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Grammar railroad diagram #50

mingodad opened this issue Dec 27, 2021 · 2 comments

Grammar railroad diagram #50

mingodad opened this issue Dec 27, 2021 · 2 comments
enhancement New feature or request


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After going through the CiParser.cs and writing an LL(1) grammar with a modified I've got it to generate an EBNF understood by to generate railroad diagram (

Copy the EBNF shown bellow and paste on in the tab Edit Grammar then switch to the tab View Diagram :

// EBNF generated by CocoR parser generator to be viewed with

// productions

Cito ::=  stmt* EOF
stmt ::=  ParseDoc? Public? ( ParseClass | ParseEnum | ParseNative )
ParseDoc ::=  DocComment ParseCodeDoc
ParseClass ::=  ( Static | Abstract | Sealed )? Class ParseId ( Colon ParseId )? LeftBrace ( ParseDoc? CiVisibility? ( ParseConst | ParseCallType? ( Void ParseClassMember | ParseType ( ParseBlock | ParseClassMember ) ) ) )* RightBrace
ParseEnum ::=  Enum Asterisk? ParseId LeftBrace EnumElement ( Comma EnumElement )* RightBrace
ParseNative ::=  Native LeftBrace RightBrace
ParseCodeDoc ::=  ParsePara ( Dot ParseBlock* )?
ParsePara ::=  ParseText ( CodeDelimiter ParseText )*
ParseBlock ::=  LeftBrace ParseStatement* RightBrace
ParseText ::=  ANY
ParseId ::=  ident
CiVisibility ::=  Internal | Protected | Public | Private
ParseConst ::=  Const ParseType ParseId Assign ParseConstInitializer Semicolon
ParseCallType ::=  Static | Abstract | Virtual | Override | Sealed
ParseClassMember ::=  ParseId ( ParseMethod | ( Assign ParseExpr )? Semicolon )
ParseType ::=  ParseExpr ( Range ParseExpr )?
ParseMethod ::=  ExclamationMark? LeftParenthesis ( MethodParameter ( Comma MethodParameter )* )? RightParenthesis Throws? ( Semicolon | FatArrow ParseReturnExpr | ParseBlock )
ParseExpr ::=  ParseCondOrExpr ( QuestionMark ParseExpr Colon ParseExpr )?
ParseConstInitializer ::=  LeftBrace ParseCollection? RightBrace | ParseExpr
ParseCollection ::=  ParseExpr ( Comma ParseExpr )*
MethodParameter ::=  ParseDoc? ParseVarType
ParseReturnExpr ::=  ParseExpr? Semicolon
ParseVarType ::=  ParseType ParseVarAssign
ParseVarAssign ::=  ParseId ( Assign ParseAssign )?
ParseAssign ::=  ParseType ( ( Assign | AddAssign | SubAssign | MulAssign | DivAssign | ModAssign | AndAssign | OrAssign | XorAssign | ShiftLeftAssign | ShiftRightAssign ) ParseAssign | ParseVarAssign )?
EnumElement ::=  ParseDoc? ParseId ( Assign ParseExpr )?
ParseStatement ::=  ParseBlock | ParseAssert | ParseBreak | ParseConst | ParseContinue | ParseDoWhile | ParseFor | ParseForeach | ParseIf | ParseLock | ParseNative | ParseReturn | ParseSwitch | ParseThrow | ParseWhile | ParseAssign Semicolon
ParseAssert ::=  Assert ParseExpr ( Comma ParseExpr )? Semicolon
ParseBreak ::=  Break Semicolon
ParseContinue ::=  Continue Semicolon
ParseDoWhile ::=  Do ParseLoopBody While ParseParenthesized Semicolon
ParseFor ::=  For LeftParenthesis ParseAssign? Semicolon ParseExpr? Semicolon ParseAssign? RightParenthesis ParseLoopBody
ParseForeach ::=  Foreach LeftParenthesis ( LeftParenthesis ParseForeachIterator Comma ParseForeachIterator RightParenthesis | ParseForeachIterator ) In ParseExpr RightParenthesis ParseLoopBody
ParseIf ::=  If ParseParenthesized ParseStatement ( Else ParseStatement )?
ParseLock ::=  Lock ParseParenthesized ParseStatement
ParseReturn ::=  Return ParseReturnExpr
ParseSwitch ::=  Switch ParseParenthesized LeftBrace ParseCaseStatement* ( Default Colon ParseStatement* )? RightBrace
ParseThrow ::=  Throw ParseExpr Semicolon
ParseWhile ::=  While ParseParenthesized ParseLoopBody
ParseLoopBody ::=  ParseStatement
ParseParenthesized ::=  LeftParenthesis ParseExpr RightParenthesis
ParseForeachIterator ::=  ParseType ParseId
ParseCaseStatement ::=  ParseCase ParseCase* ParseStatement*
ParseCase ::=  Case ParseExpr Colon
ParseCondOrExpr ::=  ParseCondAndExpr ( CondOr ParseCondAndExpr )*
ParseCondAndExpr ::=  ParseOrExpr ( CondAnd ParseOrExpr )*
ParseOrExpr ::=  ParseXorExpr ( Or ParseXorExpr )*
ParseXorExpr ::=  ParseAndExpr ( Xor ParseAndExpr )*
ParseAndExpr ::=  ParseEqualityExpr ( And ParseEqualityExpr )*
ParseEqualityExpr ::=  ParseRelExpr ( ( Equal | NotEqual ) ParseRelExpr )*
ParseRelExpr ::=  ParseShiftExpr ( ( Less | LessOrEqual | Greater | GreaterOrEqual ) ParseShiftExpr | Is ParsePrimaryExpr ParseId? )*
ParseShiftExpr ::=  ParseAddExpr ( ( ShiftLeft | ShiftRight ) ParseAddExpr )*
ParsePrimaryExpr ::=  ( Increment | Decrement | Minus | Tilde | ExclamationMark | New ) ParsePrimaryExpr | ( Literal | ParseInterpolatedString | LeftParenthesis ParseType RightParenthesis | ParseSymbolReference | ParseListType | ParseDictionaryType | Resource Less BYTE LeftBracket RightBracket Greater ParseParenthesized ) ( Dot ParseSymbolReference | LeftParenthesis ParseCollection? RightParenthesis | LeftBracket ParseExpr? RightBracket | ( Increment | Decrement | ExclamationMark | Hash ) )*
ParseAddExpr ::=  ParseMulExpr ( ( Plus | Minus ) ParseMulExpr )*
ParseMulExpr ::=  ParsePrimaryExpr ( ( Asterisk | Slash | Mod ) ParsePrimaryExpr )*
Literal ::=  intcon | floatcon | string | charcon | BoxedFalse | BoxedTrue | BoxedNull
ParseInterpolatedString ::=  interpolatedstring
ParseSymbolReference ::=  ParseId
ParseListType ::=  List Less ParseTypeTemplate Greater
ParseDictionaryType ::=  ( Dictionary | SortedDictionary ) Less ParseTypeTemplate Comma ParseTypeTemplate Greater
ParseTypeTemplate ::=  ParsePrimaryExpr

// tokens

Abstract ::= "abstract"
AddAssign ::= "+="
And ::= "&"
AndAssign ::= "&="
Assert ::= "assert"
Assign ::= "="
Asterisk ::= "*"
Break ::= "break"
Case ::= "case"
Class ::= "class"
CodeDelimiter ::= "`"
Colon ::= ":"
Comma ::= ","
CondAnd ::= "&&"
CondOr ::= "||"
Const ::= "const"
Continue ::= "continue"
Decrement ::= "--"
Default ::= "default"
Dictionary ::= "Dictionary"
DivAssign ::= "/="
DocComment ::= "///"
Do ::= "do"
Dot ::= "."
Else ::= "else"
Enum ::= "enum"
Equal ::= "=="
ExclamationMark ::= "!"
FatArrow ::= "=>"
Foreach ::= "foreach"
For ::= "for"
Greater ::= ">"
GreaterOrEqual ::= ">="
Hash ::= "#"
If ::= "if"
Increment ::= "++"
In ::= "in"
Internal ::= "internal"
Is ::= "is"
LeftBrace ::= "{"
LeftBracket ::= "["
LeftParenthesis ::= "("
Less ::= "<"
LessOrEqual ::= "<="
List ::= "List"
Lock ::= "lock"
Minus ::= "-"
Mod ::= "%"
ModAssign ::= "%="
MulAssign ::= "*="
Native ::= "native"
New ::= "new"
NotEqual ::= "!="
Or ::= "|"
OrAssign ::= "|="
Override ::= "override"
Plus ::= "+"
Protected ::= "protected"
Public ::= "public"
QuestionMark ::= "?"
Range ::= ".."
Resource ::= "resource"
Return ::= "return"
RightBrace ::= "}"
RightBracket ::= "]"
RightParenthesis ::= ")"
Sealed ::= "sealed"
Semicolon ::= ";"
ShiftLeft ::= "<<"
ShiftLeftAssign ::= "<<="
ShiftRight ::= ">>"
ShiftRightAssign ::= ">>="
Slash ::= "/"
SortedDictionary ::= "SortedDictionary"
Static ::= "static"
SubAssign ::= "-="
Switch ::= "switch"
Throw ::= "throw"
Throws ::= "throws"
Tilde ::= "~"
Virtual ::= "virtual"
Void ::= "void"
While ::= "while"
Xor ::= "^"
XorAssign ::= "^="
BoxedFalse ::= "false"
BoxedTrue ::= "true"
BoxedNull ::= "null"
BYTE ::= "byte"
Private ::= "private"

This grammar deviates a bit from the code flow on CiParser.cs but I think is good enough to give a global overview of Cito grammar
actually it recognizes almost all of test/*.ci:



	letter    = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_".
	oct        = '0'..'7'.
	digit     = "0123456789".
	nzdigit    = '1'..'9'.
	cr        = '\r'.
	lf        = '\n'.
	tab       = '\t'.
	stringCh  = ANY - '"' - '\\' - cr - lf.
	charCh    = ANY - '\'' - '\\' - cr - lf.
	printable = '\u0020' .. '\u007e'.
	hex       = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF".

	newLine   = cr + lf.
	notNewLine = ANY - newLine .
	ws         = " " + tab + '\u000b' + '\u000c'.

	ident     = letter { letter | digit }.
	floatcon = ( '.' digit {digit} [('e'|'E')  ['+'|'-'] digit {digit}]
		| digit {digit} '.' {digit} [('e'|'E')  ['+'|'-'] digit {digit}]
		| digit {digit} ('e'|'E')  ['+'|'-'] digit {digit}
		) ['f'|'l'|'F'|'L'].

	intcon   = ( nzdigit {digit}
		| '0' {oct}
		| ("0x"|"0X") hex {hex}
		) {'u'|'U'|'l'|'L'}.

	string    = '"' { stringCh | '\\' printable } '"'.
	interpolatedstring    = "$\"" { stringCh | '\\' printable } '"'.
	badString = '"' { stringCh | '\\' printable } (cr | lf).
	charcon      = '\'' ( charCh | '\\' printable { hex } ) '\''.

	Abstract = "abstract" .
	AddAssign = "+=" .
	And = "&" .
	AndAssign = "&=" .
	Assert = "assert" .
	Assign = "=" .
	Asterisk = "*" .
	Break = "break" .
	Case = "case" .
	Class = "class" .
	CodeDelimiter = "`" .
	Colon = ":" .
	Comma = "," .
	CondAnd = "&&" .
	CondOr = "||" .
	Const = "const" .
	Continue = "continue" .
	Decrement = "--" .
	Default = "default" .
	Dictionary = "Dictionary" .
	DivAssign = "/=".
	DocComment = "///" .
	Do = "do" .
	Dot = "." .
	Else = "else" .
	Enum = "enum" .
	Equal = "==" .
	ExclamationMark = "!" .
	FatArrow = "=>" .
	Foreach = "foreach" .
	For = "for" .
	Greater = ">" .
	GreaterOrEqual = ">=" .
	Hash = "#" .
	If = "if" .
	Increment = "++" .
	In = "in" .
	Internal = "internal" .
	Is = "is" .
	LeftBrace = "{" .
	LeftBracket = "[" .
	LeftParenthesis = "(" .
	Less = "<" .
	LessOrEqual = "<=" .
	List = "List" .
	Lock = "lock" .
	Minus = "-" .
	Mod = "%" .
	ModAssign = "%=" .
	MulAssign = "*=" .
	Native = "native" .
	New = "new" .
	NotEqual = "!=" .
	Or = "|" .
	OrAssign = "|=" .
	Override = "override" .
	Plus = "+" .
	Protected = "protected" .
	Public = "public" .
	QuestionMark = "?" .
	Range = ".." .
	Resource = "resource" .
	Return = "return" .
	//RightAngle = ">" .
	RightBrace = "}" .
	RightBracket = "]" .
	RightParenthesis = ")" .
	Sealed = "sealed" .
	Semicolon  = ";" .
	ShiftLeft = "<<" .
	ShiftLeftAssign = "<<=" .
	ShiftRight = ">>" .
	ShiftRightAssign = ">>=" .
	Slash = "/" .
	SortedDictionary = "SortedDictionary" .
	Static = "static" .
	SubAssign = "-=" .
	Switch = "switch" .
	Throw = "throw" .
	Throws = "throws" .
	Tilde = "~" .
	Virtual = "virtual" .
	Void = "void" .
	While = "while" .
	Xor = "^" .
	XorAssign = "^=" .

	BoxedFalse = "false" .
	BoxedTrue = "true" .
	BoxedNull = "null" .

	BYTE : ident = "byte" .
	Private : ident = "private" .

	PreIf = "#if" {notNewLine} newLine.
	PreElIf = "#elif" {notNewLine} newLine.
	PreElse = "#else" {notNewLine} newLine.
	PreEndIf = "#endif" {notNewLine} newLine.


IGNORE cr + lf + tab



Cito =

stmt =
	["public"] (
		| ParseEnum
		| ParseNative

ParseDoc =
	DocComment ParseCodeDoc

ParseCodeDoc =
	ParsePara ['.' {ParseBlock}]

ParsePara =
	ParseText {CodeDelimiter ParseText}

ParseClass =
	[Static | Abstract | Sealed]
		Class ParseId [Colon ParseId]
			[CiVisibility] (
				| [ParseCallType] (
					Void ParseClassMember
					| ParseType (
						ParseBlock //Constructor
						| ParseClassMember

ParseClassMember =
	ParseId (
		| [Assign ParseExpr] Semicolon

CiVisibility =
	| Protected
	| Public
	| Private

ParseConst =
	Const ParseType ParseId Assign ParseConstInitializer Semicolon

ParseConstInitializer =
	LeftBrace [ParseCollection] RightBrace
	| ParseExpr

ParseType =
	ParseExpr [Range ParseExpr]

ParseCallType =
	| Abstract
	| Virtual
	| Override
	| Sealed

ParseMethod =
			[MethodParameter { Comma MethodParameter }]
		RightParenthesis [Throws]
			| FatArrow ParseReturnExpr
			| ParseBlock

MethodParameter =
	[ParseDoc] ParseVarType

ParseVarType =
	ParseType ParseVarAssign

ParseVarAssign =
	ParseId [Assign ParseAssign]

ParseAssign =
	ParseType [
			| AddAssign
			| SubAssign
			| MulAssign
			| DivAssign
			| ModAssign
			| AndAssign
			| OrAssign
			| XorAssign
			| ShiftLeftAssign
			| ShiftRightAssign
		) ParseAssign
		| ParseVarAssign

ParseEnum =
	Enum [Asterisk] ParseId LeftBrace EnumElement {',' EnumElement} RightBrace

EnumElement =
	[ParseDoc] ParseId [Assign ParseExpr]

ParseBlock =
	LeftBrace {ParseStatement} RightBrace

ParseStatement =
	| ParseAssert
	| ParseBreak
	| ParseConst
	| ParseContinue
	| ParseDoWhile
	| ParseFor
	| ParseForeach
	| ParseIf
	| ParseLock
	| ParseNative
	| ParseReturn
	| ParseSwitch
	| ParseThrow
	| ParseWhile
	| ParseAssign Semicolon

ParseAssert =
	Assert ParseExpr [Comma ParseExpr] Semicolon

ParseBreak =
	Break Semicolon

ParseContinue =
	Continue Semicolon

ParseLoopBody =

ParseDoWhile =
	Do ParseLoopBody While ParseParenthesized Semicolon

ParseFor =
	For LeftParenthesis
			[ParseAssign] Semicolon [ParseExpr] Semicolon [ParseAssign]
		RightParenthesis ParseLoopBody

ParseForeachIterator =
	ParseType ParseId

ParseForeach =
	Foreach LeftParenthesis (
		LeftParenthesis ParseForeachIterator Comma ParseForeachIterator RightParenthesis
		| ParseForeachIterator
		) In ParseExpr RightParenthesis ParseLoopBody

ParseIf =
	If ParseParenthesized ParseStatement [Else ParseStatement]

ParseLock =
	Lock ParseParenthesized ParseStatement

ParseNative =
	Native LeftBrace (. SkipNested(_LeftBrace, _RightBrace); .) RightBrace

ParseReturn =
	Return ParseReturnExpr

ParseReturnExpr =
	[ParseExpr] Semicolon

ParseSwitch =
	Switch ParseParenthesized LeftBrace {ParseCaseStatement} [Default Colon {ParseStatement}] RightBrace

ParseCaseStatement =
	ParseCase {ParseCase} {ParseStatement}

ParseCase =
	Case ParseExpr Colon

ParseThrow =
	Throw ParseExpr Semicolon

ParseWhile =
	While ParseParenthesized ParseLoopBody

ParseParenthesized =
	LeftParenthesis ParseExpr RightParenthesis

ParseExpr =
	ParseCondOrExpr [QuestionMark ParseExpr Colon ParseExpr]

ParseCondOrExpr =
	ParseCondAndExpr {CondOr ParseCondAndExpr }

ParseCondAndExpr =
	ParseOrExpr {CondAnd ParseOrExpr}

ParseOrExpr =
	ParseXorExpr {Or ParseXorExpr}

ParseXorExpr =
	ParseAndExpr {Xor ParseAndExpr}

ParseAndExpr =
	ParseEqualityExpr {And ParseEqualityExpr}

ParseEqualityExpr =
	ParseRelExpr {(Equal | NotEqual) ParseRelExpr}

ParseRelExpr =
	ParseShiftExpr {
		(Less | LessOrEqual | Greater | GreaterOrEqual) ParseShiftExpr
		| Is ParsePrimaryExpr [ParseId]

ParseShiftExpr =
	ParseAddExpr {(ShiftLeft | ShiftRight) ParseAddExpr}

ParseAddExpr =
	ParseMulExpr {(Plus | Minus) ParseMulExpr}

ParseMulExpr =
	ParsePrimaryExpr {(Asterisk | Slash | Mod) ParsePrimaryExpr}

ParsePrimaryExpr =
	(Increment | Decrement | Minus | Tilde | ExclamationMark | New) ParsePrimaryExpr
	| (
		| ParseInterpolatedString
		| LeftParenthesis ParseType RightParenthesis
		| ParseSymbolReference
		| ParseListType
		| ParseDictionaryType
		| Resource Less BYTE LeftBracket RightBracket Greater ParseParenthesized
	) {
		Dot ParseSymbolReference
		| LeftParenthesis [ParseCollection] RightParenthesis
		| LeftBracket [ParseExpr] RightBracket
		| (Increment | Decrement | ExclamationMark | Hash)

CheckXcrementParent =
	(Increment | Decrement) ParsePrimaryExpr
ParseInterpolatedString =
	interpolatedstring //InterpolatedString ParseExpr [Comma ParseExpr] [Colon Number] "\"$"//RightBrace

ParseDictionaryType =
	(Dictionary | SortedDictionary) Less ParseTypeTemplate Comma ParseTypeTemplate Greater

ParseListType =
	List Less ParseTypeTemplate Greater

ParseTypeTemplate =

ParseSymbolReference =

ParseId =

ParseCollection =
	ParseExpr {Comma ParseExpr}

ParseText =
	ANY (. SkipTillEOL(); .)

Literal =
	| floatcon
	| string
	| charcon
	| BoxedFalse
	| BoxedTrue
	| BoxedNull

END Cito.
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Fundamental question: is Ć grammar LL(1) or LL(k) or LL(*) ? Which tools is used to compile second form of this grammar?

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pfusik commented Mar 13, 2022

is Ć grammar LL(1) or LL(k) or LL(*)

It's not LL(k), as can be seen in these examples:

C[2][3][n * 2] a;   // three-dimensional array storage local variable

a[2][3][i * 2] = 5; // array element assignment

The number of array dimensions isn't limited by the language. Also, the expressions in brackets can be arbitrarily long.
If the brackets are followed by an identifier, it's a definition. Otherwise, it's an expression. I think that makes it LL(*).

CiParser.cs is a recursive-descent LL(1) parser. It handles the above case by outputting a temporary form for the variable definitions: the type is specified as an expression that is translated into proper type in CiResolver.ToType. That means that CiParser doesn't catch all the syntax errors, for example:

a[] = 5; // syntax error

These are checked in CiResolver.cs.

@pfusik pfusik added the enhancement New feature or request label Aug 13, 2023
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