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SmartMet Server

SmartMet Server is a data and procut server for MetOcean data. It provides high capacity and high availability data and product server for MetOcean data. The server is written in C++.


In the SmartMet Server, the engines provide shared access to the data and the plugins provide APIs based on the services provided by the engines.

The querydata engine referred to as QEngine provides access to the grid data. QEngine supports the QueryData format for data, but it has ready tools to convert the data in GRIB, NetCDFand HDF format to QueryData.

QEngine memory-maps the data from NFS. It supports both spatial and temporal interpolation and nearest point selection. The used method depends on the parameter. QEngine selects the best data source for the requested region.

QEngine has several Post-processing capabilities. It can correct the data based on accurate DEM (up to 30 meter resolution) and also based on land/water information. Correlation done to the temperature is based on the difference between model and real taking into account of the following factors, namely, topography, land/water information, used to give more weight on corresponding grid points in interpolation. QEngine can calculate derivative parameters such as FeelsLike, sunset, day length, etc.


Generic settings

  • verbose = true/false - in verbose mode the engine will report newly loaded data
  • maxthreads = N - the number of threads used to read data on start up
  • valid_points_cache_dir = "path" - directory where to cache information on the grids
  • clean_valid_points_cache_dir = true/false - whether to automatically clean the above directory on start up or not

Cache settings

  • cache.values_size = N - how many processed grids to cache, default is 5000
  • cache.coordinates_size = N - how many projected grid coordinates to cache, default is 100
  • cache.lat_lon_size = N - how many latlon grids to cache, default is 500

Overriding generic settings

Settings can be overridden for groups of hosts using an overrides group. Sample configuration:

      name = [ "test1", "test2.fmi" ];  # host name prefixes
      maxthreads = 5;                   # do not use too many threads on test machines
      verbose    = true;                # report what is being done on test machines
      name = [ "super1", "super2" ];
      maxthreads = 50;                  # use more threads on powerful servers

Disabling engine

QEngine can be loaded but disabled when only required to satisfy externel symbols in plugins, but not actually used due to plugin configuration. There are several ways to specify, that QEngine is disabled:

  • by providing configuration parameter disabled = true
  • by not providing configuration at all ** setting configfile is missing in engine section ** empty string is provided as the value of the configfile setting in engine section A log message is generated in case of disabled engine


The producers setting will list the producers in the order they will be used for finding a producer for the requested coordinates if no producer is otherwise set in the request. Producers may be grouped using an alias command to limit the search.

Sample configuration:

producers =
    "local_default_model",   # local high resolution model
    "ecmwf_world",           # this will match any coordinate
    ....                     # and hence the remaining producers must be requested explicitly by name

Each producer is configured in more detail using a top level block as follows:

        mmap                    = false;
        alias                   = "hirlam";
        directory               = "/path/to/hirlam/scandinavia/querydata";
        pattern                 = ".*_hirlam_scandinavia\.sqd$";
        forecast                = true;
        type                    = "grid";
        leveltype               = "surface";
        fullgrid                = false;
        refresh_interval_secs   = 45;
        number_to_keep          = 2;
        update_interval         = "PT1H";
        minimum_expires         = "PT10M";
        relative_uv             = false;

The individual settings are as follows

  • alias - optional grouping for the producer
  • directory - path to the querydata files
  • pattern - required filename pattern
  • forecast - true for forecasts, false for observations
  • climatology - false by default. If true, the data can be queried for any year, only the date part matters
  • type - grid, points. Some operations are permitted only for grids or points.
  • leveltype - surface, pressure, model, points
  • fullgrid - true if data is valid for all points, saves speed when server starts
  • refresh_interval_secs - (default: 60) How often to check the directory for changes
  • number_to_keep - (default: 2) How many newest models to keep in the engine. Should be at least two for directories that change over time in server clusters. If the data is static and never updates, the value can be set to 1. When using "multifile mode" this value should be greater than two, or if old data is otherwise often requested using origintime-settings.
  • update_interval - (default: 3600) Estimated update interval for the data, used for expiration headers
  • minimum_expires - (default: 600) Minimum expiration header even though the model might be just a minute or two late
  • mmap - true by default, often set to false for the most important local model
  • max_age - time when the data should be dropped from the engine even if it still exists on the disk
  • relative_uv - are wind U- and V-components relative to the local grid orientation or east/north components

For historical reasons durations can be specified using ISO8601 or as simple offsets:

  • 0, 0m, 0h (zero offset with or without units)
  • (+|-){N}{unit} where N is a positive integer and unit is one of 'm' (minutes), 'h' (hours), 'w' (weeks) or 'y' (years). If the units are omitted, minutes will be used.

Translations for specific weather parameters

The Querydata Engine enables converting a numeric WeatherSymbol3 to a textual WeatherText parameter on the fly. The code assumes the translations are defined in the configuration for specific ISO2 language codes as follows:

language = "fi";

                        value   = 1;
                        en      = "sunny";
                        sv      = "klart";
                        fi      = "selke\\u00e4\\u00e4";
                        value   = 2;
                        en      = "partly cloudy";
                        sv      = "halvklart";
                        fi      = "puolipilvist\\u00e4";
                        value   = 3;
                        en      = "cloudy";
                        sv      = "mulet";
                        fi      = "pilvist\\u00e4";

Unfortunately the translations for the more modern SmartSymbol are still hardcoded into the C++ code.


SmartMet Server can be dockerized. This tutorial explains how to explains how to configure the querydata engine (QEngine) of the SmartMet Server when using Docker.


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