Releases: ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research
Ferram Aerospace Research v0.14.5.1
Add Reynolds Number readout to main flight GUI
Adjust skin friction drag for rarefied atmosphere
Fix Stab Deriv GUI from breaking for altitudes above atmosphere
Fix flaps and spoilers not functioning with negative deflections
Ferram Aerospace Research v0.14.5
Skin friction drag now varies with Reynolds number; this means much higher skin friction drags at higher altitudes
Added simple attempt at handling hydrodynamic effects; not detailed, but objects in oceans move much less
Added color changing options for colorblind users
Tweak flap and spoiler deflection functions
Give spoilers faster deflection coefficients
Update to ModuleManager 2.5.4
Removed spontaneous aero-spline warp drive in some Linux64 versions
Ferram Aerospace Research v0.14.4.1
Added changes to blunt body drag to make command pods more stable on reentry
Attempt to account for most inaccurate effects of part clipping
NOTE: This release is intended to support Realism Overhaul until it is 0.90 compatible; this release is NOT 0.90 compatible
Neophyte's Elementary Aerodynamics Replacement v1.3.1
Upgrade to ModuleManager v2.5.4
0.90 compatibility
Ferram Aerospace Research v0.14.4
Default ActionGroups now controlled throuhg dropdown menus rather than string entry
Stability Deriv tab now takes entry in terms of planet, altitude and Mach Number, not density, temperature and Mach number
Stability Deriv tab now accounts for reduced gravity due to high speeds
Contributed by HoneyFox:
Pitch damper now has an additional gain for greater tuning
Control surfaces can now be set to deflect in response to local AoA changes
Control surfaces are not On/Off for a given control direction; can be scaled from -100% to 100% for each
Contributed by Bitronic:
Full Tweakscale Support
Fixed no shielding with some payload fairings (particularly resized procedural fairings)
Fixed aero tinting blocking tinting from other mods
Ferram Aerospace Research v0.14.3.2
Contributed by Da Michel:
Airspeed settings change readouts in cockpits
Fixed serious issues with the wing interaction code
Fixed an issue where wind velocity was applied in the opposite direction that was expected
Ferram Aerospace Research v0.14.3.1
Improved performance in editor and flight for vessel configuration changes
Flight GUI appears in mapview
Fixed neverending stall resulting from wing interactions with sudden changes in velocity vector direction
Fixed flight GUI issues when passing another vehicle
Ferram Aerospace Research v0.14.3
Refactored wing interaction code:
Wing interactions should be smoother
Code should be less processor intensive
Upgrade to ModuleManager v2.5.1
Added stall visualization to aero force visualization
Added ability to scale wing mass up or down for additional strength / weight savings (addedby NathanKell)
Improved cargo bay and payload fairing detection algorithm
Reduced intake drag
Decreased wing mass per area slightly
Fixed aero visualization leaving parachutes glowing brightly
Fixed some critical errors for when config files do not have values listed
Fixed an issue with AppLauncher buttons multiplying when KSP fails at loading a particular vessel
Neophyte's Elementary Aerodynamics Replacement v1.3
Upgrade to ModuleManager v2.5.1
Improved cargo bay and payload fairing detection algorithms
Tweaked intake drag
Ferram Aerospace Research, v0.14.2
0.25 compatibility, with stock support for SP+ parts
Upgrade CompatibilityChecker
Disable functions on CompatibilityChecker warnings
Prototype aero force visualization in flight
Removed vector from CoL indicator to reduce confusion
More Get functions for the FARAPI
Estimated range and endurance readouts in the Flight Data UI
See and dump FAR module data in the VAB / SPH using the Editor GUI
Some runtime optimizations
Contributed by Da Michel:
Implement separate deflection speeds for flaps / spoilers
Allow preferred default action groups for spoilers / flaps
Contributed by regex:
Add some RPM integration
Contributed by Ippo:
FARWind class for 3rd-party wind implementation
Fixed some vessel-switching FAR GUI issues
Fixed control surface reversal on undocking or backwards root part selection
Fixed some issues involving CoL position with wings when dealing with parts that have multiple colliders
Fixed some payload fairing and cargo bay part detection issues