This is the command-line interface for Foundation family of frameworks. It downloads and installs blank templates in any of the three Foundation frameworks:
- Foundation for Sites, a framework for responsive websites
- Foundation for Emails, a framework for responsive email
You'll need the following software installed to get started.
- Node.js 0.12+: Use the installer provided on the NodeJS website.
- With Node installed, run
[sudo] npm install -g gulp bower
- With Node installed, run
- Git: Use the installer for your OS.
- Windows users can also try Git for Windows.
The Foundation CLI is installed through npm.
npm install -g foundation-cli
This will add the foundation
command to your system.
The CLI periodically gets updates that add features or fix bugs. Use npm to upgrade the CLI to the newest version.
npm update -g foundation-cli
To check what version you currently have, use -v
foundation -v
Starts the setup process for a new Foundation project. The CLI will ask you which framework you want to use and a folder name for the project.
foundation new
While inside of your app's folder, use the watch
command to assemble your app and run a test server.
cd appName
foundation watch
While this process is running, you can view the assembled app in your browser, at this URL:
While the server is running, any changes you make to your HTML, Sass, or JavaScript will automatically be processed and added to your live app.
To build your app for production, use foundation build
foundation build
Updates your Bower packages, which includes Foundation. Run this command if you're using Bower instead of NPM or Yarn and you want to update an existing project to the newest version of Foundation.
foundation update
Lists all available commands in the CLI.
foundation help
Add a command name at the end to learn how a specific command works.
foundation help new