Here you can find the different dali_data versions. Dali_data has its own version control. There are always two numbers: version a.b.
Ther first number (a) refers to the singing voice detection system generation used for retrieving the audio and finding the gobal alignmnet.
The second number (b) refers to improvements for solving local alignment or notes problems.
The definition of each version follows the standard presented at: Geoffroy Peeters, Karën Fort. Towards a (better) Definition of Annotated MIR Corpora. International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Oct 2012, Porto, Portugal. 2012.
Donwload it in here
The ground-truth in here --> update 12/11/2018
The definiton
Here's the paper
and the citation bibtex:
@inproceedings{Meseguer-Brocal_2018, Author = {Meseguer-Brocal, Gabriel and Cohen-Hadria, Alice and Gomez and Peeters Geoffroy}, Booktitle = {19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference}, Editor = {ISMIR}, Month = {September}, Title = {DALI: a large Dataset of synchronized Audio, LyrIcs and notes, automatically created using teacher-student machine learning paradigm.}, Year = {2018}}