How do I output to a file I can read from while FFmpeg is still decoding? #486
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Hey @Konglomneshued, do you found a way to solve your problem? |
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In-browser transcoding of video files with FFmpeg and WebAssembly The method described in the above linked article seems applicable. Specifically the section quoted below. I plan on trying this method soon. Creating a Streaming TranscoderTranscoding large files can take a little while. For a bit of fun, let’s take a look at how you can transcode the file into segments, incrementally adding them to the video buffer. |
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I tested a method similar to the method in the link I posted. Unfortunately I could not access the ffmpeg filesystem at all while an ffmpeg.exec() command is running. |
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I am not sure what your reason is for accessing the output while it is in progress but I have found an interesting, but somewhat limited way of doing it. I have managed to play the output on a video element while transcoding is still in progress. Speed could be better and I tried a few things to speed it up. The code can use multiple ffmpeg instances in parallel to process the video in chunks and output fragmented mp4 segments for a MediaSource SourceBuffer. It can also use WORKERFS if available so all of the ffmpeg instances share access to the source video without multiple copies. I did have some issues getting it to work with some videos if I did not disable audio output (-an argument in ffmpeg command.) I am assuming I just need to find a compatible format to transcode to but I am still looking into it. The transcoding speed makes playback pause often while waiting for new segments. Source code<html>
<script src="transcode.parallel.js"></script>
<video autoplay muted id="video-result" controls></video><br />
<button disabled id="load-button">Load ffmpeg-core (~31 MB)</button><br />
<!-- <button style="display: none;" disabled id="select-input-button">Transcode local file</button> -->
<input disabled type="file" id="local-file" accept=".mp4,.m4v,.webm,.avi,.mkv,.mov,.wmv" /><br />
<p id="log-div"></p>
</html> "use strict";
var ffmpegCount = 2;
var chunkDurationSize = 5;
var useMultiThreadIfAvailable = false;
var useWorkerFSIfAvailable = true;
var ffmpegs = [];
var loadBtn = null;
var logDiv = null;
var videoEl = null;
var localFileInput = null;
const baseURLFFMPEG = 'ffmpeg-wasm/ffmpeg';
const baseURLCore = 'ffmpeg-wasm/core';
const baseURLCoreMT = 'ffmpeg-wasm/core-mt';
const workerBFSLoaderURL = 'worker.loader.js';
const toBlobURL = async (url, mimeType) => {
var resp = await fetch(url);
var body = await resp.blob();
var blob = new Blob([body], { type: mimeType });
return URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const load = async () => {
loadBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true);
const ffmpegBlobURL = await toBlobURL(`${baseURLFFMPEG}/ffmpeg.js`, 'text/javascript');
await import(ffmpegBlobURL);
var loadConfig = null;
if (useMultiThreadIfAvailable && window.crossOriginIsolated) {
loadConfig = {
workerLoadURL: await toBlobURL(`${baseURLFFMPEG}/814.ffmpeg.js`, 'text/javascript'),
coreURL: await toBlobURL(`${baseURLCoreMT}/ffmpeg-core.js`, 'text/javascript'),
wasmURL: await toBlobURL(`${baseURLCoreMT}/ffmpeg-core.wasm`, 'application/wasm'),
workerURL: await toBlobURL(`${baseURLCoreMT}/ffmpeg-core.worker.js`, 'application/javascript'),
} else {
loadConfig = {
workerLoadURL: await toBlobURL(`${baseURLFFMPEG}/814.ffmpeg.js`, 'text/javascript'),
coreURL: await toBlobURL(`${baseURLCore}/ffmpeg-core.js`, 'text/javascript'),
wasmURL: await toBlobURL(`${baseURLCore}/ffmpeg-core.wasm`, 'application/wasm'),
var tasks = [];
while (ffmpegs.length < ffmpegCount) {
let ffmpeg = new FFmpegWASM.FFmpeg();
await Promise.all(tasks);
console.log('ffmpeg cores loaded:', ffmpegCount);
window._ffmpeg0 = ffmpegs[0];
const getMetadata = (inputFile) => {
let ffmpeg = ffmpegs[0];
return new Promise((resolve) => {
var log = '';
var metadataLogger = ({ message }) => {
log += message;
if (message.indexOf('Aborted()') > -1) {'log', metadataLogger);
ffmpeg.on('log', metadataLogger);
ffmpeg.exec(["-i", inputFile]);
const getDuration = async (inputFile) => {
var metadata = await getMetadata(inputFile);
var patt = /Duration:\s*([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}.[0-9]{0,2})/gm
var m = patt.exec(metadata);
return !m ? 0 : (m[1] * 3600) + (m[2] * 60) + (m[3] * 1);
const transcodeLocalFileInputToMediaSource = async () => {
let files = localFileInput.files;
let file = files.length ? files[0] : null;
if (!file) return;
localFileInput.setAttribute('disabled', true);
await transcodeFileToMediaSource(file);
const transcodeFileToMediaSource = async (file) => {
console.log('file', file);
const inputDir = '/input';
const inputFile = `${inputDir}/${}`;
console.log('inputFile', inputFile);
// mount the input file in each ffmpeg instance
// (custom ffmpeg build with WORKERFS enabled)
var useWorkerFS = ffmpegs[0].mount && ffmpegs[0].unmount && useWorkerFSIfAvailable;
await Promise.all( (ffmpeg) => {
await ffmpeg.createDir(inputDir);
if (useWorkerFS) {
await ffmpeg.mount('WORKERFS', { files: [file] }, inputDir);
} else {
await ffmpeg.writeFile(inputFile, new Uint8Array(await file.arrayBuffer()))
var duration = await getDuration(inputFile);
if (duration > 0) {
const mimeCodec = 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.64001f"';
const mediaSource = new MediaSource();
var mediaSourceURL = '';
var jobs = [];
const getCompletedJob = (i) => {
if (i >= jobs.length) return null;
var job = jobs[i];
if (job.state != 'done') {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
job.oncomplete = () => resolve(job);
} else {
return Promise.resolve(job);
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', async (e) => {
console.log('sourceopen', mediaSource.readyState); //
if (mediaSource.readyState != 'open') {
mediaSource.duration = duration;
var sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(mimeCodec);
sourceBuffer.mode = 'sequence';
var ii = 0;
sourceBuffer.addEventListener("updateend", async () => {
console.log('updateend', mediaSource.readyState); // ended
if (mediaSource.readyState != 'open') {
var job = await getCompletedJob(ii++);
if (!job) {
} else {
var job = await getCompletedJob(ii++);
}, { once: true });
var index = 0;
var durationLeft = duration;
var chunkStart = 0;
while (chunkStart < duration) {
let chunkDuration = durationLeft > chunkDurationSize ? chunkDurationSize : durationLeft;
id: index,
chunkStart: chunkStart,
chunkDuration: chunkDuration,
state: 'queued', // queued, running, done
outputData: null,
oncomplete: null,
chunkStart += chunkDuration;
mediaSourceURL = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);
videoEl.src = mediaSourceURL;
var jobQueue = []; => jobQueue.push(job));
await Promise.all( (ffmpeg) => {
let job = null;
const onprogress = (ev) => {
if (!job) return;
job.progress = ev.progress;
console.log(`Segment progress: ${} ${job.progress}`);
const onlog = (ev) => {
if (!job) return;
logDiv.innerHTML = ev.message;
console.log(`Segment log: ${}`, ev.message);
ffmpeg.on('progress', onprogress);
ffmpeg.on('log', onlog);
while (jobQueue.length) {
job = jobQueue.shift();
job.state = 'running';
console.log(`Segment start: ${} ${job.chunkStart} ${job.chunkDuration}`);
//await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000));
const outputFile = `/output.${}.mp4`;
await ffmpeg.exec([
"-loglevel", "error",
"-i", inputFile,
//"-vf", "scale=iw/4:ih/4",
//"-movflags", "frag_keyframe+empty_moov+default_base_moof",
"-movflags", "faststart+frag_every_frame+empty_moov+default_base_moof",
"-ss", `${job.chunkStart}`,
"-t", `${job.chunkDuration}`,
"-preset", "ultrafast",
try {
job.outputData = await ffmpeg.readFile(outputFile);
} catch {
console.log('Error reading output video');
job.state = 'done';
console.log(`Segment done: ${} ${job.chunkStart} ${job.chunkDuration}`);
if (job.oncomplete) job.oncomplete();
try {
await ffmpeg.deleteFile(outputFile);
} catch {
console.log('Error deleting output video');
}'progress', onprogress);'log', onlog);
await Promise.all( (ffmpeg) => {
if (useWorkerFS){
await ffmpeg.unmount(inputDir);
await ffmpeg.deleteDir(inputDir);
addEventListener("load", async (event) => {
localFileInput = document.querySelector('#local-file');
localFileInput.addEventListener('change', async () => await transcodeLocalFileInputToMediaSource());
loadBtn = document.querySelector('#load-button');
loadBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => await load());
logDiv = document.querySelector('#log-div');
videoEl = document.querySelector('#video-result');
console.log('window loaded');
}); |
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I'm trying to play unsupported audio formats by using FFmpeg to convert them. It takes too long to convert a whole file and then play it, so I was trying to convert it and output to an audio tag.
I tried setting up NodeJS streams to read the original file, then I converted each chunk with FFmpeg and wrote to a decode file. This didn't work, the audio wouldn't start playing. And it takes way longer to create a new FFmpeg instance for each chunk than converting the whole file.
Is there a way I can output the conversion to a file I can immediately access?
Or is there a way I can simply decode the file without converting it and use it in an audio tag?
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