diff --git a/src/commands/experiments-list.ts b/src/commands/experiments-list.ts
index 9de6b6bab78..b9e3688f7fe 100644
--- a/src/commands/experiments-list.ts
+++ b/src/commands/experiments-list.ts
@@ -4,22 +4,26 @@ import * as experiments from "../experiments";
 import { partition } from "../functional";
 import { logger } from "../logger";
-export const command = new Command("experiments:list").action(() => {
-  const table = new Table({
-    head: ["Enabled", "Name", "Description"],
-    style: { head: ["yellow"] },
-  });
-  const [enabled, disabled] = partition(Object.entries(experiments.ALL_EXPERIMENTS), ([name]) => {
-    return experiments.isEnabled(name as experiments.ExperimentName);
-  });
-  for (const [name, exp] of enabled) {
-    table.push(["y", name, exp.shortDescription]);
-  }
-  for (const [name, exp] of disabled) {
-    if (!exp.public) {
-      continue;
+export const command = new Command("experiments:list")
+  .description(
+    "list all experiments, along with a description of each experiment and whether it is currently enabled"
+  )
+  .action(() => {
+    const table = new Table({
+      head: ["Enabled", "Name", "Description"],
+      style: { head: ["yellow"] },
+    });
+    const [enabled, disabled] = partition(Object.entries(experiments.ALL_EXPERIMENTS), ([name]) => {
+      return experiments.isEnabled(name as experiments.ExperimentName);
+    });
+    for (const [name, exp] of enabled) {
+      table.push(["y", name, exp.shortDescription]);
-    table.push(["n", name, exp.shortDescription]);
-  }
-  logger.info(table.toString());
+    for (const [name, exp] of disabled) {
+      if (!exp.public) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      table.push(["n", name, exp.shortDescription]);
+    }
+    logger.info(table.toString());
+  });