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Game Data

Eamonn Rea edited this page Apr 12, 2023 · 3 revisions

Game Information

Both Game Pictures and Game-Desktop-Files (for the Game Launcher) are auto-generated/downloaded per game start by default, but also can be batch created via Command Line:

  • steamtinkerlaunch update gamedata (updates missing desktopfiles and pictures of installed games and exits - depending on the missing files this might need some time)
  • steamtinkerlaunch update gamedata $APPID (updates missing desktopfiles and picture for game $APPID)
  • steamtinkerlaunch update allgamedata (updates missing desktopfiles and pictures of all games in 'sharedconfig.vdf' and exit - depending on the missing files this might need some time)

Steam Deck Compatibility

SteamTinkerLaunch also fetches Steam Deck compatibility information. This is fetched from, where the AppID parameter is based on the current game's AppID. This returns a JSON response, and the raw response is stored at STLCFGDIR/games/deckinfo/<appid>-deckcompatrating.json.

This data is updated once the compat rating file is more than a day old, as Steam Deck compatibility ratings can change quickly.

Further documentation on this endpoint can be found here. Feel free to browse the SteamTinkerLaunch code to see how this is implemented as well.

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