[Last updated: Wed April 9 2014]
Customer <cloudflare_cert> Heroku <self-signed_cert> CloudFlare
We use a self-signed cert to encrypt traffic between the heroku apps and cloudflare service.
While it is possible to avoid all cert management of http hosts by using the heroku provided app end-points (e.g. impactkungfupushupsclient.herokuapp.com) this caused problems in the past where slurries of 502 errors were returned by Heroku.
In face of the 502 problems, Heroku recommended using the SSL endpoint directly as it provides us "our own ELB". Whether this still holds is worth looking into as using the default herokuapp.com domain will simplify ops.
Update account credentials:
- Mandrill
- Heroku
- CloudFlare
- Twilio
- Intuit
- Close.io
- Pivotal
- FreshDesk
- Gmail