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
export TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
cd $WORK_DIR/scripts/
alias cmdscript="$WORK_DIR/scripts/ "
cmdscript --project-create
cmdscript --apigee-org-create
cmdscript --create-cluster
cmdscript --prep-install-dirs
cmdscript --install-hybrid
cmdscript --install-ingress
echo "K3D cluster running, logging in..."
KUBECONFIG=$(k3d kubeconfig write hybrid-cluster); export KUBECONFIG
alias ka="kubectl -n apigee"
alias ks="kubectl -n apigee-system"
alias wa="watch kubectl get pods -n apigee"
ka get pods
k3d cluster delete hybrid-cluster
gcloud projects delete $PROJECT_ID