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De novo transcriptome reconstruction using Trinity

Trinity is a well-established methodology for the reconstruction of the de novo transcriptomes from RNA-seq data. It implements many individual de Bruijn graphs, each representing the transcriptional complexity at a given gene or locus, to generate the full-length splicing isoforms from each gene and their paralogous, without the need for a reference genome assembly.

The reason why we are using Trinity when we have a genome assembly is because isoform reconstruction is not an easy task, and the complexity of primary mRNA splicing cannot be grasped with a single methodology. Let's for example imagine there are particularly long introns that are not easy to be fully identified with standard short-read mapping. Using Trinity for the de novo transcriptome reconstruction, with a subsequent mapping of those reconstructed isoforms, can bring a different type of information not fully exploited by short-reads.

Trinity pipeline:

In this step of the annotation pipeline, we will therefore employ Trinity to do exactly that:

  1. De novo transcriptome reconstruction
  2. Mapping of those transcript onto the reference genome to integrate this type of information with other pieces of the puzzle.

In cases like this one where we have multiple libraries, we can run a small for loop in bash to create variables for the left and right pairs:


for SRA in $srSRAS; do
	SRA1="$SRA1 ${DATADIR}/${SRA}_1.extracted.fastq.gz"
	SRA2="$SRA2 ${DATADIR}/${SRA}_2.extracted.fastq.gz"

And subsequently run Trinity. This step will require some time, I provided you the final result using a standard run. Note: if you have multiple libraries from multiple tissues and experiment you can combine all of them or run them separately. But in case you have very high sequencing depth you can tell Trinity, or use third part software (e.g.: BBmap), to in silico normalise the data, which means removing reads from highly expressed genes, to make the computation more affordable in terms of RAM and CPU load.

Trinity --max_memory 150G --seqType fq --left $SRA1 --right $SRA2 --CPU $THREADS --output $SPECIES.trinity --full_cleanup --bflyCPU $THREADS

Checking Trinity output:

Once you have your reconstructed transcripts you can map them with minimap2, making sure to convert the output in a bed file. You can use | to combine multiple commands:

minimap2 -ax splice:hq -C5 -t $THREADS $CHR $DATADIR/$SPECIES.Trinity.fasta.gz | samtools sort - | \
	samtools view -b -h -@ $THREADS - | bedtools bamtobed -bed12 -i - | awk '{ if ( $10 > 1 ) print $0 }' | awk '{ $4 = $4"."NR; print }' | sed 's/ /\t/g' > $SPECIES.minimap2.Trinity.bed

We can now use the bed file or whatever other format (e.g.: gff) you think is appropriate to extract the nucleotide sequence, not the aa. And check some stats.

bedtools getfasta -nameOnly -fo $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.out.fasta -fi $DATADIR/$SPECIES.$CHRNAME.fasta -bed $SPECIES.minimap2.Trinity.bed

Do you know why we're using nt instead of aa?

Now we can use BUSCO -m transcriptome to check the completeness to check how complete is annotation might be. What would you expect?

busco -f -m transcriptome -i $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.out.fasta -f -o $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.Busco.$BUSCODB -l $BUSCODIR/$BUSCODB --cpu $THREADS

We also want to look at other metrics such as the representation of full-length reconstructed protein-coding genes. This can be done by searching the annotated transcripts against a database of known protein sequences. you can find more of this explanation here. In brief, what we want to do is to check how many transcripts appear to be full-length or nearly full-length compared with a reference proteome/transcriptome. Of course, doing this when closely related species are model organisms is a relatively straightforward procedure since one can easily align the transcripts to the reference transcripts and examine the length coverage. But when your target genome doesn't have close model organisms things can appear different without being necessarily a problem in the assembly itself. The idea of this metric is therefore to determine the number of unique top-matching proteins that align across more than X% of its length.

Since we have nt we can use diamond bastx to translate and map to proteins, providing a protein database indexed with diamond makedb.

diamond blastx  --ultra-sensitive --max-target-seqs 1 --threads $THREADS --query $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.out.fasta --outfmt 6 --db ${SWISSPROTDB} \
	--evalue 1e-5 --out $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.out.outfmt6

We can then compute the X% length against the best hits. We can also use the final tsv file to make a plot of the distribution on the frequency of X%. $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.out.outfmt6 $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.out.fasta ${SWISSPROTDB}.fasta
grep -v '^#' $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.out.outfmt6.w_pct_hit_length | sed 's/^/Trinity\t/' > $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.out.outfmt6.w_pct_hit_length.tsv

You can also combine this table with the one from BRAKER

cat braker_utr.aa.out.outfmt6.w_pct_hit_length.tsv > AllAnnotations.aa.out.outfmt6.w_pct_hit_length.tsv
cat $SPECIES.RNA.$CHRNAME.trinity.out.outfmt6.w_pct_hit_length.tsv >> AllAnnotations.aa.out.outfmt6.w_pct_hit_length.tsv

And plot them together

Analyze_Diamond_topHit_coverage.R AllAnnotations.aa.out.outfmt6.w_pct_hit_length.tsv AllAnnotations.aa.out.outfmt6.w_pct_hit_length.png

Mikado compare can be used to check differences with the previous BRAKER predicion

mikado compare -r $BRAKERGTF -p $SPECIES.minimap2.Trinity.bed -o TrinityVsBRAKER
cat TrinityVsBRAKER.stats

... and a reference.

mikado compare -r $ANNREF -p $SPECIES.minimap2.Trinity.bed -o TrinityVsRef
cat TrinityVsRef.stats

What can you tell? How is Trinity performing?