Start from a clean checkout at main
Before running through the release it's good to run the build and the tests locally, and make sure CI is passing. You can also test-drive the commit in an existing Bazel workspace to sanity check functionality.
rules_python is currently using Zero-based versioning and thus backwards-incompatible API changes still come under the minor-version digit. So releases with API changes and new features bump the minor, and those with only bug fixes and other minor changes bump the patch digit.
- Determine what will be the next release, following semver.
- Create a tag and push, e.g.
git tag 0.5.0 upstream/main && git push upstream --tags
- Watch the release automation run on
- Ping @philwo to get the new release added to See this comment on issue #400 for more context.
- Announce the release in the #python channel in the Bazel slack (