diff --git a/analyse-bano.sh b/analyse-bano.sh
index a0dd2cd..7b9c3f7 100755
--- a/analyse-bano.sh
+++ b/analyse-bano.sh
@@ -27,22 +27,24 @@ PGOPTIONS='--client-min-messages=warning' psql osm -qc "
select * from (
select case
when id is null
- then format('',
- lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir)
+ then format('',
+ subclass,lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir)
when id_noname is not null and id_noname not like '%,%' and (l_geom-l_ways_noname<100) and ((l_noname > 0.5 and l2_noname<100) or (l_noname > 0.75)) and upper(voie_cadastre)!=voie_cadastre
- then format('',
- lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir,id_noname,id_noname,voie_cadastre)
+ then format('',
+ subclass,lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir,id_noname,id_noname,voie_cadastre)
when id is not null and id not like '%,%' and (l_geom-l_ways<100) and ((l > 0.5 and l2 < 100) or (l>0.75)) and names is null and upper(voie_cadastre)!=voie_cadastre
- then format('',
- lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir,id,id,voie_cadastre)
+ then format('',
+ subclass,lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir,id,id,voie_cadastre)
when id is not null and id not like '%,%' and (l_geom-l_ways<100) and ((l > 0.5 and l2 < 100) or (l>0.75)) and names is not null and upper(voie_cadastre)!=voie_cadastre
- then format('',
- lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir,id,names,id,voie_cadastre,id,fantoir)
+ then format('',
+ subclass,lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir,id,names,id,voie_cadastre,id,fantoir)
when names ~* voie_cadastre then ''
- else format('',
- lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir)
+ else format('',
+ subclass,lat,lon,voie_cadastre,fantoir)
end as er
- from (select round(st_x(st_transform(st_centroid(geom),4326))::numeric,6) as lon, round(st_y(st_transform(st_centroid(geom),4326))::numeric,6) as lat,
+ from (select
+ abs(('x'||md5(coalesce(nom_voie, replace(voie_cadastre,E'\x22','')) || f.fantoir || ST_AsText(geom)))::bit(64)::bigint) AS subclass,
+ round(st_x(st_transform(st_centroid(geom),4326))::numeric,6) as lon, round(st_y(st_transform(st_centroid(geom),4326))::numeric,6) as lat,
coalesce(nom_voie, replace(voie_cadastre,E'\x22','')) as voie_cadastre, f.fantoir, replace(names,E'\x22','') as names, id, id_noname,
st_length(st_intersection(ways,st_buffer(geom,20)))/st_length(ways) as l,
st_length(st_transform(ways,4326)::geography)-st_length(st_transform(st_intersection(ways,geom),4326)::geography) as l2,