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This library has currently two classes of solvers: exact solvers and heuristics.

All solvers require at least a distance_matrix as input, which is an n x n numpy array containing the distance matrix for a problem with n nodes. This matrix can contain integers or floats and does not need to be symmetric. Other properties specific to each solver will be detailed below.

All of them also return a permutation of integers from 0 to n containing the best route found, plus a number indicating the route cost.

Exact solvers

These are methods that always return the optimal solution of a problem. Their time requirements grow exponentially with the problem size, so use them in relatively small instances, wherein "small" depends on your resources. Problems with less than 15 nodes may be solvable in less than a few minutes.

Brute Force

This method checks all route permutations and returns the one with least cost. For a problem with n nodes, assuming the first one is fixed by the definition of the TSP, there are (n - 1)! total permutations, and this grows (even faster than) exponentially with n.

from python_tsp.exact import solve_tsp_brute_force

xopt, fopt = solve_tsp_brute_force(distance_matrix)

Dynamic Programming

A Dynamic programming approach. It is faster than the Brute Force but may require more memory, which is controlled by the maxsize parameter. When in doubt, leave it as default.

from python_tsp.exact import solve_tsp_dynamic_programming

xopt, fopt = solve_tsp_dynamic_programming(distance_matrix, maxsize=None)
  Parameter passed to ``lru_cache`` decorator. Used to define the maximum
  size for the recursion tree. Defaults to `None`, which essentially
  means "take as much space as needed".

Branch and Bound

A Branch and Bound approach, which may be more scalable than previous methods and not grow in time as fast as them. Courtesy of @luanleonardo.

from python_tsp.exact import solve_tsp_branch_and_bound

xopt, fopt = solve_tsp_branch_and_bound(distance_matrix)

Heuristic solvers

A rigorous definition of a heuristic can vary in different situations, but they can be viewed as algorithms that have no guarantees of finding the best solution, but usually return a good enough candidate in a more reasonable time for larger problems. So, if the exact solvers are unusable due to large processing time, these methods can be a good alternative.

All of the heuristics here use some form of neighborhood search or perturbation scheme. Both terms can be understood as synonyms: given a current permutation of nodes x, we apply a perturbation -- effectively changing their order -- and obtain a new permutation x', which can be viewed as its "neighbor".

The perturbation schemes currently available are:

  • two_opt: the well-known 2-opt;
  • ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4, ps5 and ps6: the PSX schemes work directly in the permutation space as shown in the figure below. Among these, the 2-opt is very close to the PS5 and it works very well in most instances, but sometimes other schemes may yield better results because their neighborhoods are different.


Local Search

Given a starting permutation, it creates new neighbors until no more neighbors are better than the current one, in which case we say it is a local optimum.

Notice this local optimum may be different for distinct perturbation schemes and, of course, it may not be (most likely in large problems) the same as the global optimum.

from python_tsp.heuristics import solve_tsp_local_search

xopt, fopt = solve_tsp_local_search(
    distance_matrix: np.ndarray,
    x0: Optional[List[int]] = None,
    perturbation_scheme: str = "two_opt",
    max_processing_time: Optional[float] = None,
    log_file: Optional[str] = None,
    verbose: bool = False,
    Distance matrix of shape (n x n) with the (i, j) entry indicating the
    distance from node i to j

    Initial permutation. If not provided, it starts with a random path

perturbation_scheme {"ps1", "ps2", "ps3", "ps4", "ps5", "ps6", ["two_opt"]}
    Mechanism used to generate new solutions. Defaults to "two_opt"

max_processing_time {None}
    Maximum processing time in seconds. If not provided, the method stops
    only when a local minimum is obtained

    If not `None`, creates a log file with details about the whole

    If true, prints algorithm status every iteration

Simulated Annealing

An implementation of the Simulated Annealing metaheuristic. For users who do not care about its metaphor, it is enough to know that, being a metaheuristic, it may be slower, but it has better chances of avoiding getting trapped in local minima.

from python_tsp.heuristics import solve_tsp_simulated_annealing

xopt, fopt = solve_tsp_simulated_annealing(
    distance_matrix: np.ndarray,
    x0: Optional[List[int]] = None,
    perturbation_scheme: str = "two_opt",
    alpha: float = 0.9,
    max_processing_time: Optional[float] = None,
    log_file: Optional[str] = None,
    verbose: bool = False,
    Distance matrix of shape (n x n) with the (i, j) entry indicating the
    distance from node i to j

    Initial permutation. If not provided, it starts with a random path

perturbation_scheme {"ps1", "ps2", "ps3", "ps4", "ps5", "ps6", ["two_opt"]}
    Mechanism used to generate new solutions. Defaults to "two_opt"

    Reduction factor (``alpha`` < 1) used to reduce the temperature. As a
    rule of thumb, 0.99 takes longer but may return better solutions, while
    0.9 is faster but may not be as good. A good approach is to use 0.9
    (as default) and if required run the returned solution with a local

max_processing_time {None}
    Maximum processing time in seconds. If not provided, the method stops
    only when there were 3 temperature cycles with no improvement.

log_file {None}
    If not `None`, creates a log file with details about the whole

verbose {False}
    If true, prints algorithm status every iteration

Lin and Kernighan

One of the most effective neighborhoods for the TSP is due to Lin and Kernighan. It is based on an ejection chain.

A starting solution is transformed into an object called a reference structure. The last is not a proper solution, but it can easily be transformed either into other reference structures or into feasible solutions. The starting solution is disrupted by the ejection of one of its components to obtain a reference structure which can also be transformed by the ejection of another component. This chain of ejections ends either when a better solution than the starting one has been identified or when all the elements to eject have been tested.

If an improving solution is discovered, the process is reiterated from it. Otherwise, the chain is initiated by trying to eject another item from the initial solution. The process stops when all possible chain initializations have been vainly tried. To prevent an endless process, it is forbidden either to add an item previously ejected to the reference structure or to propagate the chain by ejecting an element that was added to the reference structure.

A basic Lin and Kernighan implementation is provided. It can be said that the quality of the solutions found by the implementation is equivalent to the other metaheuristics presented, with the advantage of being much faster.

from python_tsp.heuristics import solve_tsp_lin_kernighan

xopt, fopt = solve_tsp_lin_kernighan(
    distance_matrix: np.ndarray,
    x0: Optional[List[int]] = None,
    log_file: Optional[str] = None,
    verbose: bool = False,
    Distance matrix of shape (n x n) with the (i, j) entry indicating the
    distance from node i to j

    Initial permutation. If not provided, it starts with a random path.

    If not `None`, creates a log file with details about the whole

    If true, prints algorithm status every iteration.

Record to Record

Implementation of a record-to-record method. The solution is disturbed by performing two random swaps in the best solution achieved. The method for repairing a perturbed solution is an ejection chain, done with our implementation of the Lin-Kernighan heuristic. The originally proposed method includes an additional parameter: a tolerance value of a possible degradation of the solution obtained after the local search. The implementation provided here would therefore correspond to zero tolerance.

Depending on the max_iterations parameter set, very high quality solutions can be obtained very quickly. This parameter is more experimental than the others, experiment with values according to your needs.

from python_tsp.heuristics import solve_tsp_record_to_record

xopt, fopt = solve_tsp_record_to_record(
    distance_matrix: np.ndarray,
    x0: Optional[List[int]] = None,
    max_iterations: Optional[int] = None,
    log_file: Optional[str] = None,
    verbose: bool = False,
    Distance matrix of shape (n x n) with the (i, j) entry indicating the
    distance from node i to j

    Initial permutation. If not provided, it starts with a random path.

    The maximum number of iterations for the algorithm. If not specified,
    it defaults to the number of nodes in the distance matrix.

    If not `None`, creates a log file with details about the whole

    If true, prints algorithm status every iteration.