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Allie Crevier edited this page Jun 29, 2020 · 34 revisions

Welcome to the securedrop-client wiki! This wiki is used for developer resources. For proper documentation, see:

You will find here:

  • FAQ - helpful information for contributors
  • Architecture - SecureDrop Client architecture docs
  • Scalability & Performance - a place to keep track of what kind of scale we support and performance metrics
  • Test Plan - test plans for pre-release QA
  • Styleguide(ish) - there's a font, a color, a placement spec, a behavior spec, and SO MUCH MORE, for that!
  • Glossary - a glossary of terms developed by the SecureDrop team
  • Tuesday Meetings - nominated agenda items for our next Client Team meeting, and notes from past meetings

Please visit the UX wiki for:

  • UX Project Board with Issues that reflect ongoing design and user research tasks.
  • Meetings Archive to see artifacts shared and notes from ux design reviews (many of which are focused on Client things).
  • User Research that's informed the Client's design decisions to date.
  • UX Project Page A bit out of date, but a nice archive of the project's early UX work.

Please visit SecureDrop wiki for:

  • Development Roadmap - for concise information about coming releases and prototyping work
  • Standup Notes - for notes from our daily standup Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. (Thursdays are extended to 30 minutes to allow for small updates and issue/PR triage.)
  • Sprint Planning Notes - capturing agendas/outputs of sprint planing meetings every two weeks
  • Code Reviews - capturing suggested topics for our code review sessions (jointly learning a section of the codebase/dev environment), every two weeks
  • Architecture Meetings - notes from intermittent discussions about major architectural questions
  • Retrospectives - learning from history :)
  • Dependency Update Policies - policies for updating dependencies
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