A namespace is a dynamic mapping from symbols to vars and classes.
(ns foo.bar)
switches to namespace foo.bar.
(use 'foo.baz)
compiles and loads foo.baz namespace into the current namespace.
(require '[foo.baz :as fb])
compiles and loads and binds the prefix fb to foo.baz namespace.
references the current namespace.
(def s (...))
interns a var in the current namespace that can be referenced by the symbol s
(ns-unmap *ns* 's)
removes the var that the symbol s
references from the current namespace.
returns a map of symbols to vars that the given ns defines.
like ns-interns, but only public mappings.
returns a map of symbol to vars that the given ns refers to.
returns a map of symbol to class names that the given ns refers to.
returns a map of all namespace mappings of the given ns.
(from clojure.repl) prints sorted list of publics vars of given ns.
- Define some symbols in the current namespace.
- List all symbols that the current namespace defines.
- Remove one mapping.
Create a map of name to function var for all functions with a suffix like "-page".
(defn s-page
(nsfns "-page" *ns*)
;=> { "s" #'user/s-page }
An example
(ns foo.bar "documentation"
(:require [clojure.tools.logging :as log] ; introduce ns alias
[clojure.test :refer :all] ; use all public vars
[clojure.string :refer [blank?]] ; use only selected vars
[:refer-clojure :exclude [map]]) ; exclude clojure default vars
(:import [java.utils ArrayList HashMap]))
Take the solution of exercise 2 and add it to the webapp.
Add another function render
and extend the webapp application handler app
that a URL /pages/:page is generically dispatched to a function named -page.
For example, if you have two rendering functions defined
(defn s-page [] "S")
(defn t-page [] "T")
and an application handler app
(defroutes app
(GET "/page/:page" [page] (render page)))
then in a REPL you can enter
(app {:uri "/page/s" :request-method :get})
;=> {:status 200, :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html; charset=utf-8"}, :body "S"}
This means the function render
executes the renderer function that corresponds to
the URL.
Include in your project.clj [org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.4"]
as dependency.
(use '[clojure.tools.namespace.repl :only (refresh)])
imports the refresh function.
destroys and reloads all namespaces that have changed since the last refresh.
- Create two files, foo.clj and bar.clj, each declaring a corresponding ns.
- Define one function per file, the function foofn calls a the function barfn.
- Start a REPL,
(use 'foo)
, execute foofn. - Change barfn in bar.clj without reloading the namespace bar.
- Use the clojure.tools.namespace.repl ns as shown above and call
. - Execute foofn again.
Copyright © 2013 F.Riemenschneider
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.