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I. Features and Functionality

Frederik Wulf edited this page May 5, 2023 · 10 revisions

This page covers the features and functionality of the ecommerce application and assumes the project is already ready to run.


Swagger UI

Each service automatically creates a Swagger UI. You should find the Swagger UI page for each service at <serviceUrl>/swagger/index.html. The Swagger UI allows you to test the services Web API Endpoints.


To test the Endpoints for example:

  1. Click on /api/authentication/register
  2. Click Try it out
  3. Optionally change the POST body data
  4. Click Execute

Then swagger makes a request to the endpoint and you should see a similar result like the following. There you can see the response.


Most Endpoints will need a authorization. For that obtain the jwt from the login endpoint. Then click on the Authorize button and enter the jwt with the format Bearer <token> in the dialog.

Find further informations about swagger here

Feature List

This is a short overview of all features the user can execute via the api:

Feature Service Endpoint Frontend Feature at Url
Customer registers new account Account Service POST /api/Authentication/register /auth/register
Customer loggs into Account Account Service POST/api/Authentication/login /auth/login
Customer views profile data Account Service GET /api/CustomerProfile TBD
Customer edits Profile data Account Service PUT /api/CustomerProfile TBD
Customer deletes Profile/Account Account Service DELETE /api/CustomerProfile TBD
Customer searches for products Inventory Service GET /api/Products /shop
Customer views single product Inventory Service TBD TBD
Customer adds product to cart Shopping Cart Service PUT /api/ShoppingCart/items/{productId} /shop
Customer removes product from cart Shopping Cart Service DELETE /api/ShoppingCart/{productId} /shopping-cart
Customer view cart Shopping Cart Service GET /api/ShoppingCart /shopping-cart
Customer checks out cart Shopping Cart Service PATCH /api/ShoppingCart/state/ckeckout /shopping-cart?checkout=true
Customer pays order* Fulfillment Service PUT /api/Orders/{orderId}/state/pay /order/{orderId}
Customer cancels order Fulfillment Service PUT /api/Orders/{orderId}/state/cancel TBD
Adminsitrator ships order Fulfillment Service PUT /api/OrderManagement/{orderId}/state/ship /admin/orders
Order is delivred by logistics service** Fulfillment Service PUT /api/OrderManagement/{orderId}/state/deliver TBD
Adminsitrator views revenue Fulfillment GET /api/revenue /admin/revenue
Adminsitrator edit product informations Inventory Service PATCH /api/ProductManagement/{id} /admin/products/{productId}
Adminsitrator adds stock Inventory Service PUT /api/ProductManagement/{id}/stock/add /admin/products/{productId}
Adminsitrator removes stock Inventory Service PUT /api/ProductManagement/{id}/stock/remove /admin/products/{productId}
Adminsitrator adds new product Inventory Service POST /api/ProductManagement /products/add
Adminsitrator deletes product Inventory Service DELETE /api/ProductManagement/{id} /admin/products/{productId}

* Payment is for simplicity reasons a blackbox feature. This feature should usually not be an API endpoint, it should be handled by a payment provider. The application should then automatically validate the payment process at the payment provider.

** Delivery is as well a blackbox feature, with the same reasons as above. After the order has been dispatched, a logistics service provider will usually issue the order. This would require the use of their services to track the status. For that potentially another small service could observe the commissioned logistic service provider, and the parcel state could be directed into the system.

There are also some important features running in the background:

Feature Service
Reservate products when put in shopping cart Shopping Cart Service
Remove products reservation when product is removed from shopping cart Shopping Cart Service
Timeout shopping cart and remove reservation Shopping Cart Service
Remove product stock when products shopping cart is ckecked out Inventory Service
Read product stock when order is canceled Inventory Service

Web Ui

The Web ui is build in a separate project that can be found here. That project is not necessary.

The frontend project is build with angular and is a single page application. It offers a simple user interface to interact with the backend services. The frontend is not necessary to use the backend services. The backend services can be used with any other client that can send http requests. It is definitely not a production ready frontend. It is just a simple frontend to test and simplify the use of the backend services.

The frontend startup is already setup in the docker-compose.webui.yml file. Simply start it with docker-compose -f docker-compose.webui.yml up. It will start all services and the frontend. The frontend is then available at http://localhost:4200.

The pages for a normal customer should be accessible completely through ui interaction. There is also an admin area, that is only accessible when logged in as an administrator at the url /admin.

For further information check out the frontend repository

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