Minimalist, fast, rather-slim and pretty concise JavaScript library. Provides the flavour of both jQuery and RequireJS without the payload. Small enough to be embedded in any first-byte.
We have used this in production on and other properties since early 2009. It allowed us to reduce the payloads of our pages considerably to a just a few KBs and the number of subsequent includes/requests to just a few. Gave us immediate page rendering as it is non-blocking, reduced bandwidth consumption, and is great with mobile traffic...
Apt stands for "Array Prototype Touchdown" 🏈
Ideally, the content of dist/apt.min.js
would be embedded right into the <head>
of your page, below your CSS declaration however feel free to add it whichever way you want.
You can also copy & paste the code block below:
/*! apt.js v0.1.3-2 | MIT License | */
!function(a,p,t,$){function s(e,n,s,r){for(r=(s=e&&e.nodeType?[e]:""+e===e?/</.test(e)?((r=t.createElement(n||"Ap")).innerHTML=e,r.children):(n&&$(n)[0]||t).querySelectorAll(e):e||a).length;r--;,s[r]));}$=function(e,n){return/^f/.test(typeof e)?/in/.test(t.readyState)?setTimeout("$("+e+")",9):e():new s(e,n)},s[p]=$[p]=$.fn=Array[p].slice(0),$.fn.each=function(e,n){return,e,n),this},$.type=function(e){return e instanceof $?"$":{}\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1]},(Apt=$).w=window,$.d=t,void 0===$.w.$&&($.w.$=$),$.ajax=function(e,n,s,r){n=n||function(){};try{r=new XMLHttpRequest}catch(e){for(var a=[6,3],c=0;c<a.length;c++)try{r=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP."+a[c]+".0")}catch(e){continue}}return||"GET",e,!0),r.onreadystatechange=function(){4==(r=this).readyState&&0!=r.status&&n&&(r.parse=function(){return JSON.parse(r.responseText)},n(r.responseText,200<=r.status&&r.status<300,r))},s||r.send(),r},$.legacy=!$.w.addEventListener&&$.w.attachEvent;function n(e,t,n,s,p,r){return r="EventListener",e.each(function(a){a["add"+r]?a[s+r](t,n,!1):a[p+"tachEvent"]("on"+t,n)})}$.fn.on=function(t,e){return n(this,t,e,"add","at")},$,e){return n(this,t,e,"remove","de")},$.fn.html=function(n){return 0 in arguments?this.each(function(e){e.innerHTML=n}):0 in this?this[0].innerHTML:""},$.fn.addClass=function(n){return this.each(function(e){e.classList?e.classList.add(n):e.n+=" "+n})},$.fn.removeClass=function(n){return this.each(function(e){e.classList?e.classList.remove(n):e.n=e.n.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\b)"+n.split(" ").join("|")+"(\\b|$)","gi")," ")})},$.fn.css=function(n,s){return n+=":",this.each(function(e){$.legacy?"inherit"==s?"block":s):e.setAttribute("style",n+s)})},$.fn.append=function(n){return n="$"==$.type(n)?n[0]:n,this.each(function(e){e.appendChild(n)})};$.src=function(){var e=arguments,n=e.length,s=e[n-1],,c=document;r&&n--;function i(e){if(e?this.success="error"!==e.type:function(e,n){n=e.readyState,e.children,"loaded"==n&&"loading"==e.readyState&&(e.success=!1),/in/.test(e.readyState)||(e.success="complete"==n||null)}(this),null!==this.success&&r&&!--n)return s(o.every(function(e){return e.success}))}for(var o=[],u=0;u<n;u++){var f=e[u],l=l||(-1<f.indexOf(".css")?"link":"script"),h={link:{rel:"stylesheet",href:f},script:{type:"text/javascript",src:f,async:!0}};for(var d in o[u]=c.createElement(l),o[u].success=null,h[l])o[u][d]=h[l][d];c.attachEvent&&!c.addEventListener?o[u].onreadystatechange=i:(o[u].onload=o[u].onerror=i,$("head")[0].appendChild(o[u]))}return this}}([],"prototype",document);
Or, your can source it via unpkg CDN:
<script src=""></script>
<script> // (below $ === Apt)
$(function(){ // wait for the DOM to ready
// Apply a native JavaScript method to a collection.
$('ul li').push($('<li class="bar"/>')[0]);
// Load some files asynchronously then run a callback
$.src('my.css', 'my.js', function(success){});
// Extend/add a new method using `Apt.fn`
$.fn.toggle = function () {
return this.each(function (e) {'none'?'':'none';
// then use as follow..
Above we use the shorthand $
to invoke Apt
. Apt does not provide jQuery-like boilerplate methods, but rather exposes the native JavaScript Array methods to keep the code base light, speedy and portable.
Core - Provides the `Apt()` core objet/selector (and if free, it will also use the `$` shortand).
`Apt()` // Core `Apt` selector object returns a collection.
`$` // Alias of `Apt` if global `$` is free - jQuery like!
`$.fn` // to extend Apt prototype.
`$.type()` // Returns type
`$("ul li").each(...);` // Iterare over the collection of items.
- `$().push(el)` // Adds one or more elements to the end, and returns the new length of the collection.
- `$().pop(el)` // Removes and returns the last element from the collection.
- `$().shift(el)` // Same as pop() but from the beginning.
- `$().unshift(el)` // Same as push() but from the beginning.
- `$().slice(0,1)` // Extracts a section, returns a new.
- `$().slice(0,1,el)` // Add/remove from specific location.
- `$().sort()` // Sorts
- `$().reverse()` // Reverses
- `$().concat()` // Joins 2 or more
- `$().join()` // Joins all elements into a string
- and the usual `unique()`, `reduce()`, `indexOf()`, `filter()`, `some()`, `map()`, `every()`, ...
Src - Load any files (e.g. CSS, JS and JSON/JSONP) asynchronously – just like RequireJS
$.src("/my_styles.css", "/my_scripts.js", "...");
A callback can also be used as the last argument. This will be run after the script/stylesheet has finished loading.
$.src("/my_scripts.js", function(success) { console.log("success == true, successfully loaded") } );
$.src("/my_styles.css", "/my_scripts.jss", "...", function(success) {} );
Event - Event handling.
var callback = function(event){ console.log(event); }
$("div .link").on('mouseover', callback);
$("div .link").off('mouseover', callback);
DOM - DOM methods.
var h = "Some <b>HTML</b>";
var out =$('h1').html(); // -> out == h
$('ul li').addClass('foo');
$('ul li').removeClass('bar');
$('.offers').css('display', 'none');
Ajax - Ajax/XMLHttpRequest loader.
var callback = function(data, success, xhr){ console.log(data, success, xhr); }
$.ajax('', callback); // GET by default
var api = $.ajax('', callback, 'post');
Utils (apt-utils.js) - collection of small, helpful utilities for common tasks.
$.getUrlVars(); //
$.getCookie('name'); //
$.rmTags(html); //
var tpl = "Template {0} - {1}";
tpl.format(""foo", "bar"); //
Shims (apt-utils.js) - ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy browser; support IE8 and below including IE9 Quirk mode.
- forEach() - applies a callback to all the elements.
- map() - creates new array via callback.
- every() - tests a callback against the elements
- some() - similar to every() but stop at first true!
- filter() - creates new array with the elements that pass the test.
- indexOf - returns the index of first matching element.
- reduce() - Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback.
The code is covered by extensive unit testing.
We use headless Chrome and PhantomJS to run automated testing. Installation is straight forward just run:
$ yarn install
To run the automated tests:
$ yarn test
You can replace yarn
with npm
if that's what rocks your boat.
This package is also available as a
⇄ Pull requests and ★ Stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature request, please open an issue.
This work is licensed under the MIT license – see the LICENSE for the full details.
Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Franck Cassedanne