TEXT console colorSet definition (done)
TEXT console colorSet changing routine (done) / made a fake monochrome LCD colorSet
- make a BdosCall to change colorset ... (done)
TEXT conditional space char rendering (done)
TEXT smoother scrolling (line per line erasing)
lower layout (w/ addditional Teensy3.2 3.3v) (in progress)
REFACTO BdosCalls & VT-EXT (done)
GFX Pascal Demo (benchmark : loop for drawing rectangles as ex.) (in progress)
In Progress or Done
TTY emulation on TFT Screen (done)
tinyFont 3x5 => 4x6 => @320x240 => 80x40 chars
regular font 6x8 => 53x30 chars
ILI9341_t3n scrolling impl. is very slow for now
- when no scrolling & screen overflow : seems to deadlock the teensy
- have to make a console in RAM (80x30 gives 3200 bytes) [in progress & working]
- use that cls/write abstraction to provide VT100 escape chars emulation ?
- ^C // \b // \t // \r \n
- cls
- color
- locate ? / bold ? (could be just diff color)
- if text has attribs I'll have to store those
- by spans / by chars :-( => on WSL & ubuntu that chars attrs seems to be ignored ....
- as memseg is 1590 or 3200 -> I choosed to double it & make an attribMap
- not the better idea but have enought RAM & faster solution
1st, try a benchmark :
- allocate memseg (1590 bytes for 53x30) [v]
- fill all w/ a character [v]
- display whole mem-console [v]
- try to scroll [v]
- see rendering time [nearly good]
then try bigger memseg that screen caps (DONE)
- ex. 80x25 on 53x25
- just for compatibility of softwares display
try to find the tinyFont for that lib (DONE)
Xtase handle inside CP/M code
find main loop
insert a call to one mine functions xts_hdl()
prevent from need of an Interrupt / Timer...
beware if cycles emulation ....
for System MENU (rather make CP/M pausing while UI)
Ext. Hardware functions ...
done once per operation (not cycle emulation)
Pascal (VT100Ex) extensions (see XTASE.PAS)
cls (done)
locate row,col (done)
erase till end of line
BeginColor (done)
EndColor (done)
play('abcd') (done)
Define a change FG,BG text colors routine
add ifWasChar before rendering 'space' chars
Pascal online compiller + console https://rextester.com/l/pascal_online_compiler https://www.jdoodle.com/execute-pascal-online
Z: Assets filename completion routine (done)
- char* getAssetsFileEntry(char* assetName)
BMP Support :
before : Le croquis utilise 96188 octets (9%) de l'espace de stockage de programmes. Le maximum est de 1048576 octets. Les variables globales utilisent 85148 octets (32%) de mémoire dynamique, ce qui laisse 176996 octets pour les variables locales. Le maximum est de 262144 octets.
after : Le croquis utilise 97364 octets (9%) de l'espace de stockage de programmes. Le maximum est de 1048576 octets. Les variables globales utilisent 85148 octets (32%) de mémoire dynamique, ce qui laisse 176996 octets pour les variables locales. Le maximum est de 262144 octets.
done (minimal)
have to support smaller BMP w/ location (& no screen rotation)
BPP & PCT support
- todo
Only one showImage() routine w/ file ext. detection (.BMP, .PCT, .BPP)
- started in Bdoscall for drawing wallpapers
Console Mode Switcher (DONE)
- 40 to 80 cols
- (80 cols current font doesn't have lowerCase chars)
- make a BDOS interrupt entry ... (maybe later)
- or make a specific esc char sequence ( 0x7F 127 (seems that console is 7bits per default) )
- can use
$> ? chr$ (127) with mBASIC
- can use
VTxx emulation
not really as simple as that ...
B1 =====> try : will begin color
C1 =====> try : will end color****
26 is CLS
- TURBO (Pascal) works (even if could be better)
- OS works
- TURBO inside editor doesn't works very well (try Ctrl k + d to exit)
- cause some different escapes
in Progress
- TextEditor (nearly OK)
small BASIC script to handle VTxx
- ? chr$(7) BELL
- ? chr$(26) CLS
- ? chr$(127) CONSOLE/MODE
- ? chr$(27)+"B1"+"C"chr$(27)+"C1"+"oucou"
Keyboard support
Vtech Mobigo Keyboard
integrate it in XtsCPM (done)
done but too slow
may be do the poll on TimerInterrupt ???? (tried... : to improve...)
- better times but buzzer ~blinks
Microsoft XBOX 360 Chatpad (now works - french layout)
stdIO handling (Serial IN / Chatpad IN -- Serial OUT / TFT OUT)
- BOTH are treated w/ same priority for now
Spe keys
will need to have a CTRL like key (ex. for TE)
greenSquare & redCircle are all used to make speChars
no ESC key // a bckSp key
have a -peopleKey- that could emulate CTRL Key
may -peopleKey- + [<-] could do ESC
then -peopleKey- + [->] could do another spe key
maybe YATL specific hdl :
cpm.h l. 736
free Bdos hooks (225-229 inclusive are free)
Z machine for CPM
- http://www.z80.eu/adventures.html
- have Zork1 on D:
Pascal & realted resources
Buzzer support
- 7 make bell tone
to " play 'a#bbca' " could use a tty escSeq ?
- T5K uses the following format => 5KB / 3 => ~1700 notes (have headers)
T53 uses =>
to play "MARIO.T53" could have something like : ? chr$(27)+ "$" + "MARIO.T53" +"!" ? chr$(27)+ "$" + "MONKEY.T5K" +"!" ? chr$(27)+ "$" + "A#BBCD" +"!" (done)
limited this system to 64 bytes !
by default : it will lock the system while playing
later : make a Threaded version (/!\ with delay(..) & Timers )
LED support
Usefull commands
PIP B:ED.COM=A:ED.COM Copy the disk file "ED.COM" from disk "A" to the file "ED.COM" on disk "B". The source file and the destination file will use the current user area code. A shorter form of the command could be used because the destination file name is the same as the source file name.
PIP B:=A:ED.COM A short version of the previous example.