This tool provides montoring of remote SQL databases and does not need to be installed on the database server[s]. A better place is on the zabbix server or on a zabbix proxy.
A host in zabbix can be a computer but also a router, switch, SAN and in this case, a database cluster. A host in zabbix is a thing that has a collection of items. For Oracle create a host for the physical database, for SQLServer create a host for an Instance, for Postgres create a host for the cluster, for cockroach create a host for the cluster. An Oracle database can have multiple Instances and multiple databases. They are collected in a single host. A SQLServer instance has multiple databases and in an always on configuration can be active on several machines. That instance is handled by a single host. A Postgres cluster is very similar to a SQLServer instance. A cockroach cluster can have many nodes. That cluster is handled by a single host.
To do that, create a simple OS user that has the ability to use cron, zabbix_sender and is able to connect to the server or proxy port, as wel as a creating a connection to the remote database[s]. For example create user zbxdb.
logon as zbxdb use pyenv to manage a local python version for zbxdb
curl - L | bash (check that your .bashrc has the pyenv init code in it (logout and back in to check it's working))
pyenv install 3.9.2
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.2 zbxdb-3.9.2
cd zbxdb
pyenv local zbxdb-3.9.2
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd -
cp -rp zbxdb/etc $HOME/
cp -p zbxdb/logging.json.example $HOME/etc/logging.json
in your etc directory are some sample monitoring configs. The naming convention for the configs is zbxdb.{hostname_in_zabbix}.cfg Replace the samples with your own configuration files.
Add these entries into .bash_profile of the home directoy of the user that will run zbxdb:
- export ZBXDB_OUT=$ZBXDB_HOME/zbxdb_out; #make sure this reflects the out_dir parameter in the monitoring cfg files.)
- export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/zbxdb/bin
source .bash_profile
Load the template(zbxdb_template_v3.xml or zbxdb_template_v4.xml) and link it to hostname in zabbix that represents the database that you want to monitor. That hostname should be in the hostname parameter in your monitoring .cfg file of this database. For db2 at this moment there is a separate template zbxdb_template_db2_v4.xml. Maybe I can integrate this in the default template for zbxdb.
make sure that zabbix_sender is available create the directory for log, collecting the metrics and workspace for zbxdb_sender
- mkdir $ZBXDB_OUT
- mkdir $ZBXDB_HOME/log
- mkdir $HOME/zbxdb_sender
add into the crontab:
* * * * * . $HOME/.bash_profile;$HOME/zbxdb/bin/zbxdb_starter >log/zbxdb_starter.cron 2>&1
* * * * * . $HOME/.bash_profile;$HOME/zbxdb/bin/ -c /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf -z zbxdb_out >log/zbxdb_sender.cron 2>&1
Now, zbxdb_starter will check $ZBXDB_HOME/etc/ for files starting with 'zbxdb.' and ending with '.cfg' that are writeable. If such a file is found and the corresponding process is not running, it will start that process.
zbxdb_sender will check zbxdb_out/ and move the contents to $HOME/zxbdb_sender/in/. Next it will send the files to zabbix and keep a few days of history in $HOME/zbxdb_sender/archive/
- If anything fails, first check the log/ directory.
- can be run from the commandline to debug the cfg files.
- if you see data coming into zbxdb_out/ the collection could be OK(errors are reported on stdout)
- if zbxdb_sender/archive/ remains empty, zbxdb_sender is not picking up your metrics. Check the log. You migh be missing the zabbix-sender utility.
NOTE If database drivers require separate libraries to be installed, regretfully they need to be installed separately. Some python drivers like psycopg2 have a binary version. Installing them makes life easier.
For postgres follow and choose Repo required OS version yum install postgresql12 postgresql12-devel
For Oracle install latest Oracle Instant Client
Also check the prerequistes for pyenv to work
zbxdb scripts won't run as root.