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Ben Lavery-Griffiths edited this page Aug 13, 2023 · 2 revisions

The Manaha Minecraft server has a really naff webpage. I am not a web designer:

screen shot of a boring webpage

As you can see from the screenshot above, there are some links to some useful Manaha community pages, as well as some common Minecraft resources. There there is a "lovely" table showing when I was last online.

At the bottom of the page is the calculation of how long everyone has been online for:

another screen shot

The table of player statuses is created using the following bit of config (as shown in the README):

  # If this is set to false then all other activity operations are disabled
  log_activity: true
  # Enable generating a status page for the website
  generate_status: true
  # Where the status page should be outputted to
  status: /var/www/html/players.html

The player activity is created using the following bit of config (as shown in the README):

  # If this is set to false then all other activity operations are disabled
  log_activity: true
  # Enable calculating the amount of time each player has been online and outputting it to a file
  generate_output: true
  # Where the activity calculations should be outputted to
  output: /var/www/html/activity.txt

In my index page (/var/www/html/index.html), I then include these files using some jquery:


<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
	<script src="jquery-3.7.0.min.js"></script>
		$("#activity").load("activity.txt" + '?_=' +;
		$("#status").load("players.html" + '?_=' +;


<h2>Player Activity</h2>
<p>Please note that all times are GMT</p>
<table id="status" border='1' bgcolor='DimGrey' cellpadding='5'></table>

<h2>Activity 30/10/2013</h2>
<div id="activity"></div>

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