See Demo
Read about jsConsole in my personal blog
Get jsConsole [HTML + CSS + JS] - last modification on 25 Jan, 2014 [version 0.4]
Get latest version of the library (console.js) - 20 Feb, 2014 [version 0.4]
Get jsConsole Solution prepared for 10 tasks - 25 Jan, 2014 [version 0.4]
In connection with JavaScript course in Telerik Academy I decided to implement a simple JavaScript Console (similar appearance to cmd
in Win8), that the aim is writing JavaScript without need for modify existing HTML and CSS. Structural logic (HTML), presentational logic (CSS) and business logic (JavaScript) are completely separated, providing more compactness.
I provide a library (console.js) with pre-implemented JavaScript functions that take care of the modification of HTML code, simulation of IO operations, some mathematical operations, methods for easier parsing arrays, etc.
I have made an association with the C# language - functions are with C# similar names in PascalCase for division from JavaScript functions and entry point - Main method.
Everything you need is:
structuring console, the contents are "pouring" in the div-element with id = "content" (surrounded in yellow).
with pre-defined styles.
Library (console.js)
with pre-implemented JavaScript functions for easier work with console.
- removing the library does not affect on HTML and CSS logic, but in this case you should have to take care of automatically loading of methods, to simulate IO operations, etc..
Script executing the logic of your program (eg script.js).
How it looks:
/* jsConsole Library © Martin Nikolov - Version [0.2] */
// Library Methods ('public methods' you can use)
function SetFontSize(pixels) { ... }
function SetConsoleSize(height, width) { ... }
// Console Clear Methods
function ConsoleClear() { ... }
function ClearElementChildren(htmlElement) { ... }
// Console Reading Methods
function ReadLine(textMessage, defaultValue, idName) { ... }
function ReadLineFromElement(fromElement, textMessage, defaultValue, idName) { }
// Console Writing Methods
function Write(message) { ... }
function WriteLine(message) { ... }
function WriteToElement(message, toElement) { ... }
function WriteLineToElement(message, toElement) { ... }
function Format(str) { ... }
// Math
function GetRandomInt(min, max) { ... }
function GetRandomFloat(min, max, toFixed) { ... }
function AccumulatePixels(px1, px2) { ... }
// Collection elements Parser
function SplitBySeparator(string, separators) { ... }
function ParseIntCollection(string, separators) { ... }
function ParseFloatCollection(string, separators) { ... }
function ParseElementsToInt(collection) { ... }
function ParseElementsToFloat(collection) { ... }
// Set Solve Problems Button Methods
function SetSolveButton(events, textMessage) { ... }
function SetSolveButtonToElement(toElement, events, textMessage) { ... }
taskName = "SetFontSize";
function Main(bufferElement) {
WriteLine("Large text!")
taskName = "SetConsoleSize";
function Main(bufferElement) {
SetConsoleSize(50, 400);
taskName = "ConsoleClear";
function Main(bufferElement) {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
WriteLine("SPAM! SPAM!");
WriteLine("SPAM! SPAM!");
taskName = "ReadLine";
function Main(bufferElement) {
var msg1 = ReadLine("Enter message: ");
// With default value
var msg2 = ReadLine("Enter message: ", "Input with text");
// With default value and set id to the input:text
var msg2 = ReadLine("Enter message: ",
"Input with text and Id", "special-message");
taskName = "Write and WriteLine";
function Main(bufferElement) {
Write("ONE ");
taskName = "Format";
function Main(bufferElement) {
var firstName = "John";
var secondName = "Snow";
WriteLine(Format("Hello, {0} {1}!", firstName, secondName));
taskName = "GetRandomInt";
function Main(bufferElement) {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
WriteLine(GetRandomInt(-10, 10));
taskName = "GetRandomFloat";
function Main(bufferElement) {
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
WriteLine(GetRandomFloat(-10, 10));
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
WriteLine(GetRandomFloat(-10, 10, 7));
taskName = "AccumulatePixels";
function Main(bufferElement) {
var a = AccumulatePixels('20px', 30); // 20 + 30 = 50px
var b = AccumulatePixels('20px', '30px'); // 20 + 30 = 50px
var c = AccumulatePixels(20, 30); // 20 + 30 = 50px
WriteLine('20px + 30 = ' + a);
WriteLine('20px + 30px = ' + b);
WriteLine('20 + 30 = ' + c);
var d = AccumulatePixels('-20px', 30); // -20 + 30 = 10px
var e = AccumulatePixels('20px', -30); // 20 + (-30) = -10px
var f = AccumulatePixels(-20, -30); // -20 + (-30) = -50px
WriteLine('-20px + 30 = ' + d);
WriteLine('20px + (-30) = ' + e);
WriteLine('-20 + (-30) = ' + f);
taskName = "SplitBySeparator";
function Main(bufferElement) {
var text = "{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }";
var separators = [',', ' ', '{', '}'];
var numbers = SplitBySeparator(text, separators); // Array of strings
for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
taskName = "ParseIntCollection";
function Main(bufferElement) {
var text = "{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }";
var separators = [',', ' ', '{', '}'];
var numbers = ParseIntCollection(text, separators); // Array of integers
for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
WriteLine(numbers[i] + 1);
taskName = "ParseFloatCollection";
function Main(bufferElement) {
var text = "{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }";
var separators = [',', ' ', '{', '}'];
var numbers = ParseFloatCollection(text, separators); // Array of floats
for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
WriteLine(numbers[i] + 0.1);
taskName = "ParseElementsToInt";
function Main(bufferElement) {
var numbers = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'];
numbers = ParseElementsToInt(numbers); // Array of integers
for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
WriteLine(numbers[i] + 1);
taskName = "ParseElementsToFloat";
function Main(bufferElement) {
var numbers = ['1.1', '2.2', '3.3', '4.4', '5.5'];
numbers = ParseElementsToFloat(numbers); // Array of floats
for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
WriteLine((numbers[i] + 0.1).toFixed(1));
- If we have functions that have to be performed after data input, we use
. In the the parameter events lists the functions to be performed after pressing the button. - Notes: To access the data entered by the user (or pass it to function) is necessary to access the property value of the object stores data entered by the user. In the examples below to get the value of the variable firstName must access the property value - firstName.value returns an object of type String.
taskName = "SetSolveButton";
function Main(bufferElement) {
var firstName = ReadLine("First name: ");
var secondName = ReadLine("Second name: ");
SetSolveButton(function () {
Regard(firstName.value, secondName.value);
// Function 2
// Function 3
function Regard(firstName, secondName) {
WriteLine(Format("Hello, {0} {1}!", firstName, secondName));