Refactor the following examples to produce code with well-named C# identifiers:
class class_123 { const int max_count=6; class InClass_class_123 { void Метод_нА_class_InClass_class_123(bool promenliva) { string promenlivaKatoString=promenliva.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(promenlivaKatoString); } } public static void Метод_За_Вход() { class_123.InClass_class_123 инстанция = new class_123.InClass_class_123(); инстанция.Метод_нА_class_InClass_class_123(true); } }
Refactor the following examples to produce code with well-named identifiers in C#:
class Hauptklasse { enum Пол { ултра_Батка, Яка_Мацка }; class чуек { public Пол пол { get; set; } public string име_на_Чуека { get; set; } public int Възраст { get; set; } } public void Make_Чуек(int магическия_НомерНаЕДИНЧОВЕК) { чуек new_Чуек = new чуек(); new_Чуек.Възраст = магическия_НомерНаЕДИНЧОВЕК; if (магическия_НомерНаЕДИНЧОВЕК%2 == 0) { new_Чуек.име_на_Чуека = "Батката"; new_Чуек.пол = Пол.ултра_Батка; } else { new_Чуек.име_на_Чуека = "Мацето"; new_Чуек.пол = Пол.Яка_Мацка; } } }
Refactor the following examples to produce code with well-named identifiers in JavaScript
function _ClickON_TheButton( THE_event, argumenti) { var moqProzorec = window; var brauzyra = moqProzorec.navigator.appCodeName; var ism = brauzyra === "Mozilla"; if (ism) { alert("Yes"); } else { alert("No"); } }
Refactor and improve the naming in the C# source code. You are allowed to make other improvements in the code as well (not only naming) as well as to fix bugs.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace mini4ki { public class minite { public class tochki { string име; int то4ки; public string Име { get { return име; } set { име = value; } } public int То4ки { get { return то4ки; } set { то4ки = value; } } public tochki() { } public tochki(string име, int то4ки) { this.име = име; this.то4ки = то4ки; } } static void Main(string[] аргументи) { string komanda = string.Empty; char[,] poleto = create_igralno_pole(); char[,] bombite = slojibombite(); int broya4 = 0; bool grum = false; List<tochki> shampion4eta = new List<tochki>(6); int red = 0; int kolona = 0; bool flag = true; const int maks = 35; bool flag2 = false; do { if (flag) { Console.WriteLine("Hajde da igraem na “Mini4KI”. Probvaj si kasmeta da otkriesh poleteta bez mini4ki." + " Komanda 'top' pokazva klasiraneto, 'restart' po4va nova igra, 'exit' izliza i hajde 4ao!"); dumpp(poleto); flag = false; } Console.Write("Daj red i kolona : "); komanda = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (komanda.Length >= 3) { if (int.TryParse(komanda[0].ToString(), out red) && int.TryParse(komanda[2].ToString(), out kolona) && red <= poleto.GetLength(0) && kolona <= poleto.GetLength(1)) { komanda = "turn"; } } switch (komanda) { case "top": klasacia(shampion4eta); break; case "restart": poleto = create_igralno_pole(); bombite = slojibombite(); dumpp(poleto); grum = false; flag = false; break; case "exit": Console.WriteLine("4a0, 4a0, 4a0!"); break; case "turn": if (bombite[red, kolona] != '*') { if (bombite[red, kolona] == '-') { tisinahod(poleto, bombite, red, kolona); broya4++; } if (maks == broya4) { flag2 = true; } else { dumpp(poleto); } } else { grum = true; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("\nGreshka! nevalidna Komanda\n"); break; } if (grum) { dumpp(bombite); Console.Write("\nHrrrrrr! Umria gerojski s {0} to4ki. " + "Daj si niknejm: ", broya4); string niknejm = Console.ReadLine(); tochki t = new tochki(niknejm, broya4); if (shampion4eta.Count < 5) { shampion4eta.Add(t); } else { for (int i = 0; i < shampion4eta.Count; i++) { if (shampion4eta[i].То4ки < t.То4ки) { shampion4eta.Insert(i, t); shampion4eta.RemoveAt(shampion4eta.Count - 1); break; } } } shampion4eta.Sort((tochki r1, tochki r2) => r2.Име.CompareTo(r1.Име)); shampion4eta.Sort((tochki r1, tochki r2) => r2.То4ки.CompareTo(r1.То4ки)); klasacia(shampion4eta); poleto = create_igralno_pole(); bombite = slojibombite(); broya4 = 0; grum = false; flag = true; } if (flag2) { Console.WriteLine("\nBRAVOOOS! Otvri 35 kletki bez kapka kryv."); dumpp(bombite); Console.WriteLine("Daj si imeto, batka: "); string imeee = Console.ReadLine(); tochki to4kii = new tochki(imeee, broya4); shampion4eta.Add(to4kii); klasacia(shampion4eta); poleto = create_igralno_pole(); bombite = slojibombite(); broya4 = 0; flag2 = false; flag = true; } } while (komanda != "exit"); Console.WriteLine("Made in Bulgaria - Uauahahahahaha!"); Console.WriteLine("AREEEEEEeeeeeee."); Console.Read(); } private static void klasacia(List<tochki> to4kii) { Console.WriteLine("\nTo4KI:"); if (to4kii.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < to4kii.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1} --> {2} kutii", i + 1, to4kii[i].Име, to4kii[i].То4ки); } Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("prazna klasaciq!\n"); } } private static void tisinahod(char[,] POLE, char[,] BOMBI, int RED, int KOLONA) { char kolkoBombi = kolko(BOMBI, RED, KOLONA); BOMBI[RED, KOLONA] = kolkoBombi; POLE[RED, KOLONA] = kolkoBombi; } private static void dumpp(char[,] board) { int RRR = board.GetLength(0); int KKK = board.GetLength(1); Console.WriteLine("\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"); Console.WriteLine(" ---------------------"); for (int i = 0; i < RRR; i++) { Console.Write("{0} | ", i); for (int j = 0; j < KKK; j++) { Console.Write(string.Format("{0} ", board[i, j])); } Console.Write("|"); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(" ---------------------\n"); } private static char[,] create_igralno_pole() { int boardRows = 5; int boardColumns = 10; char[,] board = new char[boardRows, boardColumns]; for (int i = 0; i < boardRows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < boardColumns; j++) { board[i, j] = '?'; } } return board; } private static char[,] slojibombite() { int Редове = 5; int Колони = 10; char[,] игрално_поле = new char[Редове, Колони]; for (int i = 0; i < Редове; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Колони; j++) { игрално_поле[i, j] = '-'; } } List<int> r3 = new List<int>(); while (r3.Count < 15) { Random random = new Random(); int asfd = random.Next(50); if (!r3.Contains(asfd)) { r3.Add(asfd); } } foreach (int i2 in r3) { int kol = (i2 / Колони); int red = (i2 % Колони); if (red == 0 && i2 != 0) { kol--; red = Колони; } else { red++; } игрално_поле[kol, red - 1] = '*'; } return игрално_поле; } private static void smetki(char[,] pole) { int kol = pole.GetLength(0); int red = pole.GetLength(1); for (int i = 0; i < kol; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < red; j++) { if (pole[i, j] != '*') { char kolkoo = kolko(pole, i, j); pole[i, j] = kolkoo; } } } } private static char kolko(char[,] r, int rr, int rrr) { int brojkata = 0; int reds = r.GetLength(0); int kols = r.GetLength(1); if (rr - 1 >= 0) { if (r[rr - 1, rrr] == '*') { brojkata++; } } if (rr + 1 < reds) { if (r[rr + 1, rrr] == '*') { brojkata++; } } if (rrr - 1 >= 0) { if (r[rr, rrr - 1] == '*') { brojkata++; } } if (rrr + 1 < kols) { if (r[rr, rrr + 1] == '*') { brojkata++; } } if ((rr - 1 >= 0) && (rrr - 1 >= 0)) { if (r[rr - 1, rrr - 1] == '*') { brojkata++; } } if ((rr - 1 >= 0) && (rrr + 1 < kols)) { if (r[rr - 1, rrr + 1] == '*') { brojkata++; } } if ((rr + 1 < reds) && (rrr - 1 >= 0)) { if (r[rr + 1, rrr - 1] == '*') { brojkata++; } } if ((rr + 1 < reds) && (rrr + 1 < kols)) { if (r[rr + 1, rrr + 1] == '*') { brojkata++; } } return char.Parse(brojkata.ToString()); } } }