diff --git a/src/bindings/python/fluxacct/accounting/bank_subcommands.py b/src/bindings/python/fluxacct/accounting/bank_subcommands.py
index 6781867b2..914ee13c8 100644
--- a/src/bindings/python/fluxacct/accounting/bank_subcommands.py
+++ b/src/bindings/python/fluxacct/accounting/bank_subcommands.py
@@ -21,63 +21,6 @@
 #                      Helper Functions                       #
 #                                                             #
-def print_user_rows(cur, rows, bank):
-    """Print user information in a table format."""
-    user_str = "\nUsers Under Bank {bank_name}:\n\n".format(bank_name=bank)
-    user_headers = [description[0] for description in cur.description]
-    # print column names of association_table
-    for header in user_headers:
-        user_str += header.ljust(18)
-    user_str += "\n"
-    for row in rows:
-        for col in list(row):
-            user_str += str(col).ljust(18)
-        user_str += "\n"
-    return user_str
-def get_bank_rows(cur, rows, bank):
-    """Print bank information in a table format."""
-    bank_str = ""
-    bank_headers = [description[0] for description in cur.description]
-    # bank has sub banks, so list them
-    for header in bank_headers:
-        bank_str += header.ljust(15)
-    bank_str += "\n"
-    for row in rows:
-        for col in list(row):
-            bank_str += str(col).ljust(15)
-        bank_str += "\n"
-    return bank_str
-def print_sub_banks(conn, bank, bank_str, indent=""):
-    """Traverse the bank table and print all sub banks ansd users."""
-    select_stmt = "SELECT bank FROM bank_table WHERE parent_bank=?"
-    cur = conn.cursor()
-    cur.execute(select_stmt, (bank,))
-    result = cur.fetchall()
-    # we've reached a bank with no sub banks
-    if len(result) == 0:
-        cur.execute("SELECT username FROM association_table WHERE bank=?", (bank,))
-        result = cur.fetchall()
-        if result:
-            for row in result:
-                bank_str += indent + " " + row[0] + "\n"
-    # else, delete all of its sub banks and continue traversing
-    else:
-        for row in result:
-            bank_str += indent + " " + row[0] + "\n"
-            bank_str = print_sub_banks(conn, row[0], bank_str, indent + " ")
-    return bank_str
 def validate_parent_bank(cur, parent_bank):
         cur.execute("SELECT shares FROM bank_table WHERE bank=?", (parent_bank,))
@@ -134,83 +77,6 @@ def reactivate_bank(conn, cur, bank, parent_bank):
-def print_hierarchy(cur, bank, hierarchy_str, indent=""):
-    # look for all sub banks under this parent bank
-    select_stmt = "SELECT bank,shares,job_usage FROM bank_table WHERE parent_bank=?"
-    cur.execute(select_stmt, (bank,))
-    sub_banks = cur.fetchall()
-    if len(sub_banks) == 0:
-        # we've reached a bank with no sub banks, so print out every user
-        # under this bank
-        cur.execute(
-            "SELECT username,shares,job_usage,fairshare FROM association_table WHERE bank=?",
-            (bank,),
-        )
-        users = cur.fetchall()
-        if users:
-            for user in users:
-                hierarchy_str += (
-                    indent
-                    + " "
-                    + bank.ljust(20)
-                    + str(user[0]).rjust(20 - (len(indent) + 1))
-                    + str(user[1]).rjust(20)
-                    + str(user[2]).rjust(20)
-                    + str(user[3]).rjust(20)
-                    + "\n"
-                )
-    else:
-        # continue traversing the hierarchy
-        for sub_bank in sub_banks:
-            hierarchy_str += (
-                indent
-                + " "
-                + str(sub_bank[0]).ljust(20)
-                + "".rjust(20 - (len(indent) + 1))  # this skips the "Username" column
-                + str(sub_bank[1]).rjust(20)
-                + str(sub_bank[2]).rjust(20)
-                + "\n"
-            )
-            hierarchy_str = print_hierarchy(
-                cur, sub_bank[0], hierarchy_str, indent + " "
-            )
-    return hierarchy_str
-def print_parsable_hierarchy(cur, bank, hierarchy_str, indent=""):
-    # look for all sub banks under this parent bank
-    select_stmt = "SELECT bank,shares,job_usage FROM bank_table WHERE parent_bank=?"
-    cur.execute(select_stmt, (bank,))
-    sub_banks = cur.fetchall()
-    if len(sub_banks) == 0:
-        # we've reached a bank with no sub banks, so print out every user
-        # under this bank
-        cur.execute(
-            "SELECT username,shares,job_usage,fairshare FROM association_table WHERE bank=?",
-            (bank,),
-        )
-        users = cur.fetchall()
-        if users:
-            for user in users:
-                hierarchy_str += (
-                    f"{indent} {bank}|{user[0]}|{user[1]}|{user[2]}|{user[3]}\n"
-                )
-    else:
-        # continue traversing the hierarchy
-        for sub_bank in sub_banks:
-            hierarchy_str += (
-                f"{indent} {str(sub_bank[0])}||{str(sub_bank[1])}|{str(sub_bank[2])}\n"
-            )
-            hierarchy_str = print_parsable_hierarchy(
-                cur, sub_bank[0], hierarchy_str, indent + " "
-            )
-    return hierarchy_str
 #                                                             #
 #                   Subcommand Functions                      #
@@ -270,72 +136,39 @@ def add_bank(conn, bank, shares, parent_bank=""):
         raise sqlite3.IntegrityError(f"bank {bank} already exists in bank_table")
-def view_bank(conn, bank, tree=False, users=False, parsable=False):
-    cur = conn.cursor()
-    bank_str = ""
+def view_bank(conn, bank, tree=False, users=False, parsable=False, cols=None):
+    if tree and cols is not None:
+        # tree format cannot be combined with custom formatting, so raise an Exception
+        raise ValueError(f"--tree option does not support custom formatting")
+    if parsable and not tree:
+        # --parsable can only be called with --tree, so raise an Exception
+        raise ValueError(f"-P/--parsable can only be passed with -t/--tree")
+    # use all column names if none are passed in
+    cols = cols or fluxacct.accounting.BANK_TABLE
-        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM bank_table WHERE bank=?", (bank,))
-        result = cur.fetchall()
-        if result:
-            bank_str = get_bank_rows(cur, result, bank)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(f"bank {bank} not found in bank_table")
-        name = result[0][1]
-        shares = result[0][4]
-        usage = result[0][5]
-        if parsable is True:
-            # print out the database hierarchy starting with the bank passed in
-            hierarchy_str = "Bank|Username|RawShares|RawUsage|Fairshare\n"
-            hierarchy_str += f"{name}||{str(shares)}|{str(round(usage, 2))}\n"
-            hierarchy_str = print_parsable_hierarchy(cur, bank, hierarchy_str, "")
-            return hierarchy_str
-        if tree is True:
-            # print out the hierarchy view with the specified bank as the root of the tree
-            hierarchy_str = (
-                "Bank".ljust(20)
-                + "Username".rjust(20)
-                + "RawShares".rjust(20)
-                + "RawUsage".rjust(20)
-                + "Fairshare".rjust(20)
-                + "\n"
-            )
-            # add the bank passed in to the hierarchy string
-            hierarchy_str += (
-                name.ljust(20)
-                + "".rjust(20)
-                + str(shares).rjust(20)
-                + str(round(usage, 2)).rjust(20)
-                + "\n"
-            )
+        cur = conn.cursor()
-            hierarchy_str = print_hierarchy(cur, name, hierarchy_str, "")
-            bank_str += "\n" + hierarchy_str
-        # if users is passed in, print out all potential users under
-        # the passed in bank
-        if users is True:
-            select_stmt = """
-                        SELECT username,userid,default_bank,shares,job_usage,
-                        fairshare,max_running_jobs,queues FROM association_table
-                        WHERE bank=?
-                        """
-            cur.execute(
-                select_stmt,
-                (bank,),
-            )
-            result = cur.fetchall()
+        sql.validate_columns(cols, fluxacct.accounting.BANK_TABLE)
+        # construct SELECT statement
+        select_stmt = f"SELECT {', '.join(cols)} FROM bank_table WHERE bank=?"
+        cur.execute(select_stmt, (bank,))
-            if result:
-                user_str = print_user_rows(cur, result, bank)
-                bank_str += user_str
-            else:
-                bank_str += "\nno users under {bank_name}".format(bank_name=bank)
+        # initialize BankFormatter object
+        formatter = fmt.BankFormatter(cur, bank)
-        return bank_str
-    except sqlite3.OperationalError as exc:
-        raise sqlite3.OperationalError(f"an sqlite3.OperationalError occurred: {exc}")
+        if tree:
+            if parsable:
+                return formatter.as_parsable_tree(bank)
+            return formatter.as_tree()
+        if users:
+            return formatter.with_users(bank)
+        return formatter.as_json()
+    except sqlite3.Error as err:
+        raise sqlite3.Error(f"view-bank: an sqlite3.Error occurred: {err}")
+    except ValueError as exc:
+        raise ValueError(f"view-bank: {exc}")
 def delete_bank(conn, bank):
diff --git a/src/bindings/python/fluxacct/accounting/formatter.py b/src/bindings/python/fluxacct/accounting/formatter.py
index 9c8077d46..a49ac27a9 100644
--- a/src/bindings/python/fluxacct/accounting/formatter.py
+++ b/src/bindings/python/fluxacct/accounting/formatter.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 class AccountingFormatter:
-    def __init__(self, cursor):
+    def __init__(self, cursor, error_msg="no results found in query"):
         Initialize an AccountingFormatter object with a SQLite cursor.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def __init__(self, cursor):
         if not self.rows:
             # the SQL query didn't fetch any results; raise an Exception
-            raise ValueError("no results found in query")
+            raise ValueError(error_msg)
     def get_column_names(self):
@@ -94,3 +94,195 @@ def as_json(self):
         json_string = json.dumps(table_data, indent=2)
         return json_string
+class BankFormatter(AccountingFormatter):
+    """
+    Subclass of AccountingFormatter that includes additional methods for printing
+    out banks/sub-banks in a hierarchical format and lists of users under banks.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cursor, bank_name):
+        """
+        Initialize a BankFormatter object with a SQLite cursor.
+        Args:
+            cursor: a SQLite Cursor object that has the results of a SQL query.
+            bank_name: the name of the bank.
+        """
+        self.bank_name = bank_name
+        super().__init__(
+            cursor, error_msg=f"bank {self.bank_name} not found in bank_table"
+        )
+    def as_tree(self):
+        """
+        Format the flux-accounting bank hierarchy in tree format. The bank passed
+        into the query will serve as the root of the tree.
+        Returns:
+            hierarchy: the hierarchy of banks in bank_table with the passed-in bank
+                as the root of the tree.
+        """
+        def construct_hierarchy(cur, bank, hierarchy, indent=""):
+            """
+            Recursively traverse bank_table and look for sub banks and associations. Add
+            them to the string representing the hierarchy of banks and users.
+            Args:
+                cur: the SQLite Cursor object used to execute SQL queries.
+                bank: the current bank being passed to the SQL query.
+                hierarchy: the string representing the hierarchy of banks and users.
+                indent: the level of indent for each level of sub bank or users.
+                    Each traversed level will have one additional space (" ") before the
+                    row.
+            """
+            select_stmt = (
+                "SELECT bank,shares,job_usage FROM bank_table WHERE parent_bank=?"
+            )
+            cur.execute(select_stmt, (bank,))
+            sub_banks = cur.fetchall()
+            if len(sub_banks) == 0:
+                # reached a bank with no sub banks, so get associations under this bank
+                cur.execute(
+                    "SELECT username,shares,job_usage,fairshare FROM association_table WHERE bank=?",
+                    (bank,),
+                )
+                users = cur.fetchall()
+                if users:
+                    for user in users:
+                        hierarchy += (
+                            indent
+                            + " "
+                            + bank.ljust(20)
+                            + str(user[0]).rjust(20 - (len(indent) + 1))
+                            + str(user[1]).rjust(20)
+                            + str(user[2]).rjust(20)
+                            + str(user[3]).rjust(20)
+                            + "\n"
+                        )
+            else:
+                # continue traversing the hierarchy
+                for sub_bank in sub_banks:
+                    hierarchy += (
+                        indent
+                        + " "
+                        + str(sub_bank[0]).ljust(20)
+                        + "".rjust(
+                            20 - (len(indent) + 1)
+                        )  # this skips the "Username" column
+                        + str(sub_bank[1]).rjust(20)
+                        + str(sub_bank[2]).rjust(20)
+                        + "\n"
+                    )
+                    hierarchy = construct_hierarchy(
+                        cur, sub_bank[0], hierarchy, indent + " "
+                    )
+            return hierarchy
+        # construct header of the hierarchy
+        hierarchy = (
+            "Bank".ljust(20)
+            + "Username".rjust(20)
+            + "RawShares".rjust(20)
+            + "RawUsage".rjust(20)
+            + "Fairshare".rjust(20)
+            + "\n"
+        )
+        # add the bank passed in to the hierarchy string
+        hierarchy += (
+            self.rows[0][1].ljust(20)
+            + "".rjust(20)
+            + str(self.rows[0][4]).rjust(20)
+            + str(round(self.rows[0][5], 2)).rjust(20)
+            + "\n"
+        )
+        hierarchy = construct_hierarchy(self.cursor, self.rows[0][1], hierarchy, "")
+        return hierarchy
+    def as_parsable_tree(self, bank):
+        """
+        Format the flux-accounting bank hierarchy in a parsable tree format starting with
+        the bank passed in serving as the root of the tree. Delimit the items in each row
+        with a pipe ('|') character.
+        Returns:
+            hierarchy: a string representing the hierarchy of banks in the
+                flux-accounting DB as a parsable tree.
+        """
+        def construct_parsable_hierarchy(cur, bank, hierarchy, indent=""):
+            """
+            Recursively traverse bank_table and look for sub banks and users and add
+            them to a string representing the flux-accounting bank hierarchy..
+            Args:
+                cur: the SQLite Cursor object used to execute SQL queries.
+                bank: the current bank being passed to the SQL query.
+                hierarchy: the string holding the parsable hierarchy tree.
+                indent: the level of indent for each level of sub bank or associations.
+                    Each traversed level will have one additional space " " before the
+                    row.
+            """
+            select_stmt = (
+                "SELECT bank,shares,job_usage FROM bank_table WHERE parent_bank=?"
+            )
+            cur.execute(select_stmt, (bank,))
+            sub_banks = cur.fetchall()
+            if len(sub_banks) == 0:
+                # reached a bank with no sub banks, so get associations under this bank
+                cur.execute(
+                    "SELECT username,shares,job_usage,fairshare FROM association_table WHERE bank=?",
+                    (bank,),
+                )
+                users = cur.fetchall()
+                if users:
+                    for user in users:
+                        hierarchy += (
+                            f"{indent} {bank}|{user[0]}|{user[1]}|{user[2]}|{user[3]}\n"
+                        )
+            else:
+                # continue traversing the hierarchy
+                for sub_bank in sub_banks:
+                    hierarchy += f"{indent} {str(sub_bank[0])}||{str(sub_bank[1])}|{str(sub_bank[2])}\n"
+                    hierarchy = construct_parsable_hierarchy(
+                        cur, sub_bank[0], hierarchy, indent + " "
+                    )
+            return hierarchy
+        # construct a hierarchy string starting with the bank passed in
+        hierarchy = "Bank|Username|RawShares|RawUsage|Fairshare\n"
+        hierarchy += f"{self.rows[0][1]}||{str(self.rows[0][4])}|{str(round(self.rows[0][5], 2))}\n"
+        hierarchy = construct_parsable_hierarchy(self.cursor, bank, hierarchy, "")
+        return hierarchy
+    def with_users(self, bank):
+        """
+        Print basic information for all of the users under a given bank in table
+        format.
+        Returns:
+            info: the information for both the bank and basic information for all
+                users under that bank.
+        """
+        try:
+            info = self.as_table()
+            select_stmt = """SELECT username,default_bank,shares,job_usage,fairshare
+                             FROM association_table
+                             WHERE bank=?"""
+            self.cursor.execute(
+                select_stmt,
+                (bank,),
+            )
+            formatter = AccountingFormatter(self.cursor)
+            info += "\n\n" + formatter.as_table()
+            return info
+        except ValueError:
+            return info + f"\n\nno users under {bank}"
diff --git a/src/cmd/flux-account-service.py b/src/cmd/flux-account-service.py
index 3c9abae50..c6e458222 100755
--- a/src/cmd/flux-account-service.py
+++ b/src/cmd/flux-account-service.py
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ def view_bank(self, handle, watcher, msg, arg):
+                msg.payload["fields"].split(",") if msg.payload.get("fields") else None,
             payload = {"view_bank": val}
diff --git a/src/cmd/flux-account.py b/src/cmd/flux-account.py
index 2127b3d6c..41cd33f5a 100755
--- a/src/cmd/flux-account.py
+++ b/src/cmd/flux-account.py
@@ -320,6 +320,13 @@ def add_view_bank_arg(subparsers):
         help="list all sub banks in a parsable format with specified bank as root of tree",
+    subparser_view_bank.add_argument(
+        "--fields",
+        type=str,
+        help="list of fields to include in JSON output",
+        default=None,
+    )
 def add_delete_bank_arg(subparsers):
diff --git a/t/Makefile.am b/t/Makefile.am
index 2a50f3163..69f5b7494 100644
--- a/t/Makefile.am
+++ b/t/Makefile.am
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ TESTSCRIPTS = \
 	python/t1004_queue_cmds.py \
 	python/t1005_project_cmds.py \
 	python/t1006_job_archive.py \
-	python/t1007_formatter.py
+	python/t1007_formatter.py \
+	python/t1008_banks_output.py
 dist_check_SCRIPTS = \
diff --git a/t/expected/flux_account/A_bank.expected b/t/expected/flux_account/A_bank.expected
index f35c6ffec..2e5e8f229 100644
--- a/t/expected/flux_account/A_bank.expected
+++ b/t/expected/flux_account/A_bank.expected
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-2              A              1              root           1              0.0            
-Users Under Bank A:
-username          userid            default_bank      shares            job_usage         fairshare         max_running_jobs  queues            
-user5011          5011              A                 1                 0.0               0.5               5                                   
-user5012          5012              A                 1                 0.0               0.5               5                                   
+bank_id | bank | active | parent_bank | shares | job_usage
+2       | A    | 1      | root        | 1      | 0.0      
+username | default_bank | shares | job_usage | fairshare
+user5011 | A            | 1      | 0.0       | 0.5      
+user5012 | A            | 1      | 0.0       | 0.5      
diff --git a/t/expected/flux_account/D_bank.expected b/t/expected/flux_account/D_bank.expected
index f83560751..553321fd2 100644
--- a/t/expected/flux_account/D_bank.expected
+++ b/t/expected/flux_account/D_bank.expected
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-5              D              1              root           1              0.0            
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 D                                                          1                 0.0
  E                                                         1                 0.0
diff --git a/t/expected/flux_account/E_bank.expected b/t/expected/flux_account/E_bank.expected
index e7f29cc9a..f041aea40 100644
--- a/t/expected/flux_account/E_bank.expected
+++ b/t/expected/flux_account/E_bank.expected
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-6              E              1              D              1              0.0            
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 E                                                          1                 0.0
  E                              user5030                   1                 0.0                 0.5
diff --git a/t/expected/flux_account/F_bank_tree.expected b/t/expected/flux_account/F_bank_tree.expected
index b6cd50528..e408c80a5 100644
--- a/t/expected/flux_account/F_bank_tree.expected
+++ b/t/expected/flux_account/F_bank_tree.expected
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-7              F              1              D              1              0.0            
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 F                                                          1                 0.0
diff --git a/t/expected/flux_account/F_bank_users.expected b/t/expected/flux_account/F_bank_users.expected
index 73ea41096..8b0e27458 100644
--- a/t/expected/flux_account/F_bank_users.expected
+++ b/t/expected/flux_account/F_bank_users.expected
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-7              F              1              D              1              0.0            
+bank_id | bank | active | parent_bank | shares | job_usage
+7       | F    | 1      | D           | 1      | 0.0      
 no users under F
diff --git a/t/expected/flux_account/full_hierarchy.expected b/t/expected/flux_account/full_hierarchy.expected
index 2c1e5d74e..e3d795a9e 100644
--- a/t/expected/flux_account/full_hierarchy.expected
+++ b/t/expected/flux_account/full_hierarchy.expected
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-1              root           1                             1              0.0            
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 root                                                       1                 0.0
  A                                                         1                 0.0
diff --git a/t/expected/flux_account/root_bank.expected b/t/expected/flux_account/root_bank.expected
index cb42503f2..cb273a2aa 100644
--- a/t/expected/flux_account/root_bank.expected
+++ b/t/expected/flux_account/root_bank.expected
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-1              root           1                             1              0.0            
+  {
+    "bank_id": 1,
+    "bank": "root",
+    "active": 1,
+    "parent_bank": "",
+    "shares": 1,
+    "job_usage": 0.0
+  }
diff --git a/t/expected/pop_db/db_hierarchy_base.expected b/t/expected/pop_db/db_hierarchy_base.expected
index c3cfb42d5..66f082a2f 100644
--- a/t/expected/pop_db/db_hierarchy_base.expected
+++ b/t/expected/pop_db/db_hierarchy_base.expected
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-1              root           1                             1              0.0            
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 root                                                       1                 0.0
  A                                                         1                 0.0
diff --git a/t/expected/pop_db/db_hierarchy_new_users.expected b/t/expected/pop_db/db_hierarchy_new_users.expected
index 3a4c0e68a..9684ad35a 100644
--- a/t/expected/pop_db/db_hierarchy_new_users.expected
+++ b/t/expected/pop_db/db_hierarchy_new_users.expected
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-1              root           1                             1              0.0            
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 root                                                       1                 0.0
  A                                                         1                 0.0
diff --git a/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_no_tie.txt b/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_no_tie.txt
index f7c6165b0..ff8370065 100644
--- a/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_no_tie.txt
+++ b/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_no_tie.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-1              root           1                             1000           133.0          
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 root                                                    1000               133.0
  account1                                               1000               121.0
diff --git a/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_tie.txt b/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_tie.txt
index 382c3a213..75ac3223f 100644
--- a/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_tie.txt
+++ b/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_tie.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-1              root           1                             1000           133.0          
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 root                                                    1000               133.0
  account1                                               1000               120.0
diff --git a/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_tie_all.txt b/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_tie_all.txt
index 5d40fd21b..55415a297 100644
--- a/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_tie_all.txt
+++ b/t/expected/print_hierarchy/small_tie_all.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-1              root           1                             1000           1332.0         
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 root                                                    1000              1332.0
  account1                                               1000               120.0
diff --git a/t/expected/update_fshare/post_fshare_update.expected b/t/expected/update_fshare/post_fshare_update.expected
index 51479e108..a9fdb48b0 100644
--- a/t/expected/update_fshare/post_fshare_update.expected
+++ b/t/expected/update_fshare/post_fshare_update.expected
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-1              root           1                             1000           180.0          
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 root                                                    1000               180.0
  account1                                               1000               121.0
diff --git a/t/expected/update_fshare/pre_fshare_update.expected b/t/expected/update_fshare/pre_fshare_update.expected
index f7c6165b0..ff8370065 100644
--- a/t/expected/update_fshare/pre_fshare_update.expected
+++ b/t/expected/update_fshare/pre_fshare_update.expected
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-bank_id        bank           active         parent_bank    shares         job_usage      
-1              root           1                             1000           133.0          
 Bank                            Username           RawShares            RawUsage           Fairshare
 root                                                    1000               133.0
  account1                                               1000               121.0
diff --git a/t/python/t1008_banks_output.py b/t/python/t1008_banks_output.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..313d463ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/python/t1008_banks_output.py
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
+# This file is part of the Flux resource manager framework.
+# For details, see https://github.com/flux-framework.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+import unittest
+import os
+import sqlite3
+import textwrap
+import fluxacct.accounting
+from fluxacct.accounting import create_db as c
+from fluxacct.accounting import bank_subcommands as b
+from fluxacct.accounting import formatter as fmt
+class TestAccountingCLI(unittest.TestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(self):
+        # create test accounting database
+        c.create_db("test_view_banks.db")
+        global conn
+        global cur
+        conn = sqlite3.connect("test_view_banks.db")
+        cur = conn.cursor()
+    # add some banks, initialize formatter
+    def test_AccountingFormatter_with_banks(self):
+        b.add_bank(conn, bank="root", shares=1)
+        b.add_bank(conn, bank="A", shares=1, parent_bank="root")
+        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM bank_table")
+        formatter = fmt.AccountingFormatter(cur)
+        self.assertIsInstance(formatter, fmt.AccountingFormatter)
+    def test_default_columns_bank_table(self):
+        cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info (bank_table)")
+        columns = cur.fetchall()
+        bank_table = [column[1] for column in columns]
+        self.assertEqual(fluxacct.accounting.BANK_TABLE, bank_table)
+    # test JSON output for listing all banks
+    def test_list_banks_default(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        [
+          {
+            "bank_id": 1,
+            "bank": "root",
+            "active": 1,
+            "parent_bank": "",
+            "shares": 1,
+            "job_usage": 0.0
+          },
+          {
+            "bank_id": 2,
+            "bank": "A",
+            "active": 1,
+            "parent_bank": "root",
+            "shares": 1,
+            "job_usage": 0.0
+          }
+        ]
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(conn)
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    # test JSON output with custom columns
+    def test_list_banks_custom_one(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        [
+          {
+            "bank_id": 1
+          },
+          {
+            "bank_id": 2
+          }
+        ]
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(conn, cols=["bank_id"])
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_custom_two(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        [
+          {
+            "bank_id": 1,
+            "bank": "root"
+          },
+          {
+            "bank_id": 2,
+            "bank": "A"
+          }
+        ]
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(conn, cols=["bank_id", "bank"])
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_custom_three(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        [
+          {
+            "bank_id": 1,
+            "bank": "root",
+            "active": 1
+          },
+          {
+            "bank_id": 2,
+            "bank": "A",
+            "active": 1
+          }
+        ]
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(conn, cols=["bank_id", "bank", "active"])
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_custom_four(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        [
+          {
+            "bank_id": 1,
+            "bank": "root",
+            "active": 1,
+            "parent_bank": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "bank_id": 2,
+            "bank": "A",
+            "active": 1,
+            "parent_bank": "root"
+          }
+        ]
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(conn, cols=["bank_id", "bank", "active", "parent_bank"])
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_custom_five(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        [
+          {
+            "bank_id": 1,
+            "bank": "root",
+            "active": 1,
+            "parent_bank": "",
+            "shares": 1
+          },
+          {
+            "bank_id": 2,
+            "bank": "A",
+            "active": 1,
+            "parent_bank": "root",
+            "shares": 1
+          }
+        ]
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(
+            conn, cols=["bank_id", "bank", "active", "parent_bank", "shares"]
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_custom_six(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        [
+          {
+            "bank_id": 1,
+            "bank": "root",
+            "active": 1,
+            "parent_bank": "",
+            "shares": 1,
+            "job_usage": 0.0
+          },
+          {
+            "bank_id": 2,
+            "bank": "A",
+            "active": 1,
+            "parent_bank": "root",
+            "shares": 1,
+            "job_usage": 0.0
+          }
+        ]
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(
+            conn,
+            cols=["bank_id", "bank", "active", "parent_bank", "shares", "job_usage"],
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_table_default(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        bank_id | bank | active | parent_bank | shares | job_usage
+        --------+------+--------+-------------+--------+----------
+        1       | root | 1      |             | 1      | 0.0      
+        2       | A    | 1      | root        | 1      | 0.0       
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(conn, table=True)
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_table_custom_one(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        bank_id
+        -------
+        1      
+        2            
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(conn, table=True, cols=["bank_id"])
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_table_custom_two(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        bank_id | bank
+        --------+-----
+        1       | root
+        2       | A      
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(conn, table=True, cols=["bank_id", "bank"])
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_table_custom_three(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        bank_id | bank | active
+        --------+------+-------
+        1       | root | 1     
+        2       | A    | 1     
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(conn, table=True, cols=["bank_id", "bank", "active"])
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_table_custom_four(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        bank_id | bank | active | parent_bank
+        --------+------+--------+------------
+        1       | root | 1      |            
+        2       | A    | 1      | root
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(
+            conn, table=True, cols=["bank_id", "bank", "active", "parent_bank"]
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_table_custom_five(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        bank_id | bank | active | parent_bank | shares
+        --------+------+--------+-------------+-------
+        1       | root | 1      |             | 1     
+        2       | A    | 1      | root        | 1
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(
+            conn,
+            table=True,
+            cols=["bank_id", "bank", "active", "parent_bank", "shares"],
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    def test_list_banks_table_custom_five(self):
+        expected = textwrap.dedent(
+            """\
+        bank_id | bank | active | parent_bank | shares | job_usage
+        --------+------+--------+-------------+--------+----------
+        1       | root | 1      |             | 1      | 0.0      
+        2       | A    | 1      | root        | 1      | 0.0
+        """
+        )
+        test = b.list_banks(
+            conn,
+            table=True,
+            cols=["bank_id", "bank", "active", "parent_bank", "shares", "job_usage"],
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(expected.strip(), test.strip())
+    # remove database and log file
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(self):
+        conn.close()
+        os.remove("test_view_banks.db")
+def suite():
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    return suite
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    from pycotap import TAPTestRunner
+    unittest.main(testRunner=TAPTestRunner())
diff --git a/t/t1023-flux-account-banks.t b/t/t1023-flux-account-banks.t
index 088bd4819..eabb6a85a 100755
--- a/t/t1023-flux-account-banks.t
+++ b/t/t1023-flux-account-banks.t
@@ -146,6 +146,11 @@ test_expect_success 'call list-banks with a bad field' '
 	grep "invalid fields: foo" error.out
+test_expect_success 'combining --tree with --fields does not work' '
+    test_must_fail flux account view-bank root --tree --fields=bank_id > error.out 2>&1 &&
+    grep "tree option does not support custom formatting" error.out
 test_expect_success 'remove flux-accounting DB' '
 	rm $(pwd)/FluxAccountingTest.db
diff --git a/t/t1036-hierarchy-small-no-tie-db.t b/t/t1036-hierarchy-small-no-tie-db.t
index 124a6740a..4e0084b48 100755
--- a/t/t1036-hierarchy-small-no-tie-db.t
+++ b/t/t1036-hierarchy-small-no-tie-db.t
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ test_expect_success 'view database hierarchy' '
 test_expect_success 'view database hierarchy in a parsable format' '
-	flux account view-bank -P root > small_no_tie_parsable.test &&
+	flux account view-bank --tree -P root > small_no_tie_parsable.test &&
 	test_cmp ${EXPECTED_FILES}/small_no_tie_parsable.txt small_no_tie_parsable.test
diff --git a/t/t1037-hierarchy-small-tie-db.t b/t/t1037-hierarchy-small-tie-db.t
index 0a2afa1b0..38c88fb2c 100755
--- a/t/t1037-hierarchy-small-tie-db.t
+++ b/t/t1037-hierarchy-small-tie-db.t
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ test_expect_success 'view database hierarchy' '
 test_expect_success 'view database hierarchy in a parsable format' '
-	flux account view-bank -P root > small_tie_parsable.test &&
+	flux account view-bank --tree -P root > small_tie_parsable.test &&
 	test_cmp ${EXPECTED_FILES}/small_tie_parsable.txt small_tie_parsable.test
diff --git a/t/t1038-hierarchy-small-tie-all-db.t b/t/t1038-hierarchy-small-tie-all-db.t
index dde9bfc67..c868e11f0 100755
--- a/t/t1038-hierarchy-small-tie-all-db.t
+++ b/t/t1038-hierarchy-small-tie-all-db.t
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ test_expect_success 'view database hierarchy' '
 test_expect_success 'view database hierarchy in a parsable format' '
-	flux account view-bank -P root > small_tie_all_parsable.test &&
+	flux account view-bank --tree -P root > small_tie_all_parsable.test &&
 	test_cmp ${EXPECTED_FILES}/small_tie_all_parsable.txt small_tie_all_parsable.test