- This plugin contains various goals to assist C++ compilation using the Maven build lifecycle.
- cxx-maven-plugin:addsource add multiple source tree to your project
- cxx-maven-plugin:launch generic command launch goal
- cxx-maven-plugin:cmake project generation goal using cmake tool.
- cxx-maven-plugin:qmake project generation goal using qmake tool.
- cxx-maven-plugin:make build goal using make tool.
- cxx-maven-plugin:msbuild build goal using visual studio.
- cxx-maven-plugin:generate Generates a new project from an archetype, or updates the actual project if using a partial archetype. If the project is generated or updated in the current directory. mvn cxx:generate -DartifactName="an-id" -DartifactId="AnId".
- cxx-maven-plugin:scm-dependencies Goal that retrieve source dependencies from the SCM ie. This is an enhanced version of maven-dependencies-plugin:unpack-dependencies capable to drive SCM tools (SVN for now). "Let maven manage your svn:externals".
- cxx-maven-plugin:unpack-dependencies Goal that unpacks the project dependencies from the repository to a defined location. This is an enhenced version of maven-dependencies-plugin:unpack-dependencies capable to handle c++ build types specificities (debug|release and any mix of them).
- cxx-maven-plugin:xunit unit test report generic generation goal.
- cxx-maven-plugin:cppcheck cppcheck reports generation goal.
- cxx-maven-plugin:cppncss cppncss reports generation goal.
- cxx-maven-plugin:veraxx vera++ reports generation goal.
- cxx-maven-plugin:coverage gcov reports generation goal
- cxx-maven-plugin:valgrind valgrind reports generation goal.
- Instructions on how to use the Cxx Maven Plugin can be found on the usage page
- cxx-maven-plugin is intended to integrate seamlessly with sonar-cxx-plugin
usage : mvn <install|deploy> -D buildConfig=<debug|release>
VS IDE integrated usage need a dedicated VS add-in, contact NETICOA for availability.
- usage : mvn <install|deploy> -D buildConfig=<debug|release> to create all artefacts
- mvn <install|deploy> will manage only POM artefacts for sources SCM scenario