Converts any Dolby Vision (Profile 5, 7 Single Track, 7 Dual Track, 8) / HDR10+ mkv to mp4 (DV4, DV5, DV8) compatible with LG OLEDs, Nvidia Shield and possibly more tested with Emby on LG 77CX, 48CX, 65C8
- autodetects source material and chooses proper workflow
- converting from any 5,7,8 DV profile to DV mp4
- converting from HDR10+ to DV8 mp4
- verifies HDR10+ metadata before conversion (lots of fake releases out there)
- converts any truehd, dts etc to high bitrate Dolby Digital Plus, copies without conversion supported tracks like ac3, eac3
- keeps audio/subtitle track delays in resulting mp4
- keeps chapters
- converts PGS subtitiles found to SRT subtitiles with PGSToSRT
- extracts all SRT/Subrip tracks to SRT files
- can inject subtitles into mp4 as subtitle tracks
- can create backup mkv with .asm extension (audio subs meta) that has the original audio (truehd etc) subtitles tracks, chapters but without video to safekeep for future comeback conversions to original mkv and not waste place as you can easily demux the mp4 video and mux it with that mkv to come back to original
- can filter and leave only desired language tracks
- MacOS support
- ffmpeg 4.4
- mp4box 1.0.1 - it's important to use this version otherwise script will fail
- dovi_tool
- hdr10plus_tool
- mediainfo v21
- dotnet6 for PGS2SRT conversion
- 3xSize of free space for file you want to convert
- jq, bc
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/ffmpeg4
sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/gpg-pub-moritzbunkus.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/gpg-pub-moritzbunkus.gpg] focal main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
wget && sudo dpkg -i repo-mediaarea_1.0-19_all.deb && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg mediainfo mkvtoolnix jq bc
tar -zxf dovi_tool-1.4.6-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
sudo mv dist/dovi_tool /usr/local/bin/
tar -zxf hdr10plus_tool-1.2.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
sudo mv dist/hdr10plus_tool /usr/local/bin/
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config git
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.0.1 gpac_public
cd gpac_public
./configure --static-bin
sudo make install
MP4Box -version # MAKE SURE IT SAYS 1.0.1
tar -zxf dotnet-runtime-6.0.10-linux-x64.tar.gz
sudo mkdir /opt/dotnet
sudo mv * /opt/dotnet
cd /opt
sudo apt install libtesseract4
sudo mkdir /opt/PgsToSrt
cd /opt/PgsToSrt
sudo wget
sudo unzip
cd net6
sudo git clone --depth 1
Download dvmkv2mp4 make it executable and move
chmod a+x dvmkv2mp4
mv dvmkv2mp4 /usr/local/bin/
Multiple installations are modifications are needed before being able to run the tool on MacOS.
In order to be compatible with other modules of the project you need to install the version 4.X.X of ffmpeg and not the last one. You can do this by running the command :
brew install ffmpeg@4
In order to use ffmpeg command or use ffmpeg@4
when using ffmpeg
command (instead of newer version maybe installed on your mac) you need to run the following commands.
If you are on macOS Catalina and later :
# Add ffmpeg@4 to PATH using redirection
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ffmpeg@4/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
If you are on older macOS versions :
# Add ffmpeg@4 to PATH using redirection
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ffmpeg@4/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Check your ffmpeg version :
ffmpeg -version
You should be in 4.X.X
brew install mediainfo
# JQ
brew install jq
brew install dovi_tool
Go to the last release to this date and download the universal-macOS zip (here it's 1.6.1) :
There might be new releases when you will read this and they might work but 1.6.1 works for sure.
Unzip the file to extract the executable file that should be named : hdr10plus_tool
Make sure your file is executable and move it to your /usr/local/bin
sudo cp ~/Downloads/hdr10plus_tool /usr/local/bin
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/hdr10plus_tool
MP4BOX is probably the most trickiest module to install, several steps are needed :
You need first to install XQuartz in order to be compatible with X11. Go to to download and install XQuartz for your Mac.
As mentioned before only v1.0.1 is compatible with the tool. To install v1.0.1 please execute the following steps :
# Clone the v1.0.1 version of the module
git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.0.1 gpac_public
# Go into the folder
cd gpac_public
# Build and install the module to your mac
./configure --static-bin
sudo make install
# When the install is successfull you can check the version and make sure it's 1.0.1
MP4Box -version
Go to Microsoft website to download the last .NET 6 runtime binaries :
If your mac is a M1, M2, etc.. choose Arm64
, if not choose x64
Only binaries are needed do not download the full sdk.
Then create a dotnet
folder inside your /opt
folder :
cd /opt
sudo mkdir dotnet
Then copy the binaries iside the .net runtime folder that you extracted from the tar.gz into the /opt/dotnet folder :
# Replace the folder in Downloads by the one you extracted
sudo mv ~/Downloads/dotnet-runtime-6.0.35-osx-x64/* /opt/dotnet
Create a PgsToSrt folder in /opt and then a net6 folder inside
cd /opt
sudo mkdir PgsToSrt
cd PgsToSrt
sudo mkdir net6
Download the PGS2SRT package : Extract the package and then navigate in your terminal to be in the extracted folder of the package :
# Replace the folder in Downloads by the one you extracted
cd ~/Downloads/PgsToStr-1.4.5
Clone the tessdata inside the folder
sudo git clone --depth 1
And then copy all the data in the folder to /opt/PgsToSrt/net6
sudo cp * /opt/PgsToSrt/net6
Download the release zip package : And extract it. In order to make it work you need to modify the Makefile in the folder. Replace first line with :
And last two lines with :
rm -f ionice ionice.1
Now you can run the following command in the ionice folder to install the module :
sudo make install
# Install package
brew install gnu-sed
# Make it executable as sed
Download dvmkv2mp4 make it executable and move
chmod a+x dvmkv2mp4
mv dvmkv2mp4 /usr/local/bin/
In directory containing Dolby Vision mkv simply run `dvmkv2mp4`it will process any mkvs found in that dir
-l | --langs - filter audio and subtitle tracks by lang comma separated if not hit by filter keep all tracks
-a | --asm - create audio-subs-meta mkv file
-r | --remove-source - remove source video after conversion
-s | --add-subs - add srt subtitles to mp4 as subtitle tracks
-d | --debug - keep intermediary conversion files
-v | --version - print version
dvmkv2mp4 -l und,pol,eng -r -a # will process mkvs found in folder keep only undefined, Polish and English tracks, will remove source file once done and will create audio-subs-meta file for future needs
The following section assumes that you installed Docker on your machine. For further instruction to install Docker follow the official site:
Currently the image works only on x64 Linux. Also note that the final image size will be close to 6 GB which is normal as it includes the Tesseract OCR models.
To pull the Docker image run the following command:
docker pull
The usage is similar to the normal variant but here you need to attach your folder where you would like to convert your files. You can also add the flags at the end of the command.
# docker run -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --rm -v <YOUR_FOLDER_PATH>:/convert dvmkv2mp4
docker run -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --rm -v /media/mkvvideos:/convert dvmkv2mp4 -l und,pol,eng -r -a
This example does the same which is mentioned in setion Usage.
- github action to build ready docker images for pulling
- on MP4Box fail rerun with -no-probe switch which works with stubborn releases
- helper scripts for Radarr, Sonarr to automatically run on import
- convert directly from Bluray bdmv mpls file (have it working in alpha state already)
- to @quietvoid for dovi_tool and hdr10plus_tool this whole thing wouldn't be possible without him
- to @szasza576 for dockerfile
- to makeMKV and avsForum for inspiration to work it out and put it all together
This is a hobby project created by personal need it could be A LOT better written (I hate those evals) but priority was to make it fast, I code a lot at work so I mostly choose to spend free time with kids and watching movies over this I have a life you know :)
Therefore I didn't have nor wanted to spend too much time on it so don't judge the code quality. I did some features for You though beta was working already fine for me, I wanted to give back something to community
PRs are welcome :)