diff --git a/index.html b/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index fd49251..0000000 --- a/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1633 +0,0 @@ - - - - - GerPS-onto: An ontology for German public service processes - - - - - - - - - - - -
language en

GerPS-onto: An ontology for German public service processes

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This version:
Latest version:
Jonas Hoyer, (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität)
Leila Feddoul, (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität)
Maximilian Raupach, (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität)
- -
Fusion, (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Imported Ontologies:
e-Government Core Vocabularies
- -
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https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ - -License - -
Visualize with WebVowl
Cite as:
Revision: 1.0.
- -
-Ontology Specification Draft -


-GerPS-onto models the process of a German public service. -It was created by extending the BBO with some domain specific concepts. -In addition, some concepts are also mapped to the e-Government Core Vocabularies. -The ontology was automatically populated with an exemplary German public service by parsing XML-based (XProzess, XDatenfelder) files used for describing administrative BPMN-processes and form fields involved in executing the specific service. - -
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GerPS-onto: Overview back to ToC

- -This ontology has the following classes and properties. -



Object Properties

Data Properties

- - - -

GerPS-onto: Description back to ToC

- - - -
- - -

GerPS-onto: Namespaces back to ToC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -

Cross reference for GerPS-onto classes, properties and dataproperties back to ToC

-This section provides details for each class and property defined by GerPS-onto. -


- -

Actorc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Agent

- An actor is a participant in the administrative process and assumes the role of either the result receiver, the contributor, or the main actor. -
has super-classes
- agent - c -
has sub-classes
- Contributor - c, MainActor - c, ResultReceiver - c -

agentc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: http://BPMNbasedOntology#Agent

has super-classes
- agent - c -
has sub-classes
- Actor - c -
is disjoint with
- activity - c, process - c, resource - c, LegalBasis - c, ReferenceActivityGroup - c -

agentc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Agent

- The Agent class is any resource that acts or has the power to act. This includes people, organisations and groups. The Public Organization class, defined in the Core Public Organisation Vocabulary, is a notable subclass of Agent. -
has sub-classes
- agent - c -

Contributorc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Mitwirkende

- Contributors are external public authorities that are involved in the administrative service. -
has super-classes
- Actor - c, formal organization - c -

DataFieldc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Datenfelder

- Data fields are required components in the construction of forms. -
has super-classes
- data resource - c, evidence - c -
has sub-classes
- FIMRule - c, Formular - c, Structur - c -
is in domain of
- has_datafieldID - dp, has_element_type - dp -

Documentc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Dokument

- Documents are exchanged between actors and are the subject of a process step. -
has super-classes
- document resource - c, evidence - c -
is in domain of
- has_submission_deadline - dp -

evidencec - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: http://data.europa.eu/m8g/Evidence

- The Evidence class is defined in the Core Criterion and Core Evidence vocabulary (CCCEV) as any resource that can prove that a specific requirement is met. -
has sub-classes
- DataField - c, Document - c -

FIMRulec - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Regel

- A Rule a datafield and its components follows. -
has super-classes
- DataField - c -

formal organizationc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: http://www.w3.org/ns/org#FormalOrganization

- An Organization which is recognized in the world at large, in particular in legal jurisdictions, with associated rights and responsibilities -
has sub-classes
- Contributor - c -

Formularc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Stammschemata

- A structur that holds all components of its Formular -
has super-classes
- DataField - c -

Formularfieldc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Datenfeld

- a field where you can put in informations. -
has super-classes
- Structur - c -
is disjoint with
- Formularfieldgroupe - c -

Formularfieldgroupec - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Datenfeldgruppe

- a Container, that contains structures and rules for them. -
has super-classes
- Structur - c -
is disjoint with
- Formularfield - c -

legal entityc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: http://www.w3.org/ns/org#LegalEntity

- A self-empoyed person, company, or organization that has legal rights and obligations. -
is equivalent to
- ResultReceiver - c -

legal resourcec - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#LegalResource

is equivalent to
- LegalBasis - c -

LegalBasisc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Handlungsgrundlage

- Legal bases are references to already existing laws. -
is in range of
- based_on - op -
is disjoint with
- activity - c, agent - c, process - c, resource - c, ReferenceActivityGroup - c -

MainActorc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Hauptakteur

- The main actor is a public authority responsible for service delivery. -
has super-classes
- Actor - c -

Processc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Prozess

- Processes describe administrative procedures that are processed by specific persons in a repetitive sequence under concrete specifications (e.g., legal and administrative regulations) and with the use of aids (e.g., forms). -
has super-classes
- process - c, rule - c -
is in domain of
- has_process_step - op, has_processing_deadline - dp -
is in range of
- executes - op, has_process - op -

ProcessStepc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Prozessschritt

- Process steps describe actions or activities of the public administrations or actors. -
has super-classes
- task - c -
is in domain of
- based_on - op, has_resource - op, has_type - op -
is in range of
- has_process_step - op, participates_in - op -

public organisationc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: http://data.europa.eu/m8g/PublicOrganisation

- An Organization that is defined as being part of the public sector by a legal framework at any level. -
is equivalent to
- MainActor - c -

public servicec - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: http://purl.org/vocab/cpsv#PublicService

- A Public Service is a mandatory or discretionary set of activities performed, or able to be performed, by or on behalf of a public organisation, publicly funded and arise from public policy. -
is equivalent to
- Service - c -

ReferenceActivityGroupc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#RAG

- Reference activity groups can be derived from concrete specifications (e.g., legal and administrative regulations), can bundle thematically related process elements, and reflect the process of service execution. -
has super-classes
is in range of
- has_type - op -
is disjoint with
- activity - c, agent - c, process - c, resource - c, LegalBasis - c -

ResultReceiverc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Ergebnissempfänger

- A result receiver is a person or company that benefits from the administrative service. -
has super-classes
- Actor - c -

rulec - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: http://purl.org/vocab/cpsv#Rule

- The Rule class represents a document that sets out the specific rules, guidelines or procedures that the Public Service follows. -
has sub-classes
- Process - c -

Servicec - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Leistung

- Services describe the actions of public administrations. -
has super-classes
is in domain of
- has_leikaID - dp, has_process - op -

Structurc - back to ToC or Class ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#Struktur

- a fim specific container that holds Formularfields or Formulargroups. -
has super-classes
- DataField - c -
has sub-classes
- Formularfield - c, Formularfieldgroupe - c -
is in range of
- enthaelt - op -

Object Properties

- -

based_onop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#basiert_auf

has super-properties
- top object property -
has domain
- ProcessStep - c -
has range
- LegalBasis - c -

enthaeltop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#enthaelt

has super-properties
- top object property -
has range
- Structur - c -

executesop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#fuehrt_aus

has super-properties
- top object property -
has range
- Process - c -

has source refop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: http://BPMNbasedOntology#has_sourceRef

has super-properties
- top object property -

has_processop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_prozess

has super-properties
- has process - op -
has domain
- Service - c -
has range
- Process - c -

has_process_stepop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_prozessschritt

has super-properties
- top object property -
has domain
- Process - c -
has range
- ProcessStep - c -

has_resourceop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_ressource

has super-properties
- has resource - op -
has domain
- ProcessStep - c -
has range
- resource - c -

has_typeop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_typ

has super-properties
- top object property -
has domain
- ProcessStep - c -
has range
- ReferenceActivityGroup - c -

hat regelop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_regel

has super-properties
- top object property -

participates_inop - back to ToC or Object Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#beteiligt_sich_an

has super-properties
- top object property -
has range
- ProcessStep - c -

Data Properties

- -

has_datafieldIDdp - back to ToC or Data Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_datenfeldID

- The data field ID describes the unique identifier for data fields. -
has super-properties
- id - dp -
has domain
- DataField - c -
has range
- string -

has_deadlinedp - back to ToC or Data Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_frist

- Processing deadlines are tied to processes and define a period of time in which the execution of a process must be completed. -
has super-properties
- top data property -
has sub-properties
- has_processing_deadline - dp, has_submission_deadline - dp -
has range
- date time -

has_element_typedp - back to ToC or Data Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_elementtyp

has super-properties
- top data property -
has domain
- DataField - c -
has range
- int -

has_leikaIDdp - back to ToC or Data Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_leikaID

- The LeiKaID describes the unique identifier for administrative services defined by the service catalog. -
has super-properties
- id - dp -
has domain
- Service - c -
has range
- string -

has_processing_deadlinedp - back to ToC or Data Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_bearbeitungsfrist

has super-properties
- has_deadline - dp -
has domain
- Process - c -
has range
- date time -

has_submission_deadlinedp - back to ToC or Data Property ToC - -


- IRI: https://w3id.org/GerPS-onto/ontology#hat_abgabefrist

- Submission deadlines are tied to documents and specify a time period in which a document must be submitted -
has super-properties
- has_deadline - dp -
has domain
- Document - c -
has range
- date time -

Legend back to ToC

-c: Classes
-op: Object Properties
-dp: Data Properties
-ni: Named Individuals -
- - - -

References back to ToC

- -Annane, Amina; Aussenac-Gilles, Nathalie; Kamel, Mouna: BBO: BPMN 2.0 based ontology for business process representation. In: 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2019). volume 1, pp. 49–59, 2019. - - -

Acknowledgments back to ToC


-The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.

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