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Filip Hallqvist edited this page Jul 17, 2017 · 9 revisions

NOTE: This Wiki is only for versions < 1.0.0. For 1.0.0 docs, refer to


Promise getPositions()

Fetches and formats all positions currently held by the user.


Request getOverview()

Fetches an overview of the accounts of the current user. Response includes financial data such as total balance, per-account balance, profit etc.


Request getDealsAndOrders()

Fetches recent (last 24 hours) transactions made and orders placed by the current user.


Request getWatchlists()

Fetches all watchlists created by the current user.


Request addToWatchlist(
    string instrumentId,
    string watchlistId

Adds an instrument to the specified watchlist.


Request getStock(
    string id

Fetches detailed information about a stock.


Request getFund(
    string id

Fetches detailed information about a mutual fund.


Request getOrderbook(
    string id,
    string type

Fetches detailed information about the orderbook of a given instrument. Note that both id and type is required.


Request getOrderbooks(
    array ids

Fetches general information about the orderbook belonging to the each id.


Request placeOrder(
    object options

Places an order and returns a requestId belonging to that order. This kind (I.E. not the Avanza.Request) of request is what later leads to an actual order. See checkOrder and deleteOrder for more details.


Request checkOrder(
    string accountId,
    string requestId

Fetches detailed information about a request. The method itself is somewhat wrongfully named, since it looks up a request rather than an order, but in practice they're both the same.


Request deleteOrder(
    string accountId,
    string orderId

Deletes an order.


Request search(
    string query,
    string type

Searches for instruments by name, returning a maximum of 20 results. It's possible to narrow down the search by also specifying type.


Promise authenticate(
    object credentials,
    boolean force

Tries to authenticate a user and saves the state on success (if it's successful the first time it's called, it won't even bother sending a request to the server the next time). This method must be called before being able to use any of the other methods.


void on(
    string event,
    function callback

Valid events are init which passes the newly created instance, and authenticate which is run on successful authentication and passes nothing.