diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.md b/RELEASE_NOTES.md
index f7ed900334..859702751f 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+#### 0.14.3 - 17.11.2014
+* BUGFIX: Accept and normalize versions like 6.0.1302.0-Preview - https://github.com/fsprojects/Paket/issues/364
#### 0.14.2 - 16.11.2014
* BUGFIX: handling of package dependencies containing string "nuget" - https://github.com/fsprojects/Paket/pull/363
diff --git a/src/Paket.Core/SemVer.fs b/src/Paket.Core/SemVer.fs
index eea849fdf0..94aa4355dd 100644
--- a/src/Paket.Core/SemVer.fs
+++ b/src/Paket.Core/SemVer.fs
@@ -50,21 +50,27 @@ type SemVerInfo =
PreRelease : PreRelease option
/// The optional build no.
Build : string
+ /// The optional prerelease build no.
+ PreReleaseBuild : string
// The original version text
Original : string option }
member x.Normalize() =
let build =
- if String.IsNullOrEmpty x.Build |> not then "." + x.Build
+ if String.IsNullOrEmpty x.Build |> not && x.Build <> "0" then "." + x.Build
+ else ""
+ let preReleaseBuild =
+ if String.IsNullOrEmpty x.PreReleaseBuild |> not && x.PreReleaseBuild <> "0" then "." + x.PreReleaseBuild
else ""
let pre =
- match x.PreRelease, (String.IsNullOrEmpty x.Build |> not && x.Build <> "0") with
- | Some preRelease, _ -> "-" + preRelease.Name + build
- | None, true -> build
+ match x.PreRelease, (String.IsNullOrEmpty x.PreReleaseBuild |> not) with
+ | Some preRelease, _ -> "-" + preRelease.Name + preReleaseBuild
+ | None, true -> preReleaseBuild
| _ -> ""
- sprintf "%d.%d.%d" x.Major x.Minor x.Patch + pre
+ sprintf "%d.%d.%d" x.Major x.Minor x.Patch + build + pre
member x.AsString = x.ToString()
@@ -76,8 +82,7 @@ type SemVerInfo =
override x.Equals(yobj) =
match yobj with
| :? SemVerInfo as y ->
- x.Major = y.Major && x.Minor = y.Minor && x.Patch = y.Patch && x.PreRelease = y.PreRelease
- && (x.Build = y.Build || (x.Build = "0" && y.Build = "") || (y.Build = "0" && x.Build = ""))
+ x.Major = y.Major && x.Minor = y.Minor && x.Patch = y.Patch && x.PreRelease = y.PreRelease && x.Build = y.Build && x.PreReleaseBuild = y.PreReleaseBuild
| _ -> false
override x.GetHashCode() = hash (x.Minor, x.Minor, x.Patch, x.PreRelease, x.Build)
@@ -88,14 +93,18 @@ type SemVerInfo =
if x.Major <> y.Major then compare x.Major y.Major
else if x.Minor <> y.Minor then compare x.Minor y.Minor
else if x.Patch <> y.Patch then compare x.Patch y.Patch
- else if x.PreRelease = y.PreRelease && x.Build = y.Build then 0
- else if x.PreRelease.IsNone && not y.PreRelease.IsNone && x.Build = "" then 1
- else if y.PreRelease.IsNone && not x.PreRelease.IsNone && y.Build = "" then -1
- else if x.PreRelease <> y.PreRelease then compare x.PreRelease y.PreRelease
else if x.Build <> y.Build then
match Int32.TryParse x.Build, Int32.TryParse y.Build with
| (true, b1), (true, b2) -> compare b1 b2
| _ -> compare x.Build y.Build
+ else if x.PreRelease = y.PreRelease && x.PreReleaseBuild = y.PreReleaseBuild then 0
+ else if x.PreRelease.IsNone && not y.PreRelease.IsNone && x.PreReleaseBuild = "0" then 1
+ else if y.PreRelease.IsNone && not x.PreRelease.IsNone && y.PreReleaseBuild = "0" then -1
+ else if x.PreRelease <> y.PreRelease then compare x.PreRelease y.PreRelease
+ else if x.PreReleaseBuild <> y.PreReleaseBuild then
+ match Int32.TryParse x.PreReleaseBuild, Int32.TryParse y.PreReleaseBuild with
+ | (true, b1), (true, b2) -> compare b1 b2
+ | _ -> compare x.PreReleaseBuild y.PreReleaseBuild
else 0
| _ -> invalidArg "yobj" "cannot compare values of different types"
@@ -111,36 +120,16 @@ module SemVer =
/// parse "1.2.3-alpha002" > parse "1.2.3-alpha1" // true
/// parse "1.5.0-beta.2" > parse "1.5.0-rc.1" // false
let Parse(version : string) =
- let splitted = version.Split '.'
+ let dashSplitted = version.Split '-'
+ let splitted = dashSplitted.[0].Split '.'
let l = splitted.Length
- let patch, preRelease =
- match l with
- | 0 -> 0, ""
- | 1 ->
- let splitted' = splitted.[0].Split '-'
- 0,
- if splitted'.Length > 1 then splitted'.[1]
- else ""
- | 2 ->
- let splitted' = splitted.[1].Split '-'
- 0,
- if splitted'.Length > 1 then splitted'.[1]
- else ""
- | _ ->
- let splitted' = splitted.[2].Split '-'
- Int32.Parse splitted'.[0],
- if splitted'.Length > 1 then splitted'.[1]
- else ""
- { Major =
- if l > 0 then Int32.Parse (splitted.[0].Split('-').[0])
- else 0
- Minor =
- if l > 1 then Int32.Parse (splitted.[1].Split('-').[0])
- else 0
- Patch = patch
- PreRelease = PreRelease.TryParse preRelease
- Build =
- if l > 3 then splitted.[3]
- else String.Empty
+ let prereleaseBuild = if dashSplitted.Length > 1 && dashSplitted.[1].Split('.').Length > 1 then dashSplitted.[1].Split('.').[1] else "0"
+ { Major = if l > 0 then Int32.Parse(splitted.[0]) else 0
+ Minor = if l > 1 then Int32.Parse(splitted.[1]) else 0
+ Patch = if l > 2 then Int32.Parse(splitted.[2]) else 0
+ PreRelease = PreRelease.TryParse(if dashSplitted.Length > 1 then dashSplitted.[1].Split('.').[0] else String.Empty)
+ Build = if l > 3 then splitted.[3] else "0"
+ PreReleaseBuild = prereleaseBuild
Original = Some version }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Paket/Paket.fsproj b/src/Paket/Paket.fsproj
index 1d5bb0668e..7b62adecc3 100644
--- a/src/Paket/Paket.fsproj
+++ b/src/Paket/Paket.fsproj
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- D:\code\paket
+ D:\code\PaketKopie
diff --git a/tests/Paket.Tests/SemVerSpecs.fs b/tests/Paket.Tests/SemVerSpecs.fs
index 1eabbec590..7be5c46a90 100644
--- a/tests/Paket.Tests/SemVerSpecs.fs
+++ b/tests/Paket.Tests/SemVerSpecs.fs
@@ -14,6 +14,16 @@ let ``can parse semver strings and print the result``() =
(SemVer.Parse "1.0.0-alpha.beta").ToString() |> shouldEqual "1.0.0-alpha.beta"
(SemVer.Parse "1.0.0-rc.1").ToString() |> shouldEqual "1.0.0-rc.1"
(SemVer.Parse "1.2.3-foo").ToString() |> shouldEqual "1.2.3-foo"
+ (SemVer.Parse "6.0.1302.0-Preview").PreRelease |> shouldEqual (PreRelease.TryParse "Preview")
+ (SemVer.Parse "1.2.3").ToString() |> shouldEqual "1.2.3"
+ (SemVer.Parse "").ToString() |> shouldEqual ""
+ (SemVer.Parse "").Patch |> shouldEqual 3
+ (SemVer.Parse "1.2.3").Patch |> shouldEqual 3
+ (SemVer.Parse "").Build |> shouldEqual "0"
+ (SemVer.Parse "1.2.3").Build |> shouldEqual "0"
+ (SemVer.Parse "").Build |> shouldEqual "1"
+ (SemVer.Parse "1.0.0-rc.3").PreReleaseBuild |> shouldEqual "3"
+ (SemVer.Parse "1.0.0-rc.1").PreReleaseBuild |> shouldEqual "1"
let ``can parse semver strings``() =
@@ -24,7 +34,7 @@ let ``can parse semver strings``() =
semVer.PreRelease |> shouldEqual (Some { Origin = "alpha"
Name = "alpha"
Number = None })
- semVer.Build |> shouldEqual "beta"
+ semVer.PreReleaseBuild |> shouldEqual "beta"
let ``can compare semvers``() =
@@ -69,6 +79,7 @@ let ``can parse FSharp.Data versions``() =
let ``can normalize versions``() =
(SemVer.Parse "2.3") |> shouldEqual (SemVer.Parse "2.3.0")
(SemVer.Parse "2.3").Normalize() |> shouldEqual ((SemVer.Parse "2.3.0").ToString())
+ (SemVer.Parse "").Normalize() |> shouldEqual ""
(SemVer.Parse "").Normalize() |> shouldEqual ((SemVer.Parse "").ToString())
(SemVer.Parse "1.2.3").Normalize() |> shouldEqual ((SemVer.Parse "1.2.3").ToString())
(SemVer.Parse "1.0.0-rc.3").Normalize() |> shouldEqual ((SemVer.Parse "1.0.0-rc.3").ToString())
@@ -78,4 +89,9 @@ let ``can normalize versions``() =
let ``can normalize build zeros``() =
- (SemVer.Parse "2.0.30506.0").Normalize() |> shouldEqual ((SemVer.Parse "2.0.30506").ToString())
\ No newline at end of file
+ (SemVer.Parse "2.0.30506.0").Normalize() |> shouldEqual ((SemVer.Parse "2.0.30506").ToString())
+let ``can normalize build zeros in prerelease``() =
+ (SemVer.Parse "6.0.1302.0-Preview").Normalize() |> shouldEqual "6.0.1302-Preview"