Using the Prometheus
backend class, you can query any metrics available in
Prometheus to create an SLO.
The following methods are available to compute SLOs with the Prometheus
for computing good / bad metrics ratios.query_sli
for computing SLIs directly with Prometheus.
The good_bad_ratio
method is used to compute the ratio between two metrics:
- Good events, i.e events we consider as 'good' from the user perspective.
- Bad or valid events, i.e events we consider either as 'bad' from the user perspective, or all events we consider as 'valid' for the computation of the SLO.
This method is often used for availability SLOs, but can be used for other purposes as well (see examples).
Config example:
class: Prometheus
method: good_bad_ratio
url: http://localhost:9090
# headers:
# Content-Type: application/json
# Authorization: Basic b2s6cGFzcW==
filter_good: http_requests_total{handler="/metrics", code=~"2.."}[window]
filter_valid: http_requests_total{handler="/metrics"}[window]
# operators: ['sum', 'rate']
placeholder is needed in the query and will be replaced by the correspondingwindow
field set in each step of the Error Budget Policy. -
section (commented) allows to specify Basic Authentication credentials if needed. -
section defines which PromQL functions to apply on the timeseries. The default is to computesum(increase([METRIC_NAME][window]))
to get an accurate count of good and bad events. Be aware that changing will likely result in good / bad counts that do not accurately reflect actual load.
The query_sli
method is used to directly query the needed SLI with Prometheus:
indeed, Prometheus' PromQL
language is powerful enough that it can do ratios
This method makes it more flexible to input any PromQL
SLI computation and
eventually reduces the number of queries made to Prometheus.
See Bitnami's article on engineering SLOs with Prometheus.
class: Prometheus
method: query_sli
# headers:
# Content-Type: application/json
# Authorization: Basic b2s6cGFzcW==
expression: >
sum(rate(http_requests_total{handler="/metrics", code=~"2.."}[window]))
placeholder is needed in the query and will be replaced by the correspondingwindow
field set in each step of the Error Budget Policy. -
section (commented) allows to specify Basic Authentication credentials if needed.
→ Full SLO config (availability)
The distribution_cut
method is used for Prometheus distribution-type metrics (histograms), which are usually used for latency metrics.
A distribution metric records the statistical distribution of the extracted
values in histogram buckets. The extracted values are not recorded
individually, but their distribution across the configured buckets are recorded.
Prometheus creates 3 separate metrics <metric>_count
, <metric>_bucket
and <metric>_sum
When computing SLOs on histograms, we're usually interested in
taking the ratio of the number of events that are located in particular buckets
(considered 'good', e.g: all requests in the le=0.25
bucket) over the total
count of valid events.
The resulting PromQL expression would be similar to:
/ ignoring (le)
which you can very well use directly with the method query_sli
The distribution_cut
method does this calculus under the hood - while
additionally gathering exact good / bad counts - and proposes a simpler way of
expressing it, as shown in the config example below.
Config example:
class: Prometheus
method: distribution_cut
expression: http_requests_duration_bucket{path='/', code=~"2.."}
threshold_bucket: 0.25 # corresponds to 'le' attribute in Prometheus histograms
The threshold_bucket
allowed will depend on how the buckets boundaries are
set for your metric. Learn more in the Prometheus docs.
The Prometheus
exporter allows to export SLO metrics to the
Prometheus Pushgateway which
needs to be running.
needs to be setup to scrape metrics from Pushgateway
documentation for more details).
Example config:
- class: Prometheus
Optional fields:
: List of metrics to export (see docs). Defaults to [error_budget_burn_rate
: Username for Basic Auth.password
: Password for Basic Auth.job
: Name ofPushgateway
job. Defaults toslo-generator
Complete SLO samples using Prometheus
are available in
samples/prometheus. Check them out !