Copyright (C) 2018-2022 The Open Library Foundation
This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.
- Docker deployment
- Camunda Module Dependencies
- Workflow Project Structure
- App Deployment
- Camunda APIs
- Kafka Message Broker
- FOLIO Integration
- Additional Information
- Issue Tracker
cd ..
git clone
cd mod-workflow
mvn clean install
cd mod-camunda
docker build -t folio/mod-camunda .
docker run -d -p 9000:8081 folio/mod-camunda
docker login [docker repo]
docker build -t [docker repo]/folio/mod-camunda:[version] .
docker push [docker repo]/folio/mod-camunda:[version]
This module extends spring-module-core and brings in Camunda BPM to enable workflow capabilities. Camunda is an open-source BPM platform that is embedded in this module via the following dependencies.
# --- VERSIONS ---
<!-- Import dependency management from Camunda -->
- camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter
- Adds the Camunda engine (v7.9)
- The Camunda engine requires a database schema to be configured on startup
- Work is in progress to allow the module to start without any database creation and have the tenant creation perform the necessary table creation and initial data import
- Details on the process engine database schema configuration can be foune here
- camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-webapp
- Enables Web Applications such as Camunda Cockpit and Tasklist
- camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-rest
- Enables the Camunda REST API
- The Camunda REST API uses Jersey so we use spring boot's common application properties to configure the path to be /camunda in the application.yml file
Business Process Models and Decision Models are built using the Camunda Modeler which impelements BPMN 2.0 and DMN 1.1 specifications.
- .bpmn files are stored in
- .dmn files are stored in
Any Java code that is executed in the context of a process is usually written in a Java Delegate. These classes are stored in /src/main/java/org/folio/rest/delegate/
- Run the application
mvn clean spring-boot:run
- Deploy all the processes by running scripts/ file
- Navigate to Camunda Portal
- Log in as admin user:
, password:admin
- Process/Decision Deployment
- /camunda/deployment
- /camunda/deployment/{id}
- /camunda/deployment/create
- /camunda/deployment/{id}
- Process Definition
- /camunda/process-definition
- /camunda/process-definition/{id}
- /camunda/process-definition/{id}/start
- /camunda/process-definition/key/{key}/tenant-id/{tenant-id}/start
- Decision Definition
- /camunda/decision-definition
- /camunda/decision-definition/{id}
- Tasks
- /camunda/task
- /camunda/task/{id}
- /camunda/task/{id}/claim
- /camunda/task/{id}/unclaim
- /camunda/task/{id}/complete
- Message Events
- /camunda/message
We are using Kafka as the message broker.
For detailed information to bring up a FOLIO instance refer to
The following requires Vagrant 1.9.6 or above.
vagrant up
# wait
When finished Okapi will be running with mod-workflow and mod-camunda deployed under the diku tenant. mod-camunda will have its port forwarded for access to the Camunda webapps. FOLIO UI will be accessible at http://localhost:3000
; username
: diku_admin
, password
: admin
Okapi is being built and redeployed from within this vagrant. Eventually this will not need to happen. If a specific branch of either mod-camunda or mod-workflow is desired to be deployed, modify the Vagrantfile
git checkout main
to the desired branch and restart vagrant.vagrant destroy
,vagrant up
In order to facilitate development on mod-camunda in the context of Okapi, there is a sync directory from the host machine to the guest machine. The host directory is at .vagrant/sync
and it will contain okapi
, mod-camunda
, and mod-workflow
. The development and git branch management can be done on the host machine. The guest directory is at /sync
. The redeployment of a module must be done from the guest machine.
vagrant ssh
sudo su
cd /sync
# kill mod-camunda running on port 9000
kill $(lsof -t -i :9000)
cd mod-camunda
mvn clean install
nohup java -jar target/mod-camunda-1.1.0.jar &
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Okapi-Tenant: diku" http://localhost:9130/authn/login -d '{"username": "diku_admin", "password": "admin"}'
The response headers of interest are X-Okapi-Token
and refreshToken
curl -v -H "X-Okapi-Tenant: diku" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9130/refresh -d '{"refreshToken": "`[refresh token goes here]`"}'
The body of this response will contain the new X-Okapi-Token
The Trigger entity from mod-workflow is used to select which request-response events from Okapi are to be published to the ${ENV:folio}
topic that mod-camunda can subscribe to. In order to create the Triggers we have to provide the correct permissions to the diku_admin
. The vagrant will create an example trigger for when a user is created.
In order to call mod-camunda and mod-workflow through the Okapi gateway a user will need the appropriate permissions. In order to accommodate this the Vagrantfile runs a shell script in which updates permissions for diku_admin
. Providing him with all permissions to all interfaces of mod-camunda and mod-workflow.
When finished it will be desired to cleanup as the FOLIO vagrant uses a lot of resources.
vagrant destroy
rm -rf .vagrant/sync
Removing the synced directory,
, on the host will remove any changes during development that have not been pushed.
The environment variables most notable to deployment are described in the Module Descriptor.
The following is a summary of many of them.
Name | Default value | Description |
The e-mail address of the Camunda administration user. |
CAMUNDA_BPM_ADMINUSER_ID | admin | The account name of the Camunda administration user. |
CAMUNDA_BPM_ADMINUSER_PASSWORD | admin | The password of the Camunda administration user. |
CAMUNDA_BPM_DATABASE_SCHEMAUPDATE | true | If Camunda should auto-update the BPM database schema. |
CAMUNDA_BPM_METRICS | false | Enable or disable Camunda metrics by default. |
DB_CHARSET | UTF-8 | Database charset. |
DB_DATABASE | okapi_modules | Postgres database name. |
DB_HOST | postgres | Postgres host name. |
DB_MAXPOOLSIZE | 5 | Database max pool size. |
DB_PASSWORD | - | Postgres user password. |
DB_PORT | 5432 | Postgres port. |
DB_QUERYTIMEOUT | 60000 | Database query timeout. |
DB_USERNAME | folio_admin | Postgres user name. |
JAVA_OPTIONS | -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0 |
Java options. |
KAFKA_HOST | kafka | Kafka broker host name. |
KAFKA_PORT | 9092 | Kafka broker port. |
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL | PLAINTEXT | Kafka security protocol used to communicate with brokers (SSL or PLAINTEXT). |
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION | - | The location of the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. |
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | - | The store password for the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured. |
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION | - | The location of the Kafka trust store file. |
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD | - | The password for the Kafka trust store file. If a password is not set, trust store file configured will still be used, but integrity checking is disabled. |
OKAPI_URL | http://okapi:9130 |
OKAPI URL used to login system user, required |
SERVER_PORT | 8081 | The port to listen on that must match the PortBindings . |
The context path, or base path, to host at. |
SPRING_FLYWAY_ENABLED | false | Database migration support via Spring Flyway. |
SPRING_JPA_HIBERNATE_DDLAUTO | update | Auto-configure database on startup. |
TENANT_DEFAULTTENANT | diku | The name of the default tenant to use. |
TENANT_FORCETENANT | false | Forcibly add or overwrite the tenant name using the default tenant. |
TENANT_INITIALIZEDEFAULTTENANT | true | Perform initial auto-creation of tenant in the database (schema, tables, etc..). |
TENANT_RECREATEDEFAULTTENANT | false | When TENANT_INITIALIZEDEFAULTTENANT is true and the database already exists, then drop and re-create. |
The permissions provided by this module are described in the Module Descriptor under permissionSets
The permissions defined are here are specific to the module and are usually not directly added to any user. Instead, permissions available for assignment to users or accounts are found in the ui-workflow Module Permission Sets. These ui-workflow permissions are automatically exposed via the appropriate stripe-ui administration interface.
See project FOLIO at the FOLIO issue tracker.