In the RON world, a replicated data type (RDT) is simultaneously:
- a CmRDT, or op-based RDT
- a CvRDT, i. e. a semilattice, or state-based RDT
In other words, it must be representable both as a set of operations changing a value and as a value itself.
type must identify object type and reducer function. Different op types corresponding to the same RDT must have the same type field.
E. g. RGA type offers operations Add and Remove, both are encoded with
op type and are differentiated by other means. -
object must identify object.
An RDT must provide the single op representation.
A single (unreduced) op is represented as a RON raw op chunks
*type #object @event :ref payload ;
The pair (event, ref) must be unique within ops of the same type and object.
If op₁ causally precedes op₂
op₁ ≺ op₂
then their events must be increasing:
event(op₁) < event(op₂)
Particularly, if a local clock is used to generate events, it may be needed to increase their values a bit to generate a causally-connected event.
An RDT must provide the value representation.
A reduced value must be represented as a reduced chunk of such structure:
Chunk header
*type #object @version :ref !
version must be not less than event of any ops causally preceding this value.
version should be equal to the maximum event of all ops causally preceding this value.
If a concrete RDT doesn't specify version it is calculated as the maximum event of contained ops.
version must be greater than version of all values causally preceding this value.
ref must be 0.
followed by zero or more ops
*type #object @event :ref payload ,
- type and object must be equal to the type and object of the chunk header.
An RDT may provide the patch representation. A patch may be considered as an op batch, or as a partial value.
A reduced patch must be represented as a reduced chunk of such structure:
Chunk header
*type #object @version :ref !
version must be not less than event of any ops causally preceding this patch.
version should be equal to the maximum event of all ops causally preceding this patch.
If a concrete RDT doesn't specify version it is calculated as the maximum event of contained ops.
ref must not be 0.
ref should be equal to the minimum event of all ops causally preceding this value.
If a concrete RDT doesn't specify ref it is calculated as the minimum event of contained ops.
followed by zero or more ops
*type #object @event :ref payload ,
- type and object must be equal to the type and object of the chunk header.
An RDT must provide reduce function(s):
CvRDT reduction:
(value, value) -> value
CmRDT application:
(value, op) -> value
May be partial, if an op is not applicable.
If an RDT supports patches, then an additional reduction function is required:
Patch application:
(value, patch) -> value
(CvRDT partial value reduction, or CmRDT batch op application)
May be partial, if a patch is not applicable.
If an RDT supports patches, then an additional reduction function may be provided:
Patch reduction:
(List<patch>, List<op>) -> (List<patch>, List<op>)
Should reduce several patches in one and ops into patches if possible.